Hello! I'm Chronos Apollonios, but enough about me.
This page will be constantly under development. Please return
often to see what's been added. Hopefully, it will be things far
out enough that you will like them greatly, you maybe just never
knew where to look. In the meantime, you can find my unusual,
optimistic, semi-educated and sometimes pained and opinionated
rants on various e-mail lists, and accumulated in
their list archives.
Chronos Apollonios advocates science, education, botany,
conservation, gardening, herbalism, The Doctrine of Signatures (also known as the Doctrine of Correspondences), alchemy, materialization, free energy, free thought, optimism,
skeptical inquiry, magick, paganism, occultism, Palingenics (Palingenesy),
Catoptromancy, shopping around for opinions, open mindedness,
holding as high as possible an opinion of your predecessors --and
their knowledge, skills, values and sensibilities--, treating
Star Trek technobabble as reality, charity, the right to life,
ressurection, immortality, and harming none,
including yourself.
Correspondence regarding this site and its issues can be
posted to chroniapolloni@yahoo.com
As of April, 1998, I am working on including material from my
posts to various lists during the last year including, and
especially, Occulthaven.
I will devote as much as possible my own time, effort, ideas and posts to the PHOENIX RISING Occult Discussion Forum and the monthly Phoenix Chronicles web magazine.
by sending a blank e-mail message to:
Please feel free to use material I have generated here as you
like. (You have my expressed permission to do anything with such
material except get rich off it and rub my nose in it...)
Note that links appearing here do not necessarily constitute
endorsement of ideas, products or services.
If you are aware of any essential links that have been omitted,
I'd be most pleased to have them brought to my attention. You can
leave them in the guestbook or write to me at the above working
Please note that I am intending to leave "dead" links listed.
This helps serve as a record that some fabulous resources that
have come and gone were ever even here. If you know that they
were, maybe you can figure out who still has the information
available. You might even talk to the authors about offering to
help keep them alive. This also keeps me from throwing out links
that only appear to be no longer good; some servers seem to give the "file not found" messages when congested, only to produce the requested page at a quieter hour. In the future, though, I hope to label those that are "dead" and those that appear to be,
for your convenience.
I have tried to make the pages relatively short (20k or less) out of respect to those who have browsers of limited capacity. If the page you are looking at exceeds this, you can expect it to be broken down into smaller pages as soon as possible. If you're using WebTV and you get the "this page is too big to be shown completely" message, you can try clearing out your browser by switching off and on again, or switching to another user and back again, and going directly to the page you are trying to view.
Although I have planned and promised in the very near future to make the original, "no-frills" pages also available for those who would prefer to read and print them without graphics, it's quickly proven that it may be unrealistic. With the latest additions of illustrations to these pages, the generous allotment of space provided by GeoCities is rapidly running out, and decisions will have to be made. Without foregoing non-graphics version of these pages, editing any "chit-chat" out of the "Chronos Chronicles", and other drastic concessions, even the long-intended and now much-delayed "Ganymede's Garden" project may not prove possible at all.
It's very important to me to provide illustrations, so you can see some of what I see, and so that you don't have to just take my word for things... and especially so you don't have to go trudging off to your local library at 3 a.m. in a blizzard just for a look!...
I hope to continue to provide these images along with text. My sincerest apologies to anyone who is inconvenienced or disappointed by this. If there is any way to provide that the users of these pages in general can somehow select such options for themselves, I will be happy to try to provide this as soon as time allows.
Peace & Brightest Blessings, and
Happy 1999 To All!
For many, many lifetimes, Chronos Apollonios may never have been the wisest of philosophers, but he has certainly been the most handsome (giggle)... and now, let's move a little closer to the truth... This is the image I'll eventually be adding to the upper left corner of all of the pages on this site, so you can tell where you are at a glance, and so there's a better sense of continuity to these pages. The Tarot images are also intended to serve this purpose, and they're chosen as carefully as possible to match the theme of the page. In a great many cases, their themes fit the great magickal archtypes, and you can include their content and context with the other images on the pages. Often, they are great sources of clues to the magick in question. Notice most often I spell "magic" with a "k"-"magick", because this is Aleister Crowley's invention to distinguish "occult" magick from stage magic. Especially with today's search engines, this standardization would be lovely, so those looking for occult material don't end up with thousands of pages on card tricks... and vice versa! Lastly, in case you were wondering, I use a lot of black backgrounds not because I'm pagan, or morbid, but believe it or not, it simply reminds me a lot of writing on a chalkboard, and I like it. Even I can only stand so much, however, so not all the pages have black backgrounds... which is one more reason for more use of distinguishing features that lend to the sense of continuity of these pages.
