Hello. We hope you enjoyed viewing our pages. On this page you can read what our other visitors have had to say about our web site. Also, you are invited to submit any comments you may have, or you may just wish to leave us a message and introduce yourself to us.
P.S. We are keen to establish dialogues with other schools around the globe, so please feel free to contact us.
fujiko satooka - 10/20/00 12:50:52
City/Town: miyazaki city
fujiko satooka - 10/20/00 12:49:58
Johan - 10/18/00 09:34:30
My Email:johan_sundin@passagen.se
City/Town: Karlstad
State/Country: Sweden
School: Kroppkarrsskolan
School URL: www.xpress.se/kroppkarrsskolan
School Email: britt.marie.melin@bu.karlstad.se
Hello!! Good site. Please mail to me or my school. Hejdå = Goodbye
oggo - 10/06/00 01:36:38
My Email:the_noski@hotmail.com
State/Country: Sydney
hi, just checking out one of the page from the schools i went to.
oggo - 10/06/00 01:34:22
My Email:the_noski@hotmail.com
State/Country: Sydney
hi, just checking out one of the page of one of the schools i went to.
wedad Juma - 09/27/00 06:49:54
My Email:wedad_Juma@hotmail.com
City/Town: sharjah
State/Country: United Arab Emirates
School: sharjah women college
School URL: swc
Hi,we are a group of students in the Bachelor of Education in sharjah Women College. Sharjah is a city in the United Arab Emirates, in the Middle East. The Bachelor of Education is a new program in our country, and its goals are to train teachers of Engli h to young learners. Our program was developed in partnership with the University of Melnourne in Australia. We would kindly request your cooperation with us in collecting information for a project in Information and Communication Technology.
Noor - 09/18/00 10:55:49
My Email:990002872@fjwc.hct.ac.ae
City/Town: Fujairah
State/Country: United Arab Emirates
School: FUjairah Women's College
Hello, I'm Noor, I'm a student doing a B. ED Degree course.I'm studying to be a teacher of English in the primary classroom.I have to do a project about lessons in Primary Schools. So I have to make contact with teachers and students in primary schools. I will be interested in contacting with any one Yours, Noor
- 09/18/00 10:31:01
Christine Lee - 09/12/00 21:27:02
My Email:christine_lee@edu.yorku.ca
City/Town: Scarborough, Ontario
State/Country: CANADA
Great Web site. I am currently completing my education degree at York University in Toronto Canada. My placement this year is with a grade 4 class. I am looking for another grade 4 class so that both classes can be cyber-pals. Please e-mail me as soon as possible. There are 19 students in my class. Thanks Christine Lee
Charlotte Graham - 07/16/00 12:35:46
My Email:charliegraham_2000@hotmail.com
City/Town: Birchington
State/Country: England
Hi, this is a wonderful site. I have learnt much about you and your school. Thank-you, Charlie.
Gwyn Jones - 06/29/00 15:35:27
My Email:dolgarro@conwy.u-net.co.uk
City/Town: Dolgarrog Village
State/Country: Conwy, North wales, U.K.
School: Dolgarrog Primary School
School Email: dolgarro@conwy.u-net.co.uk
I've got a class of 15 9 & 10 year olds who'd like to establish a link if you're interested. We teach through the medium of Welsh. Diolch yn fawr. (Thank you)
arlene nucero - 04/26/00 23:48:44
My Email:anucero@optonline.net
City/Town: merrick
State/Country: ny, USA
School: Camp Avenue Elementary
I am looking for a first grade teacher to share literature experiences with my class. If you have any teachers interested please e-mail me. Thank you!
Casper - 03/23/00 12:34:01
My Email:C.a.s.p.e.r@forum.dk
City/Town: Smørum
State/Country: Denmark
School: Boesager
It's a very good home page. Hygge Hejsa (Have a good time)
Casper - 03/23/00 12:33:46
My Email:C.a.s.p.e.r@forum.dk
City/Town: Smørum
State/Country: Denmark
School: Boesager
It's a very good home page. Hygge Hejsa (Have a good time)
Camilla - 01/10/00 09:10:16
My URL:have none
My Email:i_am_2_best@hotmail.com
City/Town: Sölvesborg
State/Country: Sweden
School: Eko-piloterna
School URL: http://www.edu.solvesborg.se/ekopiloterna/index.html
Hi, Nice page and well done!
