What People are saying about Toastmasters?
(Dragon Toastmasters is a member of Toastmasters International.)
"Toastmasters is a phenomenal opportunity for someone to develop themselves logically, emotionally and really become a leader, not just a speaker."
Anthony Robbins, author, "Unlimited Power" & "Awaken the Giant Within"
Toastmasters 1995 Golden Gavel Recipient
"One (good) answer to public speaking problems is Toastmasters. That organization does a fabulous job of helping people speak better."
Tom Peters, author, "In Search of Excellence" & " The Pursuit of Wow!"
I believe in continuous improvement, and to achieve it you must get constant, immediate feedback from your audience. For 25 years, I’ve been telling people to pick up the phone and call Toastmasters."
Harvey Mackay, author, "How to Swim with the Sharks without being Eaten" & "Sharkproof"
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