Welcome to my Guestbook! Here are my friends' comment, thanks for
your support!

Welcome to my Guestbook! Here are my friends' comments! Thanks!

CYK Terence - 09/20/00 11:47:28
My Email:
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): HK (UK this moment)
Date Of Birth: right
What kind of person you are: you know that
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: I guess you know also
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: All !

Hi Winnie, Yeah, this time u've changed alot! I'm here wanna tell you that how I miss you and a bad news is that I cannot use icq2000....there's some problems. Your homepage, I like it! Surely cux what you wrote and I can feel how much you like me !!! :D At end of Oct I may ask for a change in my room. (I want internet access!!) I'll be back, after 3 months.....dun worry..... Love, CYKT

Clement - 09/18/00 11:20:10
My URL:/hkcso
My Email:hkcso@yahoo.com
ICQ UIN: 23733900
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): USA
Date Of Birth: 10/13/1981
What kind of person you are: University Undergraduate (men)
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: don't know - just fooling around
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: Of course it is photos.

Nice Page... keep up.. I guess the guest book need to renovate.... must be more innovative. I guess your school Maryknoll is a good school... need to keep up... I have been there for SAT .. the teacher who is supervisor is strict. I dont mind it. The picture should be brighter and innovative & simple. I really love this page not because of girls picture but ur baby face... heheh..It is so cute..

Adrian Tse - 07/30/00 16:07:43
My Email:adrianev6@hotmail.com
ICQ UIN: 63435262
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): UK
Date Of Birth: u have to think
What kind of person you are: i am a very very fat boy and likes to chat and i am very ungly and i think thats what u need to know about me ........^* *^
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: i will kill my selth
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: hahah i have not finshed yet

i have not finshed looking at this home page yet and sooo i can not say any think about it yet but about winnie shes a good friend and i dont know what i can say

Also CYK,Terence - 06/16/00 18:51:28
My URL:http://///???????
My Email:
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): HK
Date Of Birth: U know
What kind of person you are: a so good person....
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: Try to get back, as wanna find GF !
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: Every part!!

Hey.....Um um.......This time really cools! Pictures updated,Profile improved,My Favouite upgraded, (something about me) is great! Keep it up! haha.......85% now......so.....work!

~Terence Cheng~ - 04/19/00 04:38:48
My URL:http://geocities.com/tercheng_no1/
My Email:
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): Hong Kong (HKIsland)
Date Of Birth: 13/5/1981.
What kind of person you are: considerate and seeking for GF
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: Teach guys latest technology or skills
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: [My Favouite] Winnie has good character,though slightly idealistic.

Overall is well done. But friends visited your hompage might feel upset cux they have understood about you too much. You wrote too much about your friends, which make visiters feel they're just dust of the Earth..(small part of your life) Others are cool!!! score :85%

Hamilton Chang - 03/14/00 09:58:17
My URL:http://smartec.bizland.com
My Email:hammychang@yahoo.com
ICQ UIN: 10552041
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): HOng Kong, CHina
Date Of Birth: 9/8/82
What kind of person you are: Nice guy
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: hmm...playing nerf guns in my basement
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: profile...i think winnie is the prettiest and nicest girl i've met

Cool page, update often! =)

Gary - 02/15/00 15:59:24
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): Hong Kong
Date Of Birth: new year eve
What kind of person you are: a friend of winnie
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: meet winnie
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: confident, independent, cute, gentel, smart.

The homepage is good, carry on and good luck for your HKCEE. Remember my scarf. Ha!

Fong Ho Lam, William - 01/21/00 12:59:07
My Email:bbfdragon@hotmail.com
ICQ UIN: 47749706
Date Of Birth: 16th February 1983
What kind of person you are: active, romance
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: meet a new girlfriends
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: All la. hm..... She is good la, beautiful la, and...... many things la!

Wa, the hp is very good ar. many things can see, and also know more abt u lu. I think the photo must be update la, u are too small. Now is more pretty and beautiful ma! Hm...... enough la.

Ryan - 01/14/00 19:01:02
My Email:jollyolchap@yahoo.com
ICQ UIN: 16070515
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): Canada
Date Of Birth: 9 May 1980
What kind of person you are: kind, happy
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: watch cartoons all day! Oh wait, I do that now...hehe :D
Which part of the page is your favourite and what you think about Winnie?: page~cute background!! Winnie~very friendly and nice person.