Gillian ottley - 11/29/99 16:44:21
City/Town: Haliburton Ontario
State/Country: Canada
School: J.D.H.E.S
School URL: www. never mind.com
School Email: Not available.calm
Good entertainment. need updating badly.
Vivian - 11/06/99 01:09:03
City/Town: Bellflower
State/Country: California/U.S.A
School: Albert Baxter
St joan of Arc - 08/06/99 04:47:22
City/Town: Haberfield
State/Country: Sydney NSW
School: st Joan of Arc
Mark Lagana - 06/28/99 11:59:15
My URL:Whats that?
My Email:mlagana@hotmal.com
City/Town: Penshurst
State/Country: NSW Aus
School: Kograh Marist
hi its Mark.. how are you Purcy? (Mrs Purcell) and hi to Mr White, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Stodart, and other various teachers, secutarys and princapals, oh and who could forgert....how are you Mr Baker? bye for now Mark (dux of school 98')...i whish
Matthew Beus - 03/31/99 07:02:19
My URL:http://www.spin.net.au/~matthewb/home/
My Email:matthewb@spin.net.au
City/Town: Sydney
State/Country: NSW Australia
School: Padstow College of TAFE
School URL: http://www.tafensw.edu.au
Very good homepage but needs to be updated to a newer one
Annika Keisu - 03/14/99 12:05:11
My Email:annika_f_k@hotmail.com
City/Town: Juoksengi
School: Juoksengi skola
Hello!!!!!! Jag är en 11årig tjej somn nyss hittade den här knäppa hemsidan. Hej då!!!!!
Ivan Attitude - 01/22/99 03:18:30
My Email:ivanattitude@yahoo.comComments:
Nice site but like most schools the info is a bit dated. No offence but what is it with teachers? Or dont they participate in the web site? Update it, slackos
Birgitte Koch - 11/30/98 20:06:24
My Email:gitnie.@post.tele.dk
City/Town: Odense
State/Country: Denmark
School: Tarup
I would be interested in a class who would like to exchange letters with Danish students -aged 10-13. They have had one to four years of English.
Jenny Murray - 11/18/98 13:39:29
My Email:jennat62@aol.com
City/Town: Nottingham
State/Country: Nottinghamshire, U.K.
School: Jesse Gray Primary School
School URL: under construction
School Email: jesseg@global.co.uk
Was really impressed with your web-site and can see that a great many exciting things go on in your school. Who developed and maintains the web site, must be very time consuming? I am deputy head of a primary school with about 470 children from age 5-11. At the moment I am on 6 months unpaid leave to finish my M.A. in I.T. I am going to visit friends who live in Sydney in March and would love to visit your school if possible. It would be great to develop links with you as I could then be in touch with children at my school when out in Australia. Congratulations again on the site, I'm supposed to be developing one for my school but haven't got very far yet. Be in touch, Jenny
Charles Yuan - 11/05/98 04:54:42
My Email:This_sucks_7@hotmail.com
City/Town: Beverly Hills
State/Country: NSW, Australia
School: International Grammar School
School URL: ??
School Email: ??
Where is the pictures from the 97 Year 6 farewell? Everything seems to be from 95 to early 97. Just want you to put the most recent pictures on the web page. Thank you
Krirksak Kongsilp - 10/30/98 16:51:41
My Email:kongsilp@asiaaccess.net.th
City/Town: Bangkok
State/Country: Thailand
Could not find the your school email address. Please send me the email address and we would like to communicate with you. Sooner the better. Thanks.
