What People are saying about Dragon Toastmasters?
" Toastmasters has changed my life. Now I can communicate with people effectively and confidently!"
Maranda Wong, CTM.
"Toastmasters is simply the best organization to improve self confidence and ability by learning public speaking. It does not matter whether you think that you are a poor speaker or a good speaker because Toastmasters is all about being better, not best"
Stu Taylor, DTM
"Toastmasters has done wonders for me. I am applying the skills I acquired from Toastmasters everyday – at work, at home, and socially. I am very grateful that Toastmasters has helped me in improving my communication skills and in raising my level of confidence."
Gordon Chan , CTM
"Four hours a month will get you to the podium with confidence. This is what Dragon Toastmasters did for me. Come and see what Dragon Toastmasters can do for you!"
Anita Chu, CTM
"Dragon Toastmaster is informal, fun and supportive in enabling me to learn to speak with enthusiasm and confidence – a key ingredient to success in life, especially in Canada."
Stephen Cheung, CTM
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