Ferding, 1530
The first larger size denomination, struck in Tallinn by the Order of Livonia.
(Amongst the favourite coins of my collection)
I am the coin collector (age 40), living in Liepaja, Latvia. The challenge of this hobby was awakened 30 years ago.
The quite nice looking collection of world coins was gathered. Then, later, the aim was to create something more detailed.
Of course, the direction was towards my own country and its neighbourhood, and I began to collect more deeply coins from Latvia,
Estonia, Lithuania, Empire of Russia, Soviet Union, Germany. Obviously this still was too large field to cover,
so I focused all my efforts into even more specific directions. Thus, now they are divided into the following categories:
Coins of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, 1918 - 1940;
All coins, struck in the current territory of Latvia from 1202 (the Archbishopric of Riga) to 1795 (the Duchy of Courland);
Coins, ever minted in the current territory of Estonia and Lithuania, if falling within my reach;
Coins, ever been as means of currency in the territory of Latvia. This includes coins from Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Arab Caliphate, the medieval German and Scandinavian coins.
Also coins from medieval Hungary, Poland, later Russian issues. And, of course, coins struck in Spanish Netherlands.
There are more, but it is not worth to mention them all. Obviously my intent is not to create really detailed collection of this particular category (it is absolutely impossible for me),
but "I grab what I can catch";
Paper money. Here again the main focus is on paper money, which was either as an official currency in Baltic countries
(of course, including the local issues), or has been released by other countries (Russia, Soviet Union, Germany) and has been used Baltic countries as well.
There are several reasons why I choose to create this site.
The first of all, there are not so many reference pages on Baltic money (especially concerning the previous centuries).
Also not the biggest amount of valuable online information can be found, concerning the coinage of Western Europe from the 13th up to 17th centuries.
So, my intent of this page is to:
Give interesting, true material on the history of coinage of Baltic countries;
Give my personal researches, "the brain products" of my colleges (with their agreement), covering the use of other currencies in Baltic countries;
Have an exchange of opinions with coin collectors using Web. Also to find more opportunities to upgrade my collection and help others to do so.
I have the lists of coins and paper money duplicates available. It can be sent on your request;
Share my favourite links on materials, which may fit the overall idea of this page.
The short vocabulary of the coins, struck or used in Latvia.
The Caliphate dirhams in Latvia.
The Bishopric, later Archbishopric of Riga, ((1202) 1255-1561).
The Free City of Riga, (1561-1581).
The Duchy of Livonia, (1561-1629 (1772)).
The coinage of Poland in Riga, (1581-1621).
The Duchy of Courland (1561-1795).
(Upd. Mar 11, 99) The short explanation of the different denominations of coins, struck or used in Latvia.
It covers the period from the 13th to 20th centuries.
(Upd. Feb 25, 99) The known amounts and places, where dirhams of the Arabic Caliphate were found in territory of Latvia.
(Upd. Feb 25, 99) Arci Episcopus Rigensis. The coinage and short history.
(Upd. Mar 02, 99) Civitatis Rigensis. The coinage and short history.
(Feb 25, 99) Ducatus Livoniae. The coinage at Dole castle under the reign of Poland and short history.
(Mar 11, 99). The coinage in Riga during the reign of Poland and short history.
(Upd. Mar 11, 99) Ducatus Curlandiae et Semigalliae. The coinage and short history.
(Upd. Sep 16, 99) Theme related and other favourite links, including the latest updates of modern currency in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
The article below will be the next !!!
Further on the articles on Russian mint at Koknese, the Bishopric of Tartu, coinage in Riga during the reign of Sweden.
Later - Lithuania. Then paper money will follow.
The Order of Livonia, ((1202) 1237-1561).
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