Charles Yuan - 10/30/98 06:19:46
My Email:This_sucks_7@hotmail.com
City/Town: Beverly Hills
State/Country: NSW, Australia
School: International Grammar School Sydney
Hello to everyone in BHPS. I hope you all remember me, I am Charles Yuan the really smart kid last year in Mrs Chandler's class (5/6C). Just dropped by to say hi to all the teachers and staffs in the school, especially Mr White and Mrs Chandler. Hope ever thing is great down there. Charles Yuan
10/26/98 11:24:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments:
Just surfing. Thanks.
Troels Haugstrup - 09/10/98 12:28:12
My Email:thaugstrup@forum.dk
City/Town: Aarhus
State/Country: Denmark
School: foraeldreskolen
School URL: www.foraeldreskolen.dk
School Email: 8y@foraeldreskolen.dk
Hello I like your homepage much your under construktion schield.
Troels Haugstrup - 09/10/98 12:27:39
My Email:thaugstrup@forum.dk
City/Town: Aarhus
State/Country: Denmark
School: foraeldreskolen
School URL: www.foraeldreskolen.dk
School Email: 8y@foraeldreskolen.dk
Hello I like your homepage much your under construktion schield.
Rasmus Faurholt - 09/10/98 12:19:10
My Email:faurholt@forum.dk
City/Town: Aarhus
State/Country: Denmark
School: foraeldreskolen
School URL: www.foraeldreskolen.dk
School Email: 8y@foraeldreskolen.dk
good site
Regan Hemopo - 08/14/98 10:53:48
City/Town: Wellington
State/Country: New Zealand
School: Don't know
School URL: No Idear
Very Impressing !!!
Brendan Smith & Mark Lagana - 05/30/98 12:06:28
My Email:mlagana@hotmail.com
City/Town: Beverly Hills
State/Country: NSW, Australia
School: Kograh Marist/Sydney Tech
If you ever stumble across a football ontop of Mr Whites roof its ours... OK?! Handy tip, never put your hand in an aligators mouth. Another Handy tip, dont die...you could kill yourself..?!¿ Goodbye..And goodnight.
Marilyn Fletcher-Thornton - 05/21/98 15:55:08
My Email:msTUSCOLA@webtv.net
City/Town: Lena
State/Country: Mississippi USA
My two grandchildren are living in Sydney. I hope to visit in the next year so I'm trying to learn as much about your city as I am able. Really like your site!
Mark Lagana - 05/07/98 07:44:07
My Email:mlagana@hotmail.comComments:
I think this is cool because now I left this school I can come back and see whats going on! Mark
03/01/98 05:04:30
Name: Debbie Sutton Comments:
Dear Mike Have just been on and had a good look around. The site is "looking great". I like the guided tours with the photographs. Great stuff. We need to have a look at getting some of the art on and I have a new contact with the Board of Studies regarding linking in with other school to make us easier to find. Debbie
01/17/98 05:23:52
Name: Groton Elementary School My Email: Email Me Comments:
We are 1st graders in the United States. We live in South Dakota. We enjoyed touring your part of the world. Perhaps we can contact one another in the future. We do not have a web page yet but we will let you know when we do!
12/28/97 10:08:18
Name: Vince Lagana My Email: Email Me Comments:
I like it. Congratulations Gina and Mike.
12/19/97 16:54:01
Name: maggie adams Comments:
you are my introduction to the internet. your country is fascinating.
12/09/97 01:51:17
Name: Johnathon K. Comments:
Hi i am Johnathon K. this site is very great
12/09/97 00:59:17
Name: Terry Yuan Comments:
Well, I like the part where the menu circles change colour and the it's pretty big. The photo album a very good idea.
11/19/97 08:22:25
Name: Lucy T Comments:
I think this is a superb site. Very informative. I look forward to revisiting your web site in the future for updates on what Beverley Hills primary school has been up to. This is just a suggestion but it might promote contact with other schools if teachers provided some information on their particular classes and various school projects that are taking place. I wish all the students and staff of Beverley Hills a Merry Christmas and a happy new year on the web!
11/05/97 06:18:04
Name: Darren Galea Comments:
Well Done Mike and Gina