Jesus The Messiah
His Kingdom


The Kingdom Of God
God and His Messiah
Other Biblical Studies
Who We Are

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The purpose of this web site is to give the student of the Bible an understanding of some very important teachings of the Bible the way they were meant to be understood by their very Jewish authors. The Bible is a Hebrew document, and one has to interpret it with the definitions and an understanding of the customs of the people who wrote it. We cannot use our own modern definitions or the definitions of Bible scholars from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th century who were educated in Greek philosophy and tried to interpret the Scriptures within that framework. Unfortunately, the interpretations given by these Bible scholars of the first few centuries are the interpretations generally accepted today throughout Christendom. We however, must discipline ourselves to discard these incorrect definitions and use the same definitions of words which the writers of the Bible used if we are to understand correctly what the author was trying to tell us. Understanding some key Jewish customs will also enlighten us to many Scriptures that have also been interpreted without reference to Jewish cultural practices. Let me give you an example of how a statement can be misconstrued by using different definitions of a certain word. If an Englishman says, "I am mad about my flat," he means that he is happy about his apartment. To an American, the same statement means that he is angry about his flat tire. These are two completely different meanings for the same statement in the same language in the same century. Now imagine being an Egyptian or Roman Bible scholar in the first few centuries with a Greek philosophical outlook on life, trying to interpret a Jewish document from a few centuries before. There were no Hebrew dictionaries or books explaining Jewish customs back then, so these men did the best that they could with what little knowledge they had of Jewish definitions and customs. Where they fell short of certain definitions they did not hesitate to use Greek philosophical definitions to explain a verse. These scholars believed that the Bible was a truth and that Greek philosophy was also a truth, and that two truths could be fused together in harmony. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Christianity and Greek philosophy are in complete opposition to each other and their fusing together can only be disastrous for anyone trying to understand either one of the two. To see a brief explanation of the influence of Greek philosophy on the early church, I suggest that you find "Platonism" in the Encyclopedia Britannica and look under the subtitle "Platonism and its influence on the early church." It is an excellent article.

Everything in this web site can be verified easily by picking up any Hebrew or Greek dictionary, Biblical encyclopedias, lexicons and expository dictionaries. I will list all the ones that I used.

If you cannot find one of the verses that are quoted from the Old Testament, please look one verse above or below and it will be there. Some Bibles have a slight difference in their numeration of the Old Testament. There are also a few quotes from the Deuterocanonical books, specifically Sirach, which is a part of the Apocrypha. These are books that are not considered canonical except by the Catholic Church, but they provide us with an excellent alternate source for use in comparison and also as evidence for Jewish literary devices.

One more note before proceeding, the Old Testament is written in Hebrew and the New Testament is written in Greek. The Greek definitions of words in the New Testament are correct, it is when people substitute Greek philosophical definitions for words in the Old as well as the New Testament that problems arise. Make no mistake, Greek philosophical definitions of words are not the same as the Greek language definitions of words. We must discard the Greek philosophical definitions and keep the true meanings of the words that were used.


Luke 4:43:


" To the other towns also I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent."


The Kingdom of God

God's Promise to Abraham - A study of what the kingdom of God is based on.The actual promises that God made to Abraham which the New Testament says that Jesus came to confirm. Once a student of the Bible understands these promises they will clearly realize that the kingdom of God is not in our hearts nor can it be the church.

The Christian Hope – A look at what the Bible says is our reward, entrance into the kingdom of God. What that kingdom actually is and what it is based on.


Have You Heard? (Of the kingdom of God) – A study of the kingdom of God and of death. It will show you verse by verse where the kingdom of God comes from that Jesus was sent to proclaim. It will also cover those verses on death and the difference between what the Bible teaches and what mainstream Christianity teaches about death.


The Kingdom of God: Present or Future?A study of the kingdom of God. Is it an already present kingdom or is it a kingdom of the future that will be inaugurated at the Second Coming of Christ?


The Christian Death - A study of what the Bible teaches on death compared to what tradition (influenced by Greek philosophy) teaches as truth.


Do Souls go to Heaven? -A study of where this idea comes from. Is it Biblical or is it a product of Greek philosophy?

1914?-A study into the claim by some people that the Kingdom of God came invisibly in 1914.



God and His Messiah


Proving the Resurrection – Proving the resurrection of Jesus with hard concrete facts that are irrefutable. To this day no one has been able to challenge these facts.


The Messiah of God – The key to understanding the person of Jesus is to understand what it means to be the Messiah. This paper is an in-depth look at what this most important title of Jesus really means.

Who is Jesus for Dummies - The most simple and to the point study on the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Who is he according to the Bible? There is no room for the mis-interpretation of these verses.

Two Gods? – A scriptural look at the God of Jesus Christ. Jesus speaks about his God. Paul, Peter, and John all speak of the God of Jesus Christ.


Did Jesus Really Die?- Did Jesus really die? Of course he did. The Bible states that fact in many verses. The Bible also states that only God is immortal.


Jesus is Omniscient?- The Doctrine of the Trinity claims that Jesus is God, and it is for this reason that the doctrine claims that Jesus is thus omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, equal in all ways to the Father. In this short paper we will be discussing the latter, is Jesus omniscient?

Was Jesus Really Tempted?- Of course he was. We are all familiar with the temptation of Jesus, but have most of us noticed how the temptation of Jesus makes the trinity an absurd impossibility. Let’s take a look at it in depth.


Understanding the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit – A study into the Doctrine of the Trinity with explanations to all those verses that you were taught supported this doctrine.


After Nicaea - A look at the events after the Council of Nicaea. Supporters of the Trinity never mention this information.