The Chronos Chronicles: My Posts to Occulthaven!!!
Chronos' Cornucopia (essays appearing specially at this site)
(Coming Soon!)
As of February 21, 1999, I am especially pleased to introduce these extremely special, exclusive pages of images of powerful evidence of life- probable human life- having existed on the planet Venus (I'm not kidding):
NEW! 2/21/1999 The Monuments of Venus, Part Two
NEW! 2/27/1999 The Monuments of Venus, Part Four (More New Images!!!)
NEW! 2/27/1999 The Monuments of Venus, Part Five (More New Images!!!)
NEW! 3/3/1998 The Monuments of Venus, Part Six (More New Images!!!)
NEW! 3/9/1998 The Monuments of Venus, Part Seven (More New Images!!!)
NEW! 3/9/1998 The Monuments of Venus, Part Eight (More New Images!!!)
NEW! 4/2/1999 SOLAR SYSTEM ANOMALIES: More Images of Anomalies from The Moon, Mars, Venus, and the Moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: An Entire Page of Links to Images not yet featured on these pages (That's right, compelling anomalies have now been spotted on as many as TWENTY bodies of the Solar System!!!!!)
NEW! 2/22/1999 The Monuments of Venus, Part Three: Comments and Speculations
NEW! 3/9/1998 The Earthly Counterparts of the Martian Face: Cydonia Faces in Southern Oregon?
NEW! 2/2/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 1
NEW! 2/2/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 2
NEW! 2/2/1999 & Updated 2/13/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 3
NEW! 2/2/1999 & Updated 2/13/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 4
NEW! 2/2/1999 & Updated 2/13/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 5
NEW! 2/2/1999 & Updated 2/13/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 6: Images of Mars
NEW! 2/2/1999 & Updated 2/13/1999 Secrets of the Templars, the Inklings, Nikola Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau, Part 7: Images of Mars, and Links
NEW! 1/21/1999 Perpetual Luminescence: The Undying Lights of the Ancients, Part One
NEW! 1/21/1999 Perpetual Luminescence: The Undying Lights of the Ancients, Part Two
NEW! 1/14/1999 The Holy Grail, Part Two: "The Mars Connection"
NEW! 1/11/1999 The Physics and Metaphysics of Hildegard of Bingen
NEW! 1/2/1999
The Rainbow Riders: Walkers Between Worlds & Ancient Teleportation
NEW! 2/13/1999 Star Way, Part Three: Nikola Tesla's Reputation, Microbial Enemies, and Life on Mars
NEW! 1/15/1999 The Magickal Science of Shapeshifting
NEW! 1/15/1999 Unicorns, Who Protect and Heal: Practical Magickal Symbolism
NEW! 1/15/1999 Mars, The Templars, and the "Finishing Force": Shape and Magick
NEW! 1/2/1999
The Strangest & Sweetest Theory of Crop Circles and Stone Circles
NEW! 1/4/1999
Aladdin's Genie Was a Quantum Computer
NEW! 1/4/1999
Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Pt. 3: The Meaning of the Bull and Labyrinth
NEW! 1/4/1999
Lords of the Lightning: The Ancient Magick of Electricity
NEW! 1/4/1999
The Possible Physics of Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body Experiences
NEW! 1/2/1999
The Universal Translator: The Green Language and the Language of Birds
NEW! 1/1/1999 Star Way, Part 2: The Visions of Hildegard of Bingen
NEW! 1/1/1999 Magic Mirrors, Time Cameras, and Catoptromancy, Part Four
NEW! 12/24/1998
The Dragon Thirsts... Further Explorations of Magickal Science
NEW! 12/24/1998
Hephastos' Hearth: "Scalar Thermics" and True Solar Energy
NEW! 12/24/1998
More New Secrets of the "Martian Sphinx"
NEW! 12/24/1998
Materialization: A Walk Through Weird Science and Wonders
NEW! 12/5/1998 Ancient Egyptian Wisdom: The Magick That Is Science, Part One
NEW! 12/7/1998 Ancient Egyptian Wisdom: The Magick That Is Science, Part Two
NEW! 11/10/1998 Satyriaka: Orchids in Ancient Myth, Medicine and Magick
Coming Soon! Time, Space, Dimension, and Magick
NEW! 11/2/1998 How Long Has Mankind Possessed the Secrets of Resurrection?
