This is what people have to say about Alternate Realities... Most of them are my friends, but they always tend to leave amusing responses so it's worth reading.

The Ancient One - 10/14/00 11:55:55
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: with every step we create a path all our own
How in the world did you get here?: fate
What do you like the most about this place?: the words
What on this page really sucks?: nothing
Is there anything you think should be added here?: more pics and links
Would you like to go on a date with me?: i'm spoken for
wonderful site . i enjoyed it much . thank you .

Heather Gwynn - 10/27/99 01:30:53
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: I love Jesus
How in the world did you get here?: To your page or to the earth?
What do you like the most about this place?: not much
What on this page really sucks?: its good that you can express what you believe but unfortunatly your missing the truth. not just because its my opinion but because i know what ive experienced
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Jesus
Would you like to go on a date with me?: umm, im washing my hair....
nope, no comments

Deyrni - 05/22/99 16:17:14
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.
How in the world did you get here?: See, I was walking down the street and got hit by this dump truck...Next thing I knew I was headed for this warm, white light...
What do you like the most about this place?: it's a toss-up between the descriptions of the different religions and the captain jack stuff. :)
What on this page really sucks?: ummm... ???
Is there anything you think should be added here?: MORE DEEP THOUGHTS!!! oh, and more pictures, too...i can't read.
Would you like to go on a date with me?: I'll have to check with the direction of the wind first...
Dave, you've done it again. You've always been awesome, and you always will be. Keep up the groovy cool work and never stop dancing. :)

Dark Casker - 03/31/99 21:54:08
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: Deist
How in the world did you get here?: I just am. According to the Bible, I'm here to balance good.
I was going to translate the French for you. Suprisingly its not "David Henderson, I am French and want you to know all France thinks you're the coolest man alive" nor is it a list of a French girl's friends who want you. It is, in rough French "I think t at your place is interesting. I found it by accident while surfing the net. How many months have you been on geocities? Good luck!". Damn French.

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 13:20:46

Je pense que votre emplacement est intéressant. Je l'ai trouvé par accident tout en surfant GeoCities. Combien de mois avez-vous employé GeoCities? Bonne Chance!

Erika - 03/05/99 02:59:04
My URL:/collegepark/square/3914/erikashernoff.html
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: whatever goes
How in the world did you get here?: Captain Jack page, of course
What do you like the most about this place?: it's all David all the time
What on this page really sucks?: maybe the background, could be a little more "positive" - something in the pink or fuscia category
Is there anything you think should be added here?: many large pictures of Casker
Would you like to go on a date with me?: nope
Great page, Dave, but I've seen it from the very beginning. Gotten a lot better! No one can do HTML like Rich Boy ... Question: Does anyone else agree with me that David Bowie is not gay? Surely you do, dave. Casker can just rot in hell. Or at JMU, wha ever does it for him. Just thought I'd check in. Good show at New Years, but can you bring the microphone in the trash can back? I must admit ... I sorta miss it.

Cassia - 02/27/99 22:58:40
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: Too many to list in a guestbook blank :-)
How in the world did you get here?: From a web tracker link
What do you like the most about this place?: That you've got links to my poetry page *grin*
What on this page really sucks?: Don't know yet
Looks like you've got a cool page here... I'll have to come back some time when I'm bored and just surfing the web.

Mom - 02/16/99 21:50:09
Hi David- I was sitting at work thinking about you and thought i'd visit your site. i want to remember to show you a passage from the Bible that when i read it this morning i thought about all the stuff you had to go through at HVJH. i wish i had known about the pa sage at that time. it's Psalms, but i don't remember which one right now. Of course, it's also pertinent to some of the things you have had to deal with this pass weekend, too. Too weird is all i have to say. i also wanted to tell you that i am very proud of the way you treat girls. you will find a very special girl one day who will treat you the way you treat them. God has that special girl just waiting for you! And we will love whoever you love. Well, i guess i'll end for now....this is Feb. 16th at 4:50 m. Love, MOM

Joe Trusnik - 02/10/99 02:32:10
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: Antiworshipism (See my website for the basics)
How in the world did you get here?: The Open Mind Webring
What do you like the most about this place?: Your acceptance of people.
What on this page really sucks?: Nothing really sucks.
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Not that I can think of off the top of my hand.
Would you like to go on a date with me?: I don't know you.
AWESOME site! It's like seeing different parts of my own psyche over the past few years. You're currently in my "Sites" notebook. With permission, I'd like to add you to my website. Just, wow. Also, if you should check out my site, please don't hesis ate to criticize, bash, slam, or destroy my entire system. I WANT people to do that. But don't hesitate to question me. I'm almost never right as it is. :)

Jarrett - 01/29/99 17:33:44
My URL:http://kristismother
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: That the fish in my house is God
How in the world did you get here?: Lets just say it involves an irate syphilitic two year old, an inflatible plastic ewe, malt liquor, and a pool full of Jello. No dumbass, the red Jello!
What do you like the most about this place?: CAPTAIN JACK PAGE!
What on this page really sucks?: I didn't see any pictures of the Chorus Pedal!
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Yeah, pictures of the Chorus Pedal!
Would you like to go on a date with me?: I dont know, I don't think you are my kind of Steak.
Give me back my clown! Don't touch me! Una escritorio??? No no no no no no!! Potatos!!! Winter is coming...have you shapoooped oyur Unapooper. One time I shapooped so much I couldn't turn the door handle. You should have a sign on your head that says keep me away from the microphone. ........."lindsey".........Me like Captain Jack. I can carry the band! I love you!!