Great page! Like I said earlier, I think that background is really cute! Talk to ya later! ;)

Karen(Zaki) - 01/04/00 11:30:37
My Email:Mickani@yahoo.com
ICQ UIN: 17922406
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): HongKong
Date Of Birth: 30/9/1981
What kind of person you are: gentle and sweet,with a smiling face forever~
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: Start finding my future best friends
Which part of the page is your favourite: ALL~~

Dearest Winnie, Your homepage is warm and sweet, I love it very much!! Maybe you can add more things into it....to make it to be more colorful.Why?? Coz your life is colourful ma!!^.^ Friends forever~~!! Luv, Karen

All out of Love - 10/08/99 09:32:40
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BennyChong/
My Email:BennyChong@xoommail.com
ICQ UIN: 24767326
Date Of Birth: 08/01/1983
What kind of person you are: I'm not human
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: Don't know, may be will have a better life
Which part of the page is your favourite: Wallpaper

Remember me??? it have just a small change of your HP, put the photo into more pages is better, it'll save much time to view your photo! but anyway, its a great HP

Jack - 05/16/99 10:00:06
My URL:http://citeweb.net/jacko
My Email:kapps@evc.net
ICQ UIN: 14592347
Country (State, if you are in U.S.): France
Date Of Birth: year 79
What kind of person you are: myself
If you were back to 10 yrs, what you will do: play with toys
Which part of the page is your favourite: aaah

Hello :) nice to v seen ur homepage, please keep updating!

Alister Christman- 09/02/98 19:51:37
My URL:http://www.alathome.force9.co.uk My Email:balister@alathome.force9.co.uk Country:uk
What kind of person you are?:Cool
Which part of the homepage is your favourite?:Pics

Good site keep it up Keep in touch

Kate - 09/01/98 16:55:18
My Email:kate7_@hotmail.com Country:South Africa
What kind of person you are?:wild, interesting, loving
One day if you find that you are back to 10 yrs ago, what will you do?:Freak out
Which part of the homepage is your favourite?:Photo page

Hi Winnie, I loved your homepage. I think you did very well. Lots of hugs
and kisses.... Kate

Melanie - 09/01/98 15:44:13
My Email:melsie@eden.rutgers.edu Country:USA
State (if you are from U.S.):NJ
What kind of person you are?:friendly, funny, and openminded
One day if you find that you are back to 10 yrs ago, what will you do?:travel the world
Which part of the homepage is your favourite?:your pictures

Hi winniwe! I loved your homepage. It was very creative. Keep up the good work. :) Melanie

Bill Solomon - 08/28/98 05:16:15 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Strand/7297
My Email:mailto:logtosser@geocities.com Country:USA
State (if you are from U.S.):Washington
What kind of person you are?:easy going and optimistic, love the
Smashing Pumpkins :)
One day if you find that you are back to 10 yrs ago, what will you do?:
learn how to sing and act
Which part of the homepage is your favourite?: the pictures

You're page is coming along really good. It's really cool. I love the pics!

Arnold - 08/24/98 06:49:00
My URL:http://www.engineering.tem.nhl.nl/~tiel401
My Email:vantiel@bryanadams.net
Country: nl

Like your page

justin ross - 08/23/98 03:18:08
My Email:imjedi@yahoo.com
Country: usa
ICQ#: none
Which is your fav. part: all of it

hey you!!good job!you are soo cute...i like the pictures.talk to you soon.

Nick Webb - 08/22/98 17:25:02
Country: usa
ICQ#: 11154676
Which is your fav. part: cute pictures :o )


Barend Novak - 08/22/98 17:00:45
My URL:http://www.caesar.student.utwente.nl/kierewiet
My Email:b.novak@student.utwente.nl
Country: Holland
ICQ#: 6916237
Which is your fav. part: photo's

Nice page, keep on the good work!