NEW! 11/2/1998 Let's Talk About... Ectoplasm... and Alchemy
NEW! 10/13/1998 The Doctrine of Signatures in the Ancient Murals of Cacaxtla
(Doctorine of Signatures History and Literature, Part One)
NEW! 10/13/1998 Disputing Aztec Ritual Sacrifice, Part One
NEW! 10/13/1998 Disputing Aztec Ritual Sacrifice, Part Two
NEW! 10/8/98 Quantum Chakras and Other Thoughts on the Chakra System
NEW! 10/1/98 Janus' Door: Ancient Magick for the Home and Household
NEW! Amulets & Talismans: Against All Manner Of Harm
NEW! and Updated 10/7/98, 10/16/98 Moon Gardens & Goddess Gardens:
Goddess’ Garden, Part One: Introduction
Goddess’ Garden, Part Two: Introduction, Part Two
Goddess’ Garden, Part Three: Mugwort
Goddess’ Garden, Part Four: Mugwort, Part Two
Goddess' Garden, Part Five: Wormwood, an Exquisite Creation
Goddess' Garden, Part Six: Wormwood, an Exquisite Creation, Part Two
Goddess' Garden, Part Seven: Herbs, Blue and Green as the Sea
Goddess' Garden, Part Eight: Herbs, Blue and Green as the Sea, Part Two
NEW! 10/16/98
Goddess' Garden, Part Nine: Manna from Heaven, Part One
Goddess' Garden, Part Ten
NEW! 10/16/98
Goddess' Garden, Part Eleven: Snake Mother Medicine, Part One
NEW! 10/27/98
Goddess' Garden, Part Twelve: Snake Mother Medicine, Part Two
Goddess' Garden, Part Thirteen: Summary Table I: Uses
Goddess' Garden, Part Fourteen: Summary Table II: Signatures
NEW! "Just Superstition"??? Think Again!
NEW! 10/27/1998 Magick Circles and The Magick of Circles
NEW! 10/7/98 Hey! What's With All The Pentagrams On This Site, Anyway?
(Why A Rational Person Does Such A Thing, And Why It's NOT A Job For The Net Nannies)
NEW! and Updated 10/1/98 PHOENIX RISING Master Table of Magickal Correspondences
NEW! 11/10/09 Magnetic Magick
NEW! Life Magick
Many Fountains of Youth
NEW The Magick of Calcium
The Holy Bible As An Ancient Magickal Book
The Greening of the Golden Dawn: Secrets of the Ryder Tarot, Part 1
NEW! The Greening of the Golden Dawn: Secrets on the Ryder Tarot, Part 2
NEW! Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot: Tarot Secrets Part Three
NEW! and Updated 11/10/98, 11/28/98 The Magickal Child: The Homunculus
NEW! The Philadelphia Experiment
NEW! Cold Fusion: The Cold War Within
Updated 11/19/98, 1/1/1999 Palingenics,
Updated 11/28/1998 Astounding Info Keywords
Updated 11/28/1998, 12/5/98 Astounding Info
Keywords, More
EVP, Electronic Voice
Spirit Communication
The Doctrine of
Signatures (Doctrine of Correspondences)
Miscellaneous Books, Must-
Miraculous Plant
Seeing Subatomic Mystically
Charity and
Research Contacts/Science Resources
Famine With The Old Ways (out of sequence)
Updated 11/14/1998 Magic Mirrors,
Time Cameras, and Catopromancy
Updated 11/14/1998 Magic Mirrors,
Time Cameras, and Catopromancy, Part Two
Updated 11/14/1998 Magic Mirrors,
Time Cameras, and Catopromancy, Part Three
Updated 1/4/1999
Without Mistakes
Magickal and Mythological Resources, Part One
Contacts, Resources, Culture, Mythology
Magickal and Mythological Resources, Part
Mythology, History, Literature
NEW! Magickal and Mythological Resources, Part Three
History, Magickal Correspondences, Crowley, Theosophy, and More
NEW! Magickal and Mythological Resources, Part Four
Internet Resources
NEW! Magickal and Mythological Resources, Part Five
Green Magick Resources, Ecology, Environment, Etc.
