Welcome to The Eternal Flame. This is my domain; my domain of fire, where the hardest things to understand become clear, and the simplest things are understood. This domain did not start out as fire until a friend triggered the memory of my fire, and now that fire is here and its part of me. I know that the fire sounds strange and scary, but its not at all. The fire to me is as real as anything. In truth all things that I have sought, the fire was what stood out in my memory the most, so dear reader I ask you to leave all worries behind you and enter the gate of this fire.

Of course when the light covers this world, the immortal becomes a mortal and dances with a hidden smile. Here are the pleasures of the mortal.

And when the sun falls behind the hill and darkness covers our world like a blanket of black, its time for the immortal and spirits of this world to come out and play. Enter the Spirits' Playground.

Ah yes, but the most important thing, the spirit of this page. The mortal, the spirit and the immortal. Who are they and what they did to come together. Read about the inner fire here in the Fire Realm.

As the sun slowly rises from its long sheltered slumber, the spirits realize its time to end their play. As quick as they appeared, slowly ending their games of fun and pleasure. Gently they fade quicky away, only the wind marks their presence and reminds you that they where there, and are always watching you.

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