WILL - 08/22/98 12:56:34
My Email:realm97@yahoo.cum
Country: CANADA
Which is your fav. part: PICTURES


Sim - 08/22/98 11:49:03
My URL:http://www.home.cur-archamps.fr/~sgaudill/presentation.html
My Email:sim_33@hotmail.com
Country: FRANCE
ICQ#: 12036169
Which is your fav. part: photos

Very good homepage. You can do morer links with others sites

Tarik - 08/22/98 10:44:56
My URL:not have yet...
My Email:tozek@feza.zaman.com.tr
Country: Turkiye
ICQ#: 9008321
Which is your fav. part: Introduction

I've been looking forward for this web page and i am really pleased. I had
chance to learn more about u. Thank u for being such sincere to friends. I
would love to write more but maybe next time. Take care...

Tommy Jonsson - 08/22/98 07:33:42
My Email:tommy@c2i.net
Country: Norway
ICQ#: 3554490


Mars - 08/22/98 04:13:43
My Email:marcel.verheijen@tip.nl
Country: Netherlands
ICQ#: 11828816
Which is your fav. part: pics

Loved your pics ! Only it is hard to read the text between the pics. but
further it is nice

Keith Gilbert - 08/22/98 03:47:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/2332
My Email:gilbertkeith@hotmail.com
Country: USA
ICQ#: 13850429
Which is your fav. part: the pics

Hey it's me Keith. I like your page and keep up the good work.

Keith Gilbert - 08/22/98 03:45:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5704
My Email:gilbertkeith


Willson (¥ÕÀs¤ý¡^ - 08/22/98 03:39:32
My Email:demolitionsquad@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
ICQ#: u alredy have!!
Which is your fav. part: everything

Hi Winnie...is me Willson....ur Homepage is pretty nice and have alot of
info about urself....I got to know u alot more now....it must took u alot of
time working this homepage...keep up the good work...too bad I when I
went to Hong Kong....we didn't get chance to meet cuz I don't have ur
phone number....but if we have ½t¥÷...we will get a chance to meet each
other....By the time right now...i don't have a pic of myself yet...getting it
soon....when my friend came back from Hong Kong....U will be the fir t
one to receive it...ok....hehehehe.....anywayz...those a lovely pic u
have...especially those baby pics....is really cute...hehehe.....I guess thats
about it for now....I don't want to get u mad by reading a long long
comment....anywayz...see ya....Good Luck in the rest of the
year.....Peace!! Sign: Willson (¥ÕÀs¤ý¡^

Dad - 08/22/98 03:27:19
My Email:John_50
Country: USA
ICQ#: 13733245
Which is your fav. part: photos

You did a fine job. You have a right to be proud.

consul - 08/22/98 03:20:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/consul/
My Email:consul@usa.net
Country: USA
ICQ#: 8381907
Which is your fav. part: All is Great

Very well done, for your first time. The background is fastinating, the
type style and colors stand out. One of the fun things with our own
homepages is changing them and improving them. Have fun fun fun. From
your favority friend in the USA. Also ch ck out: <
http://www.angelfire.com/il/dawk/ > for a picture of MOI. It's my
favority picture.

matt - 08/21/98 18:38:53
My Email:caninebs1@hotmail.com
Country: England
ICQ#: 14911748


Benoit "Ti-Ben" Rioux-Couillard - 08/21/98 17:36:39
My Email:ti.ben@videotron.ca
Country: Canada
ICQ#: 14917932

Your page is very cool! It gives a lot of good info on you. I'll ask you for
advice when i'll do mine :). Bye!

Cathy - 08/21/98 13:59:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/3630
My Email:pepin_cathy@hotmail.com
Country: Canada
ICQ#: 3848093

Hi Winnie/ Antonia/ Audrey/ Andrea! See? I visited your homepage like I
said I would! Nice stuff you have here. Come over and visit my page

arnold van Tiel - 08/21/98 13:50:05
My URL:http://www.engineering.tem.nhl.nl
My Email:vantiel@BryanAdams.net
Country: The Netherlands
ICQ#: 7717392

The letters are very small try this Plaats leesbare tekst hier (dutch)

arnold - 08/21/98 13:47:26


Kyle - 08/21/98 13:08:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/atrium/8596/index.html
My Email:Herzlos@Netscape.net
Country: USA
ICQ#: 16604557
Which is your fav. part: Introduction

Hey! Nice site! I don't have much to say and it's too early in the morning
for me to think, but I'm leaving you a message anyway. ;) Seeya! Kyle

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