Me, Myself, and I

Hello! My name is Marisa and I'm 23 as of last November. I live in Rhode Island, USA (not the most amazing place, but's a home.) Right now I am a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a BA in History. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a member of the National Association of Collegiate Scholars, yay for me! Right now I have no plans, except perhaps to find something that I love to do and stick with it.

I have not, as yet, been overly impressed with higher education since the University seems to disappoint me at every low standard I set for it. My friends seem to think I should go to Johnson and Wales University for culinary arts or to graduate school to get my MLS, but what could they know, right? Well, maybe sometime in the future when I can afford the tens of thousands of dollars it would take to attend.

In the mean time, some of my favorite things to do are: reading, cooking, listening to music (any, and I mean any, kind will do, so long as it is good!), and watching movies. I also enjoy working outdoors in the garden with my mom and taking walks in the evenings, possibly on the beach if I can manage it.

Theater was also a big part of my life especially in high school where I was many things in the Living Lessons Theatre Production Company. Sounds sophisticated, huh?...Well it wasn't, but it certainly gave my life purpose.

Another (some might say unfortunate) aspect of my personality is that I am an extremely opinionated person, I believe that every one must have an opinion on everything...if you don't then people start to make your opinions for you. That is bad. That is why "the man" sent me to know, to silence my voice in their own institution, but it didn't work. (Alright, that last sentence didn't sound convincing to me either, but I thought I would give it a try since that is what is expected of me as a young can see why I don't fit in though, right?)

I am by no means the most popular person in my town but I have friends, and they are my sanity...sometimes they are my insanity too. Right now they are all moving back and forth between work and home in Rhode Island...none of which is very far away from the other. (We are the smallest state in the Union you know.)

As of right now I am enjoying no longer being confined by classes and the insanity that is the American collegiate system.....ahhhh!!! I am also considering becoming a Professional Canadian. This involoves enjoying the polite, friendly, and comedic aspects of being a Canadian while fulfilling my parents desire for me to have a career.

Well, as they say (Who are they anyways?..."the man", right, silly me I always forget)'s good to keep them guessing. So, that's all for now. Thanks for visiting my page and enjoy your look around.

"Jimmy! Come in, it's time for dinner!"
"Okay Mom! I better get on home now...See ya later guys!"