Raven Conraigh - 12/23/00 11:47:13
My URL:http://www.swampwitch.com
My Email:raven@swampwitch.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: My listed Web site gives a good description of all that.
Although I am from a hereditary Irish Pagan family I find myself drawn to the magical traditions of Mexico and Latin America. Perhaps this has something to do with living in Florida and not back home in Ireland! Thank you for a very informative page that did soothe my fervor for knowledge, though nothing could ever quench that flame! Slainte!
Akronite goddess - 03/28/00 04:04:18
My URL:www.shatterthedarkness.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: life, liberty, truth
CheshireKatz - 07/01/99 04:34:02
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/4003
My Email:yay_7@hotmail.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: Huh? ;)
Funny, I just added some info on magic to my site, and your banner shows up in my geoguide. I feel that such coincidences are hardly meaningless. :)
Thanks for all this info, it's nice to see a different perspective. I will be sure to come back and look at it more in depth when time better allows me to. Feel free to stop by my site anytime, please sign a guestbook if you visit so that I know you we e there.
I love witchcraft. but i am not a witch nor a pagan. i am a Candle Keeper, mix between a pagan and a witch. Candle Keepers are an unknown religion of witches, started just recently.
Greyowl - 01/15/99 13:02:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2159/index
My Email:greyowl@lycosmail.com
Just droped by to say hola.
Been working on a new site.
You might have to revise your
view on the transimission of
Nagualismo. I have two more
long pages to go.
Cait Donahue - 01/01/99 21:23:57
My Email:cait_donahue@hotmail.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: I LOVE WICCA!!!
Wicca rules!! Me and my friend always practice magick. If anyone has any interesting spells email me
michelle - 11/17/98 17:28:57
My Email:mhenson@cfa.harvard.edu
I liked your info on meditation. I plan to give it a try. I will keep checking back for new info.
emily - 10/28/98 21:03:13
My Email:emilyarroyo@hotmail.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: culture, tradition, belief (somewhat)
Nice pages. Good graphics. Good info. Hope to come back for more info. Was doing research for a fictional Mexican-traditional witchcraft story. Thanks!!!!
emily - 10/28/98 21:03:02
My Email:emilyarroyo@hotmail.com
Share our interests? How? Where?: culture, tradition, belief (somewhat)
Nice pages. Good graphics. Good info. Hope to come back for more info. Was doing research for a fictional Mexican-traditional witchcraft story. Thanks!!!!
10/26/98 11:28:43
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/25/98 09:21:16 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Thanks for the meditation guide! I've been practicing it for a month and feel great!
What do I do with it now? Man, you need to put up some more spells!
Thanks again.