I am currently an Consumer Saftey Inspector with the USDA.
Food Safety and Inspection Service
- M.A. in Latin
from Indiana University at Bloomington, IN
- B.A. in Anthropology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL
- B.A. in Classics at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL
- A.A. from Lincoln Trail College at Robinson, IL
My Favorite Classics Links

- The Latin Library
- The Latin Page
- Nuntii Latini
- The ACL
- The Perseus Project
- Online Latin Dictionary
- Latin Grammer
- Amazon Books
- I.U. Library
Other Gunn Family Pages
- Clan Gunn
- Clan Gunn of North America
- Ken Gunn's Homepage
- The Gunn Index
My Personal Pictures
Pictures from Southern Illinois University
Pictures from Indiana University
Jane's Pictures
Other Photos