Bob Ballard's OwnHome Page

Hi, my name is Bob Ballard, and welcome to my web page - here are some truly fascinating facts about me!

I am 22 years old. I reside in Long Island. However, I am an upperclassman at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut.

At Quinnipiac, I am a History major, and also a Journalism minor.

At this school, I work at the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. In addition, I have been on the school newspaper, the QU Chronicle, since freshman year.

Aside from the Polling Institute, I am a professional writer for Able Newspaper.

In 2004, I volounteered for Howard Dean's political campaign.

In the summer of 2004, I interned at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in lower Manhattan.

Nowadays, my major hobbies (other than writing) are going to the gym and playing tennis, which is also my favorite sport to watch. I grew up watching Andre Agassi, and I still do.

I enjoy playing chess a lot.

Here is a picture of me playing chess as a kid in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village Park.

My other favorite sport to watch is baseball, where my favorite teams are the New York Yankees and the New York Mets (who I'm slightly more partial to). Here I am at 'The Stadium'

My first Bikeathon was interesting because it was a bikeathon for cerebral palsy and I was probably only rider that day with C.P.

The second time, the doctors wanted me to be as strong in my legs as possible to prepare for my surgery. I certainely succeeded in that. Just two days before my surgery I did a Tour de Cure bike ride for the American Diabetes Association. This would be my second time riding, and I had not done the first one for a whole year. Each time I do it I feel really good, especially because the doctors told me at a young age I would never ride a bike. For instance, the first time, I biked 15 miles and it was much easier. I rode in a small circle around Central Park which was about 5 miles, three times each with long breaks in between. The last time it was in Riverhead and was about 9 miles before a short break and than another 6 miles.

The third was the Discover Long Island Bike Tour 2000.

At the end of the 1999 school year and my sophmore year, I recieved class awards for Biology and and English.

I can be reached at, but in the meantime,
please come back soon and visit me. I have lots of great surprises in store.

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