May 11, 1998
I am now 10 months and 1 day old. Just starting to feel well again after the bouts with ear infections and herpangina (a disease which occurs in the mouth). I could not sleep, keep tossing and turning, throughout the night. Thanks heaven for my Mom, she helped me got over this quickly. My Dad took me to buy a balloon for her yesterday. She is the World's Best Mom.July 9th, 1998
One more day I will be one year old, time fly when you are having fun. I could stand up and took a few steps with my parents and big brother amazement. This walking business is easy once I know how to balance myself properly. Going down stair is a piece of cake; I just had to straingt my legs, keep my hands steady, and slide down. My parents are planning a big 1-year birthday celebration for me this Sunday at the park. I can not wait to be out there and play.
Sunday finally comes. I got up early at about 7:00, so were my parent. They proceeded to head out to the park to stake our party ground. I helped by staying out of their way and not crying too much. After placing covers and balloon holders on the tables, we headed home to prepare for other things. Dad cleaned out the barbecue, while Mom busy with her food preparation. I had to go with Dad to buy the propane gas. After that I did not see my Dad til later, Mom said he picking up the ordered food somewhere in SA. Everything was done at about 1:00, except for the fruit. Co Nga and Athena were cutting them out and place them in a big bowl. I would like to send special thanks to Uncle Nguyen, Viet, Co Nga, Athena for coming early to help out, and everybody else for coming to the party. October 1, 1998 Wow! Time sure fly when you're having fun! Just nine more days, I will be 15 months exactly. Many new things happened since last time, I have developed into a "lillte man", as my father prefered , hiding under the image of a toddler. We got back from our trip to Kauai a month ago. That was my first airplane ride, I thought I behaved exceptionally well. It was so much fun, I got to play and spend time with Mom, Dad, and Erik all day. I learned how to say PAPAYA after a few days. There are so many things to see, feel, smell, and touch. I have found food and snack are pretty enjoyable such as gummy bears, crackers, homemade soup (thanks, Mom)....thus, my milk intake had reduced to a couple of bottle a day. I am kinda used to sleep in my own room, with the exception of some stormy nights. Mom and Dad usually are very good in coming over and tucked me back in bed. Brother Erik is more patience with me now, since I can understand him a bit better now. He had to keep an eyes on me, whenever Mom or Dad had to do things. One big announcement, another cousin had arrived to join me in venturing this earth. His name is Triston. We will travel to visit him next week. December 29, 1998 Can you beleive it? It's only a couple of days before the New Year! There are so many things to write here since my father had been so busy with his things, he hadn't have time to update all of you. Well, lets begins with my second Christmas! This year, we went to Di Sau' s place to have our Xmas dinner on Thursday. Everybody was there, Ngoai and Cau Phong came late, but Tu Uyen, Tram and Billy, Sen, Trinh, all my cousins were there and more kids from cau Phuong's family. It was warm and enjoyable. November 16, 1999 Hi all, Sorry for the disappearance! Dad has been real busy, he did not have time to update my site. He told me that i will have to maintain it soon .... I am over 2 years old, now. A big boy though, Mom & Dad still call me their baby. I guess, Erik and me, will always be their baby. March 21, 2000 Hi y'all. Well, Dad still have to do the update for me 'cause i am now very busy with my exploring. I am not a baby anymore, but a toddler, a very active toddler, which will be pointed out rather quickly by Mom, Dad, and Big Bro.. Dad said he will find time to place additional photos, so please be patient and keep on clicking to view them. April 25, 2000 It had been a month and quite a lot had happened. Lets see, co Nga wedding took place April 22, 2000 at Orange Hills Restaurant. I had so much fun checking the place out along with my cousin-buddy, Johnny; we just kept running and explore all of the restaurant. I got so tired that i fell asleep in my Dad's arm after dinner. I wish co Nga and chu Khang, many years of happiness and hurry up on extending their family. I am looking forward to play with many more cousins. September 7, 2000 Well are we doing on the last few days of summer?? Dad had finally find time to provide some update on my activities. I am now a 3 year-old toddler, spending my energy mostly outdoor. I enjoy going to the pool, playing with my friends from nearby...Omar, Nala, Gilbert.. Mom stopped taking me to swimming lesson, she said it's time for me to do some other thing. Dad just got time to placed one new photo on this entry, and he had to go..
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