107 Marius Consul gets command of the war against Jugurtha. Enlists poor into army.
106 Cicreo and Pompey born. Jugurtha captured by Sulla
105 Cimbri and Teutones on the move defeat Roman armys in France.
104 Second Consulship of Marius
103 Third Consulship of Marius.
102 Fourth Consulship of Marius, he defeats the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae.
101 Fifth Consulship of Marius, Catulus defeats the Cimibri.
100 Sixth Consulship of marius, Traditional date for birth of Julius Caesar.
91 Begining of the Italian war.
89 Roman victores in Italian war.
88 Marius gets command against Mithradates transfered from Sulla to himself. Sulla marches on Rome.
87 Marius and Cinna occupy Rome, kill many of those that supported Sulla.
87 Seventh Consulship of Marius but only holds the office for seventeen days before dieing.
85 Sulla signs treaty with Mithradates.
83 Sulla lands in italy. Gets support from Pompey, Crassus, and Metellus Pius.
82 Civil war, Sulla victorious, kills many of Marius' supporters. Sertorius goes to Spain. Pompey defeats Sulla's opponents in Sicily.
81 Sulla becomes dictator. Reforms constitution and law courts. Sertorius driven from Spain.
80 Sulla Consul. Sertorius invited back to Spain by the Lus---s.
79 Sulla retires. Metellus Pius defeated by Sertorius.
78 Sulla dies. Aemilius Lepidus challenges Sulla's constitution.
77 Pompey and Catulus defeat Lepidus and Perperna, Lepidus dies, Perperna flees to Sertorius with the remains of the defeated army. Pompey gets himself appointed to Spain.
76 Sertorius defeats both Metellus Pius and Pompey.
74 Pompey demands for reinforcements two more legions sent out. M. Antonius sent against the pirates. Lucullus sent against Mithradates.
73 Slave revolt led by Spartacus begins.
72 Sertorius murdered by Peroerna,who is defeated by Pompey. M.Antonius is defeated by the pirates.
71 Crassus defeats Spartucus, although some of his thunder is stolen by Pompey, who returning from Spain, helps in clearing up, and therefore claims to have ended war. Pompey gets a triumph, Crassus gets a lesser Ovatio.
70 Pompey and Crassus become Consuls. Balbus offically becomes a Roman citizen.
67 Pompey gets command against the pirates. Clears the seas in three months.
66 Pompey gets command agsinst Mithradates, brings war to an end. Stays in the east to reorganise the area.
63 Consulship of Cicero. Caesar elected Pontifex Maximus. Cataline conspiracy.
62 Cataline defeated and killed. Pompey returns from the east, dismisses army.
61 Pompey has a triumph for the wars in the east but the senate refuse to enact his eastern settlement. Caesar becomes governor of Further Spain.
60 Caesar returns from Spain. The 'First Triumvirate' formed.