Welcome to the Cyber Thought Cafe's Poetry Room

So many poetry has been shared through all this first year, it's always great to open an email that has a poem wanted to be shared in this room, thanks again all of you who keep sending them!

You have made this room what it is today!

As you already know this is a space specially created for all our friends here who like poetry, this space is intended for people all around to share their poetry with the rest of us, so if you would like your poem be posted here or any suggestion or comments please send it to us at cyber_thought@geocities.com

I would like to thank all the people who keep sending their poems (you know who you are) for keeping this room alive. The rest of you... what's up? Didn't you want a place to post your poetry? This space will always be available for all of you who want to share.


All the poetry here is protected by international copyright laws.

Allowing for creative license, we are posting these poems as received from the authors, no editing is done... please enjoy them in their original forms, as we do.

Poems are regulary to give everyone a chance.





What brings us



What draws us

to this place so absurdly

cold, unreal, impersonal


warm and safe and


for us? As we

defy convention

trancend the rules

meld the contrasts that

should separate...

instead somehow

we fascinate.


We have a sense

of each other's scars, and

touch gingerly

or not at all.

Faceless, we accept each other

at face value.

Voiceless, our words

speak volumes, in oddly

rhythmic give and take,

exchanging the distilled


of ourselves, the

purest communiqué.


We question life and death, we

absorb and reflect,

pain and joy...

We comfort and challenge,

teach and learn,

We share

and share.


Our hands don't have

to touch to know

We live and breathe

exist somewhere...

Our eyes don't have

to meet to see

how deeply we have

always cared...

I'd know you anywhere,

my friend

yet then again

nowhere at all.





How much is it true

that in common space

sometimes unbreakable,

sweet silence tends to multiply

So much it is true

because i love to miss you,

So much is sweet, that, in each silence

there's always a hidden word

that's able to liberate a promise.






Is shouting a thousand times into the wind

turning magic into a simple trick

to decipher the movement of fire

adjusting dreams, to our

insignificant size.


Steer the look to a still point

with out the hope of finding each other

at the vertex of senses

finding the truth about things


Is shouting a thousand times

that I wished to decipher your enigma

chain your mind and your wishes

bottle up in my limited mind

all your intensity.



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