Other Web Sites



These are links to other websites that share our views. They are very fine works with many good articles. I suggest you take the time to go through them. Just copy and paste the address on your browser.

Some of these sites have books and booklets for you to receive or purchase.

These links do not mean we share every single view, but we do agree on the major doctrines. Enjoy. Juan Baixeras.


1. Restoration Fellowship: www.mindspring.com/~anthonybuzzard/index.htm

2. Biblical Unitarians: www.biblicalunitarian.com/html

3. Antipas: www.antipas.org/books/pwhite_trinity_.html

4. Reflections of a Generic Christian:www.ereflections.org

5. Light of Christ Ministries: www.locm.org/

6. The Path of Christ Ministries: www.waychrist.com/

7. Bible Digest:http://home.pacific.net.au/~amaxwell


9. The Way of YHWH (Messianic Jews):


10. The Harvest Herald: www.harvestherald.com/main.htm

11. El Mensajero del Evangelio del Reino de Dios:http://reino.webcindario.com