Welcome to the awards section of the Wicca & Shamansim site, this section isdivided into three different sects.
Awards Offered - awards you can win to put on your site
Awards Won - awards that Wicca & Shamanism site has won
Site's That Have Won - site's that have won the awards offered by this site.
At present there are eight awards that can be applied for, they are the:
Wicca & Shamanism Award - Maiden
Wicca & Shamanism Award - Mother
Wicca & Shamanism Award - Crown/Crone
Wicca & Shamanism Triple Moon Award
Wicca & Shamanism Four Quarters Award
Wicca & Shamanism Award of Excellence
Wicca & Shamanism Woman's Award
Wicca & Shamanism Men's Award
Wicca & Shamanism Woman's Award of Excellence
Wicca & Shamanism Tree of Life Award
Future award which shall be offering is: 0