
Come hither from all your lonely places, secret places, villages, glens, cities, mountain tops, fens and valleys. Come out of your houses, your dens, your conveyances and and contrivances. Come out into the sunlight, the moonlight, the starlight, the candlelight and torchlight.  Take up the drum, the bell, the flute or raise your voices in chant, in song, in laughter.  Make a circle, touching each other, hand in hand and dance, swing, sway, march and stomp. Lift your feet, your arms, your faces and hearts to the wonder that is Life, that is Death, that is the God and the Goddess. As the sky spins round, as the earth spins round, as the planets and stars spin round and round, as the Wheel spins round and round and round, within and without.

Gather in the woods, in the meadows, yards, patios, parks, beaches, parlors, cyberspace, innerspace, outerspace and make a loud sweet sound to stir the magick, rally the wind, rival the sea, open the Quarters, summon the Spirits, challenge the enemy, hasten the lost to the flame.

Make your altars, fashion your tools, deepen your knowledge, seek your Sisters and Brothers, teach the Way, open the Way, Dance on the Path.

Resource links for Groups, Covens, Circles, etc. will be posted soon on this page.

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