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Burny 2000

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Is there anything missing from my page, or do you have comments on how I can improve?
Just enter here and tell me what you think.

Ok, so I'm not that much of a poet, but if you like, you can enter here
and read over a few of my works and a few works of other people.

Come on over toMine and @J's chat,it's a nice cozy place for you to meet up with your friends,
and since not too many people come here you have a little privacy.

Want to see what I look like? Want to see what
some of my friends and family look like? Well it's all in here.

I am a member of the RHPS fan club,
this is my dedication to the movie.

On this page view some of my favorite Bands
and read lyrics to a few of their songs.

Due to request I have added a bio/info page over me.
So learn what you can while you can.

I'm sorry, some pages are temperarily unfinished, or some links may not work, this page is under major re-construction!!!!

"But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.         "Oh, you can’t help that," said the cat, "we’re all mad here, I’m mad, you’re mad."          "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.          "You must be,"  the cat replied, "or you wouldn’t of come here."

Lewis Carroll

You are the visiter since August 15th 1998.

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