Debbie, who could love a friend more..! You are the most Wonderful and Lovable Friend anyone could EVER hope for and I just want to say how thankful I am to have such a special person in OUR lives.. There is No One like you my sister IN Heart & SOUL !
But I want the world to know How Much you mean to me !

a rose

Uhh Charlie?

LOL..gotcha ! As a friend and as a trusted, and much loved
part of my world,
To You Charlie !
The world is enriched too by your presence, and my life has been bettered by knowing you also.. I have truly been blessed in this life to know your love. You are the best brother and friend a kid could have..........***smooch***

dancing bear

And for the other Very Special blessing's in my life, Among them,


Moe : anyone that could wheel me around Canada has GOT to be a Saint. and You...
I love! Hi Robert and Lisa~~~
JoJo God's Speed and God bless hun.....
and Moe Moe, watch the LMAOing it gonna fall right on off girl ~~~giggle~~
Thanks for the smiley face Laughs!

Jodie, what can I say about you GF.. besides ..when push comes ta shuv, at least we know who our friends are and I am thankful to be your friend, Not many can say ,"been there done that with Cali," and have gone as far as YOU !
Thank You friend, Love You!
Hi Jim, Jimmi and Jeff........<G>  {S neener}
dolphin can't wait to get back to the beach WOOHOO

Going with the longest known first on this..
CT. SO. PAM, SUE, RuthAnn,  SUE, Shirley.
Lanie, Phylis, Leslie, Carrie, Sundae,
Katie ober~>der in UK! Jayne
Heidi, Buffi, Leslie,
Mel, wherever you are !
MomA < ~~ my first adopt -a- mom : )~
This one is for You BettyJo
babyrock heehee, you have really been there
for Troy and I and we love you!
rocking baby{{{{{{{{{{{ GIGGLE  }}}}}}}}}}}}

the men uhh~~ TOM, Gene, Kevin,  JJ
Henry ~Gerri you're in our hearts and prayers Always Friend !
DAC -Alan- my lil dumpling sugar cake,

to you Friends....

I want to tell you how much it means to get those hugs and all the TLC. The laughter we share has to be good for any soul. Even if my neighbors did call the guys with the lil rubber suits {S neener}
We have seen many situations in our lil Tree House and I think you should know you are:
Just the greatest group of folks!
Whether it be a friend in need, a stranger GONE MAD, a stranger lost in desperation, or just a newcomer to the crowd. They are welcomed, heard, helped and Love to come back to your warmth.
From this warmth have come new friends......

Diana, ( My darling daughter  ~ of the adopted sort.)
You are such a joy to know my lil sweetie, and I am very proud of the person You are D. You are such a bright example that our future is not left to rebel's, drugs, and violence only.. People like you doll, are the Light of our future, and an inspiration to parents to keep trying.
Precious, you warm our Hearts and lives with your glow!

Maxine, Cindy, Jackie, Leslie, Liz, Aggie, Annie, Fay, Rose, Cathy, Cathy, Cindy, OHLORD... please don't be mad, there are so many... Robert~ RV, Bert, Jim, Peter, Brass,J. Ron, Kevin............

This list is so long it needs it's own page but for those of YOU who belong here, please do me a favor and REMIND me because..well uhh, because you know myou fine folks and you have a very welcome place in my heart also..
For You all I am truly blessed....
yakky mouth yak at ya  soon !