
Meditation. When you talk about meditation, it is usually assumed that you mean thinking really hard about something. It is actually the opposite. The most powerful type of meditation, what we call ‘Energy Meditation’ is actually thinking about nothing, or something pretty close. The point of this meditation is relaxation, both physical and mental, so you can gather all the energy it generates and later apply it on something; or just keep it, which also has its uses.
There is another type of meditation, which we call ‘Focused Meditation’. It basically consists in clearing your mind of everything except the particular subject you are interested in. Like the Energy Meditation, it’s about relaxing and saving energy, only now you are applying it on something specific at the same time. We use these meditations, along with visualization techniques to work Magick.

Energy Meditation - How
This meditation is very simple and natural to do. Go through the following steps until you are fairly familiar with the process before doing it. I promise you won't be able to meditate with a manual in your hand, trying to follow it.
Sit down confortably. Unless you were born at some eastern country and are perfectly used to sitting cross-legged (or in 'loto' position), we don't recommend you to do it that way. There is no special power or virtue in such a position. You must be perfectly confortable, so you can relax and meditate without you legs hurting or your feet going numb. Do not rest your head on anything, or lie down, unless you have to; It's out of respect to the higher powers. Also, meditation doesn't work the same if you fall asleep.

Relax your whole body. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply a few times. Then start gradually relaxing your body. Start with you feet; tense them, then relax them. Then your legs; tense them, relax them. Continue up to your hip, torso, arms, shoulders, neck, face.
Relax your mind. Once your body is totally relaxed, relax your mind. Get rid of angers, stress, etc. Get rid of any negative thoughts.
Really easy, huh? Just put your mind blank - turn it off ? Sure. If, like me, you have been trying for years to 'put your mind blank, think of nothing' without much success, good news: nobody can! It is totally unnatural, a blank mind. Every moment of our lives we have tenths, hundreds or maybe thousands of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and such constantly going through our minds, and mostly being ignored. You can't get rid of them, they're always there. The other good news is that you don't have to. You only have to RELAX your mind, not kill it.
How do you do it? You need to distract your conscious mind, without distracting your higher consciousness. Simple distractions. Peaceful. If you are lucky enough to have a creek, waterfall or beach close to you, you have the best tool, a natural Mantra. If not you can use a recording of water sounds or white noise. I do not recommend music of any kind, no matter how soft. Some people use their own breathing for this, or the repetition of a Mantra, or meditation word, like 'OM'.
Whatever you choose, you focus on it. Don't concentrate on it or think about it. Just turn your attention that way. Relax. You will have, as is normal, hundreds of ideas, sensations thoughts and whatnot. Ignore them. Do not fight them, that's paying them attention. Simply ignore them, turn back to your Mantra, softly, and stay relaxed. Every time you find yourself thinking about something or get distracted by a noise, mentally turn softly back to your mantra. Don't fight thoughts, just ignore them.
That's it! You are in meditation!. You are getting your conscious mind out of the way and letting your higher self open up and charge. Do this during 20-30 minutes, at least once a day and within a week you will feel a difference. Promise.

Just remember from now on that you are FULL of energy. You are more powerful than you are used to. Watch your thoughts and intentions all day long like a cop. If you happen, for example, to get really angry with somebody and send a "Break a leg" with all this energy you'll probably get away with it. And it will come back to you twice as hard. Whatever you think, with enough energy and purpose it will come to be. That's the essence of Magick. You are a Witch now. Now, more than ever, mind what you wish, for you will get it.

Practice and enjoy. Never harm anybody and no harm will come to you. Do what you do with love and joy. Be happy.

Focused Meditations will be updated frequently on this page, so keep in touch.


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