What People are saying about Dragon Toastmasters?

  • " Toastmasters has changed my life. Now I can communicate with people effectively and confidently!"
    Maranda Wong, CTM.
  • "Toastmasters is simply the best organization to improve self confidence and ability by learning public speaking. It does not matter whether you think that you are a poor speaker or a good speaker because Toastmasters is all about being better, not best"
    Stu Taylor, DTM
  • "Toastmasters has done wonders for me. I am applying the skills I acquired from Toastmasters everyday – at work, at home, and socially. I am very grateful that Toastmasters has helped me in improving my communication skills and in raising my level of confidence."
    Gordon Chan , CTM
  • "Four hours a month will get you to the podium with confidence. This is what Dragon Toastmasters did for me. Come and see what Dragon Toastmasters can do for you!"
    Anita Chu, CTM
  • "Dragon Toastmaster is informal, fun and supportive in enabling me to learn to speak with enthusiasm and confidence – a key ingredient to success in life, especially in Canada."
    Stephen Cheung, CTM

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