Sadly our World has lost many loved ones Each year.
This year alone, famlies everywhere have been touched
by loss. By many ways and reasons we are forced to live on
missing someone dear to us.
In memory of one of Heaven's dearest angels
I dedicate this portion to OUR MaryAnn....
Mary Ann is an Angel with a heart of gold, never did she shy away from kindness to others. In spite of pain and illness from cancer, she always had cheer in here voice, warmth in her heart and an open ear to all of her friends. Mary Ann, like many people overcame many adversities in her short life, but she turned them into a kindness and understanding of others that made her a rare jewel. She blessed us with laughter and joy, and when someone was unkind, she held it to herself ;-( but , replied
with even more humor and kindness.......
Heaven gained the grace of our Angel 5:58 pm. PST.......
when Mary Ann's valiant fight with cancer took her home.We Will have her love in our hearts the rest of our lives and by that may those of us who where blessed by knowing her, carryon the kindness to others she taught us.
Bill, We love you brother, and I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Please Visit Tom's Page for our Angel in Heaven Gerri Neusbaugm
Gerri too fought a long hard battle with Cancer........
She was called to heaven
3-24-1998 11:00am PST
Henry you are in our Hearts and prayers..