Regional History of Appalachian Ohio: Terra Incognita


John W. Lambert built America's first gasoline-powered automobile in 1891.

Alexander Winton sold the very first automobile in the United States in 1898.

Frank E. Avery operated the first full-time service station in 1899.

Barney Oldfield first person to operate an automobile at a mile per minute in 1910.

First cord tire was produced in Akron in 1910.

Standard Oil Company of Ohio was the first filling station to exclusively offer the sale of petroleum products in 1917.


Orville and Wilbur Wright conducted the world's first successful powered flight in 1903.

Eddie Rickenbacker the first American ace (World War I).

John H. Glenn first American to orbit the earth in 1962.

Jerrie Mock first woman to fly solo around the world, 1964.

Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon, 1969 .


In 1852 Ohio became the first state to enact laws protecting the working woman.

Ohio gave America it's first hot dog. This creation was thought of by Harry M. Stevens in 1900.

John D. Rockefeller America's first billionaire.

Town and Country was America's first shopping center.

First Coal pipeline is a 108 miles long and runs in eastern Ohio.

The first 4H club was started in Springfield by A.B. Graham.


Marrietta was Ohio's first settlement. It was establashed in 1788.

Chillicothe was Ohio's first capital.

Oberlin was the nation's first interracial, coeducational college, founded in 1833.


William Henry Harrison (1841)

Ulysses Simpson Grant (1869-1877)

Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1877-1881)

James Abram Garfield (1881)

Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)

William Mckinley (1897-1901)

William Howard Taft (1909-1913)

Warren Gamaliel Harding (1921-1923)

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