Save this page to your DEL.ICIO.US account and TAG it
. is back.
Geocities has not been kind to my site. First I lost FTP and then my domain
redirect, and then all my files disappeared. At that last straw I wrote them
and they restored the files but the domain redirect never came back, so I've
set it up elsewhere and installed a Moodle at
Bluehost seems to have a problem with the pull-down javascripts in the
menu matrix below. If these don't work, please
choose a mirror site by
clicking here or scrolling to the bottom of the page. I'll try and fix
this, but after summer.
Quick Links: | |||
Recent projects and presentations: | Renewing for 2008: Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments, Sept-Oct 2007 | Under construction: Web 2.0 Workshops for Iran 2008 and for Sudan Jan 2008 | My most recent presentations on | Second chance for Second Life | EuroCALL presentation on Mastering competencies for collaboration and aggregation in distributed learning networks | Institutionalizing Web 2.0 for Learning in the Arab Region, Alexandria Egypt | Blogging and Tagging lectures in Spain July 2007 | Writing in a flat world: better blogging through social networking at WiAOC 2007 | Plenary address in Ankara | My Seattle TESOL 2007 presentation | | Video presentaton: vance2006antwerp | Spring 2006 presentations on Multiliteracies in collaborative learning environments | TESOL EV Online 2006 Session: Establishing and maintaining 'Web presence' 2.0 | Online presentation on Blogging at QETN in Qatar | Let's go blogging now at TTTT Conference, Abu Dhabi, April 2005 | CALL IS Academic Session at TESOL 2005, San Antonio | Workshops in Tunisia, July 2004
Where do visitors to this site come
from? |
Family News: Vance and Bobbi are still in Abu Dhabi where Vance has become a Computing Lecturer at Petroleum Institute and Bobbi teaches KG1 at ACS | Dusty graduated cum laude from UC Irvine in June 2007 | Glenn graduated from San Francisco State University in December 2003, got a a TEFL Certificate in Mexico, and is now teaching ESL in Abu Dhabi while working on hs M.A. online |
Hi, I'm Vance Stevens |
And this is my family! You can meet us in various ways here. Choose from the list below. Track what Vance is up to professionally in his blog AdVANCEducation |
Travel* October 2006 Yunnan | Summer 2006 Kyrgyzstan | Summer 2005 in Guatemala and Honduras 2004: China in July | Tunisia in August | Prague photos | Thailand November 2004 |
Vance's Papers and Presentations |
Scuba Diving Logs, Courses, and
Resources |
Webheads in
Action |
Our Seasons Greetings at
New Year 2007
are at our Homepage: here and Vance's new blog
and at a Webheads Wiki here
I have moved the voice message widget that was here to my blog
*This from Geocities 23 Apr 2002, regarding my Travel site: "Your web site, seems to have been receiving a large amount of traffic. Our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3 gigabytes per month (measured on an hourly basis). That means that during the past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the bandwidth within this limit." - As this is not a revenue generating site, I have no plans to upgrade it,so if you find it down, please try again later. Also, my password for this site no longer works, so I am unable to update it at present and aside from the above message Geocities is not communicating with me. In late 2003 I rec'd word from Geocities that if I didn't make changes to this site it would be taken down. Despite the fact that I can't touch it (no working password, no two-way communication with Geocities), this never happened, and well into 2007 it's still up.
Incidentally, this does not affect my ESL_Home, Papers, Webheads in Action, Scuba, Caving, or Running sites - Vance
What to do about Internet Censorship? This site is now mirrored at these URLs
If you have trouble visiting links from this site try copy / pasting the URL your browser takes you to with its corresponding link from the mirror site.
You might be affected if you are in
An article about a study on Internet filtering in China is still available in May 2008 at The article refers to this study: Real-Time Testing of Internet Filtering in China: Documentation of Internet Filtering Worldwide, by Jonathan Zittrain and Benjamin Edelman at Berkman Center for Internet & Society Harvard Law School -
With regard to China, in 2008 the Portuguese and mirrors seem to be working from there. However, the redirects such as are not working, though you can reach the links through their direct URLs such as in the case of Also, there are links from those pages to other files at Homestead, which are not mirrored anywhere, and not available in China. However, two of my contacts in China were able to reach all of my sites through methods suggested below:
For example, suppose the server that's working today is The digits following the colon are the port setting. You put the 4 sets of numbers separated by dots as the address of the proxy server, and the numbers following the colon at the port setting.
If any of this applies to you, good luck,
This posted on Wednesday November 22, 2006
Software to Skirt Web Censorship
People in China, Cuba, Iran, and other countries where the government censors what they see on the Internet could soon have access to a lot more information. Citizen Lab, at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies, has announced that it will release software on December 1 that allows people in those countries to see blocked Web sites. The software, called psiphon, allows someone in a country that doesn't censor the Internet to send someone in a Web-censored country a URL that enables the recipient to visit any Web site. --Andrea L. Foster
Psiphon is a censorship circumvention solution that allows users to access blocked sites in countries where the Internet is censored. psiphon turns a regular home computer into a personal, encrypted server capable of retrieving and displaying web pages anywhere
For comments,
suggestions, or further information on this page Copyright 2009
under Creative Commons License: Last updated: April 24, 2009 13:00 GMT |
Copyright 2009 by Vance Stevens
under Creative
Commons License: April 16, 2007
Mirrors: This page is available at:
Free stats counter installed here Feb 1, 2008