Updated 11/28/1998 Water for the World: A Nice
Little Goddess
Updated 11/28/1998
Far Memory: Past Life Recall
Updated 10/31/98, 11/28/1998
I'd Rather Ride A Broom:
Tutankhamen Did, Part One
Updated 10/31/98, 11/28/1998
I'd Rather Ride A Broom:
Tutankhamen Did, Part Two
Materialization: Beam Me Down A Pop-Tart, Scotty
Updated 12/1/1998 Materialization: Witches'
Updated 11/24/1998 An Unusual Magic: Solar
UFOS: A Shamanic View
Applying the Holographic Paradigm:
Applying the
Holographic Paradigm:
Healing Holograms & Living Things
Some Light On Gravity?
Updated 11/14/98, 11/24/98
Magickal Vortex Science?
Updated 12/20/98 Passion Flowers: Living UFO Designs?
The Magic of Rediscovery
How To Walk On Water
Conservation: Plant-Finding
Seed-Exchange Resources
Updated 11/14/98, 12/4/1998 Star
Way: Ancient Mystic Seeing of the Distant and the Subatomic
Updated 11/10/98 Crystal Skulls and Skull Oracles
Fighting Famine With The Old Ways
Updated 12/28/1998 Magickal Fire Prevention
Miscellaneous Links
Updated 11/09/98 The Face On Mars (I'm Not Kidding)
Updated 11/10/98
The Holy Grail
I'm celebrating Mabon of 1998 by introducing this new feature of this Home On Olympus, devoted to essays on the traditional arts of herbalism, interpretive herbalism and the Doctrine of Signatures, featuring amazing things about plants and their uses you're highly unlikely to find anywhere else in the world, and extended resources for gardening, plant-finding, seed exchanging and otherwise taking on the indescribable adventure of Stewardship of the Living and Sacred Earth.
The sections will be filled in and the links set up as soon as possible; many sections are already written and just waiting to be set up as files and linked as of today, Sept. 22,1998.
These essays are arranged by the following families of plants that they occur in. This index, and a genus and common name index eventually be all included on the Introductory page to Introduction and Introductory Essays:
Intoduction to Ganymede's Garden and Extended Index Page
Acanthaceae (Bear’s Breech Family)
Being assembled here are excerpts from my posts to Occulthaven, rather lightly edited. There was no substitute for the brave bright and beautiful contributions from listowners and listmembers, the wonderous wealth and diversity of knowledge, enthusiasm and experience, nor the spirit of exchange and compassion that made the Occulthaven list a family in the truest sense of the word...