Reverand Kyle - 01/25/99 23:01:58
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: Royist... duh. Pseudo-Lutheran (i.e. I do whatever the hell I want)
How in the world did you get here?: I'm going to be trampled by penguins!
What do you like the most about this place?: Um... the picture of me. Great caption. Wow. I love you.
What on this page really sucks?: No mentioning of "No Chicken Nuggets!'' I thought you cared about me! Bitch
Is there anything you think should be added here?: A link to church of roy... assuming there already isn't one. Like I fucking read what you write. I just look at the pretty pictures of me.
Would you like to go on a date with me?: Yeah buddy, if it wouldn't make other people jealous.
Um... this is by far the coolest site on the net ( besides ). I love you David, and I love that you put me on your page! YAY! I don't know what else to write. I keep typing! Oh God, help me! Make the hurting stop! I'm being chased y a rabid moose! Ah... so many wonderful memories with David. Thanx man, you are a true friend. Bitch. HI STEPHANIE!!

The Dark Casker - 01/25/99 04:12:44
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: Deist, a fundamental belief in a rational God
How in the world did you get here?: My parents, well, my parents met one night during a movie, and then, well, hell,this is long story......
What do you like the most about this place?: Any and All pictures of the fantastic band; CaptainJack
What on this page really sucks?: Well, the lack of porn and the fact that there is no links to Deism
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Clips from the roots of Captain Jack
Would you like to go on a date with me?: Would anyone want to go on a date with you?
Praise be to the mighty Captain Jack. Brothers, sisters out there, you know the healing powers of the Dance Punk music. You've skanked to it, you've thrown yourself around in it. You've seen it make paralyzed men walk and infertile women give birth. You'v even seen the everlasting Christ emerge in the form of the Drummer, the almighty Brian Graves. Hear it now, ye congregation of rudeboys, skins, and punks. Hear it now. If you have been to one show, can I hear a hallejeauh? Thats right brothers and sisters, I hear you shouting, and for all the times you've loved that music, and felt its glorious touch, you must give back. All they ask is for two simple things, for all the joy they've given: Women and money So hand them over, ye lovers of good music. Praise be to Allah, to Jesus, and to Buddah. PRAISE BE TO CAPTAINJACK Amen.

'rik - 01/17/99 00:10:40
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: As long as something does not infringe with the rights of others you should be able to do anything you want.
How in the world did you get here?: Some big black dude dressed like a captain with a asian chic told me about it.
What do you like the most about this place?: pictures of fat guys with pandas
What on this page really sucks?: I luv everything!
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Links to religions involving Elvis
Would you like to go on a date with me?: Oh yeah, I'll make a man out of you.
Nice page, man. I really liked the new Captian Jack page. Write some more or I'll take your pants and I will NEVER give them back.

G-O-L-E - 01/15/99 00:30:17
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: I practice the same beliefs as the ancient tribal butt men of the south african valleys with their glorious women whose boobs sag and drag in the ground
How in the world did you get here?: the anti-debbie told me not to go but I quickly ran inside the rotting antelope and hid...dont tell...
What do you like the most about this place?: The pics of course!
What on this page really sucks?: KIRK! (you looked!)
Is there anything you think should be added here?: Buttnipples...lots of buttnipples
Would you like to go on a date with me?: been there and done that...
There comes a time in every small hopeless creatures life where they will die a horrible death under the ass of some sick bastard. But that, my friends, is entirely beside the point. Heed my words of wisdom: Beware of the buttnipple, Always, and I mean Always have a good time, Bryan's dad is fat, why'd you bring the guns man?, my mom is the anti-debbie, I like cheese, and if the bugs lay a trap for're going to have to go back to pee! I miss you and everybody almost too much for words David! Keep up the super crazy yahoo fun and remember....You are all seconds away from ANNIHILATION (that means sex). Did I just hear a fat woman orgasm....?

k yle - 01/14/99 22:14:18
What are your philosophical / religious beliefs (if any)?: moo?
How in the world did you get here?: moo
What do you like the most about this place?: jesus rocks nads!
What on this page really sucks?: moo!
Is there anything you think should be added here?: i like pie
Would you like to go on a date with me?: yeah buddy

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