Lexis - Shareware version 2.0 Compared with the previous versions, all program restrictions have been removed and this is a fully working version. The maximal number of excerpts is now set to 6000; You can enter up to 40000 translations (words or phrases). Several new important features have been added: - A tutorial has been added. - Now you need not to scroll all the sentences found as the result of a search but can choose relevant translations directly from a list. - The notion of an unresolved translation has been defined. If you didn't manage to translate a piece of text you can mark it as 'unresolved'. Afterwards you can easily locate it. - You can mark a phrase before actually entering its translation. It allows immediate search for translations of phrasal verbs in English or separable verbs in German as single items. - While reading text from a file, you can enter the preview mode to see what will be read to the foreign text window without actually reading it and so split the text in the most appropriate manner. - Full color differentiation has been introduced. ----- To install run install.exe ----- The purpose of this program is to help its users to enlarge their vocabulary through reading texts of their choice with a relatively large amount of unknown words and to use their previous work in future translations automatically. The program allows providing words (discerning separable verbs in German) and phrases (discerning phrasal verbs in English) of foreign texts with translations. Previously translated sentences are stored for subsequent automatic referencing when related words are encountered. Besides providing translations and automatic referencing Lexis allows to check knowledge of the translated material. The translations provided are checked within the context of the excerpt that contains the translated words. In the author's opinion the checks shouldn't be taken too seriously and considered as a restriction for farther reading. The program supports English, French, German, Hebrew or Russian or any language with its alphabet contained in one of the alphabets of these languages as user's mother tongue; English, French or German are supported as studied foreign languages. For these languages the program is able to find related words for regular and irregular verbs in different conjugations, nouns in different declensions and so on, although some reservations ought to be made due to heuristic nature of the algorithms. It is worth mentioning that the search for related words is the only essential aspect of the program that is dependent from the foreign languages in question. It can be (and has been) hopefully well formalized based on their grammar. When an interested user intends to deal with hundreds if not thousands of new lexical items, he or she is expected to be ready to learn 3 basic functional keys F2-F4 for editing and new properties of the Enter, Space and '+' keys for editing and checking translations and this suffices to work with the program. A tutorial has been provided that can be chosen during the installation. You can use electronic texts which can be found on the Internet or enter them by hand. Some recommended sites: English Project Gutenberg: http://www.ul.cs.cmu.edu/gutenberg/web German Project Gutenberg-DE: http://www.abc.de/gutenb/autor.htm French Alexandrie La Bibliothe`que virtuelle: http://www.alexandrie.com/alex2/pagealex/litterat/litterat.html Lexis can calculate the page and column numbers of each translated word in a dictionary if some relatively small amount of data has been provided in advance (at least the first word on each page in the dictionary). The program is virtually independent of what letters a particular computer can display. But for a keyboard, that cannot handle some German or French letters several keys has been redefined or introduced to cope with German and French. Data integrity was the highest priority in the program design so that even if the program data is corrupted in one place - at worst one-two excerpts are effected; if power break occurs during the program execution - at most changes to the current edited excerpt (one-screen size) are lost. Two separately created data files for a particular language can be merged by the plain 'copy /b file1+file2 file3' Dos command. Remember that the Windows presence essentially slows down display output in the DOS shell, so if you are not satisfied with the output speed - exit Windows and run Lexis in DOS (for Windows 95 shut down with restart in the DOS mode). Using SmartDrive or any other disk cashing utility will significantly speed up the program. The program requires registration only for use in business, commercial or institutional environments or any other use for profit. Otherwise you don't have to pay for it. The author can be reached by email: alexande@tx.technion.ac.il or alexande@cs.technion.ac.il (Alexander Birzh)