A Patristic Study of the kingdom of God and the Development of the Trinity – An in depth study of where the Doctrine of the Trinity comes from. Which Greek philosophies are responsible for its creation along with the people that were responsible for its infiltration into Christianity. Also, a look at what the first Christians believed in regards to the Kingdom of God and to what happens at death.


The Nature of Preexistence – A look at what the Bible means when it speaks of someone or something as preexisting. It is not what you have probably been taught.


A Christological Confession – A scriptural look at who the writers of the New Testament and the people mentioned in it, confess Jesus to be.


The Jewish Messiah – A study about whom actually is responsible for the death of Jesus. Was it the Jewish population, the Romans, or was it the elite priestly government (the Sanhedrin) with the support of Jerusalem’s merchants? It also includes many verses from the Old Testament of the promised Messiah that Jesus fulfilled.

The Blasphemy of Jesus of Nazareth– The purpose of this paper is to examine the charges that were brought against Jesus that led him to be crucified. Were the charges that were brought against him that he was claiming to be God, or that he was claiming to be God’s anointed king of Israel?

John 10:17-18-People have tried to use these verses to try and prove the Trinity. The argument is that Jesus is saying that he will raise himself, thus he must be God. In a few moments you will see how preposterous this view actually is. Even from a Trinitarian point of view it is incorrect. This paper will explain this verse in depth.

Philippians 2:5-9-These verses have been done an incredible injustice by people trying to prove their beliefs instead of accepting the word of God for what it is. I hope this helps.

Colossians 1:15-20-These verses have in some cases been mistranslated and in most cases been misinterpreted. When they are used in support of the Doctrine of the Trinity, they are in all cases taken out of context.

In The Beginning Was The Word-A detailed look at John 1:1-3 & 14. The "Word" is not a reference to Jesus as most of us have been taught, it is "a message" as John himself tells us in his first epistle.

Who is Jesus?-This paper presents a list of quotes from many of the leading Biblical scholars and reference books on the topic of who Jesus is and on the origins of the Trinity. It will surprise you.

The Blessed Trinity-This is what Trinitarians accept when they believe in the Trinity. Most Trinitarians do not know what it entails. It will shock you to see what you are accepting as true when you accept this doctrine. This paper is written by Trinitarian theologians. Bizarre, yes. Biblical, no.


Other Biblical Studies

The Spirit of the Holy One - A study of the three views of the Holy Spirit.Is it the third member of a triune God, just the power of God, or is it the presence and power of God?

Key Words and Customs of the Bible – A careful study of the real meanings of certain key Hebrew and Greek words and customs which when used and understood will change the meanings of some very important verses. This paper is not based on anyone's opinion. The definitions come straight out of the Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias and lexicons which are listed. A must for the serious Bible student.


Indwelling of the Spirit – What does the Bible really mean when it says that the Spirit of God or the spirit of Jesus dwells in us. It is all scriptural with many verses to compare. It will startle you to see the difference from what it actually is and what it has become.


A Study of Tongues – A serious look at the phenomenon of speaking in tongues. Are the tongues spoken by certain groups today the same tongues that the Bible speaks about?


The Ideal Christian Community-Contrasts the reality of organized Christianity with the New Testament ideal of a Christian community.


Restoring the New Testament Pattern - A look at some groups who are trying to restore the churches to the way they were during the Apostles' time. Was
the way the church was in Apostolic days exclusive to those days only, or are we supposed to be able to imitate everything they did? Also a brief look at what the Bible teaches as an ideal Christian community.

Is the Sabbath Part of the New Covenant?-A study on the relevance of the Sabbath for Christians. Is it part of the New Covenant or did the New Covenant make the Sabbath obsolete?

Satan, the Personal Devil - A debate against the view of some groups that the devil in the Bible is really our own evil human nature

Is Jesus An Archangel-The purpose of this study is to review the claim by some that Jesus is the archangel Michael. As we shall see, this view does not have any Scriptural support in favor, but it does have very strong Scriptural support against it.

How God Views Us-This is a look at a good possibility of how God views us and how this specific view affects salvation and other topics in the Bible.

Is War or Force Ever Justified by God?-This study deals with the debate of when we as Christians are allowed to use force.

The New Testament-A detailed look at the origin and history of the New Testament, along with which texts are used, which are the best manuscripts and why.

Is the KJV the Only True Word of God?-A factual and thorough study of the claim by some that the KJV is the only true word of God.

The King James Version Errors-A look at all the errors contained in the KJV (which some people claim is infallible). This list was provided by a KJV advocate who says that we should just correct these errors and continue to use the KJV.

The King James Version Revisions- A look at all the many revisions that have been made of the KJV. Which one is the true word of God?

Recommended Reading-Books that I highly recommend on some of the topics covered on this web site.

Related Sites-These are web sites that I highly recommend. They are fine works with many good articles.

Who We Are

We are a small group of Biblical scholars which range from a seminary professor to a writer in a small Christian magazine. We are all Christians. We are non-denominational. We do not have a "location" except for our web site. We keep in contact with each other and share our research through the internet and the telephone. We are not trying to recruit anyone for any group because we do not belong to any group.

Our purpose is to research so-called Christian Doctrines to see if they are in fact Christian in origin or if they are really the product of the infusion of Greek philosophy into our Christian faith. Our sole purpose for having our web site is to share the information that we have gathered throughout the years with other Christians who do not have the time nor the resources to do the research that we do. What other people do with this information is up to them. Our goal for the Christian faith is that Christians of all denominations will remove all the Greek philosophy that has throughout the years changed Christianity and return to the New Testament teachings as taught by Jesus and his Apostles.

In Christ, Juan Baixeras.


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