NEW! Ganymede's Garden
Ganymede's Garden
Doctrine of Signatures: Frequently-Asked Questions
Doctrine of Signatures: Possible Explanatory Theories
Doctrine of Signatures: Possible Categories
Doctrine of Signatures: Toward a Vocabulary of Signatures
Doctrine of Signatures: Citations from Traditional Literature
Araceae (Arum Family)
Amaranthaceae (Amaranth Family)
Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort or Dutchman’s Pipe Family)
Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)
Asteraceae (Compositae) (Aster Family)
Balsaminaceae (Impatiens or Jewelweed Family)
Boraginaceae (Borage Family)
Caparidaceae (Spider Flower Family)
Caryophyllaceae (Carnation Family)
Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot, Beet, or Lamb’s Quarter Family)
Commelinaceae (Spiderwort Family)
Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family)
Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family)
Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (Mustard Family)
Cucurbitaceae (Melon, Gourd or Cucumber Family)
Dipsacaceae (Teasel Family)
Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family)
Gentianaceae (Gentian Family)
Geraniaceae (Geranium Family)
Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf or Phacelia Family)
Hypericaceae (St. John’s Wort Family
Iridaceae (Iris Family)
Lamiacae (Labiatae) (Mint Family)
Leguminosae (Pea Family)
Liliaceae (Lily Family)
Linaceae (Flax Family)
Limnanthaceae (Meadowfoam Family)
Loasaceae (Blazing Star Family)
Lobeliaceae (Lobelia Family)
Lythraceae (Purple Loosestrife Family)
Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
Nyctaginaceae (Four O’ Clock Family)
Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)
Papaveraceae (Poppy Family)
Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family)
Plumbaginaceae (Leadwort Family)
Polemoniaceae (Polemonium Family)
Polygonaceae (Smartweed or Buckweed Family)
Primulaceae (Primula Family)
Portulacaceae (Moss Rose Family)
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Salicaceae (Willow Family)
Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)
Scrophulariaceae (Mullein or Figwort Family)
Solanaceae (Tomato or Potato Family)
Tropaeolaceae (Nasturtium or Watercress Family)
Urticaceae (Nettle Family)
Valerianaceae (Valerian Family)
Verbenaceae (Vervain Family)
Violaceae (Violet Family)
The Chronos Chronicles
Due to various limitations, only excerpts from my own posts appear here. I am also including various posts sent to members before the actual inception of the list, and some material submitted to the Arcana list.
I have selected material to best represent various ideas and notions that I have. While they are not beyond anyone to come up with without my help, they are things that I certainly hear too rarely out in the world... if I hear them at all... So If you're the type to tell 'em someone told you so, tell 'em I told you so, if you like...
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five (The Pop-Tart Posts!)
Chronos Apollonios' Posts to Mailing Ring
Chronos Apollonios' Posts To Occulthaven (the original list):
May 1997, Part One
May 1997, Part Two
May 1997, Part Three
May, 1997, Part Four
May, 1997 Part Five
June 1997, Part One
June 1997, Part Two
June 1997, Part Three
June 1997, Part Four
June 1997, Part Five
June 1997, Part Six
June 1997, Part Seven
June 1997, Part Eight
June 1997, Part Nine
June 1997, Part Ten
June 1997, Part Eleven
June 1997, Part Twelve
June 1997, Part Thirteen
June 1997, Part Fouteen
June 1997, Part Fifteen
July 1997, Part One
July 1997, Part Two
August 1997, Part One
August 1997, Part Two
August 1997, Part Three
August 1997, Part Four
August 1997, Part Five
September 1997, Part One
September 1997, Part Two
September 1997, Part Three
September 1997, Part Four
October 1997, Part One
October 1997, Part Two
October 1997, Part Three
October 1997, Part Four
October 1997, Part Five
October 1997, Part Six
October 1997, Part Seven
October 1997, Part Eight
October 1997, Part Nine
November 1997, Part One
November 1997, Part Two
November 1997, Part Three
November 1997, Part Four
November 1997, Part Five
November 1997, Part Six
November 1997, Part Seven
November 1997, Part Eight
November 1997, Part Nine
November 1997, Part Ten
November 1997, Part Eleven
December 1997, Part One
December 1997, Part Two
December 1997, Part Three
Chronos Apollonios' Posts to Occulthaven (list on new server)
December 1997
January 1998
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
February 1998
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
March 1998
April 1998
May 1998
June 1998
Coming Soon!
Selected Posts To PHOENIX RISING
June 1998
July 1998
Aug 1998
Sept 1998
Oct 1998
Visitors since November 17, 1997
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Enter Saturn's Door
Elegant magical graphics for this site generously provided by Ravon & Witch Way
"The legends (worded in the ancient tribal hymn) lie cradled in the seagull's call
And all the promises they made...
Do you believe in the day? Do you? Believe in the day!
The Dawn Creation of the Kings has begun.
Soft Venus (lonely maiden) brings the ageless one.
Do you believe in the day?
The fading hero has returned to the night -- and fully
pregnant with the day, wise men endorse the poet's sight.
Do you believe in the day? Do you? Believe in the day!..."
(Jethro Tull, "Thick As A Brick")
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