So, you've always wanted to become a writer and now you've decided to take the plunge. Welcome to my Web page of writing hints. If you're not sure how to go about getting started, this site will give you some tips on how to begin, how to overcome writers' block, some writers organizations, and tips on different genres of writing. So pull a chair up to your computer and start those keys moving. The important thing is to keep those ideas for writing flowing and to enjoy doing it.
Every writer finds himself / herself stymied for ideas on how to break free from that black pit of despair called writer's block. Here are some tips on how to get out of that rut and kindle your imagination.
Try these ways of overcoming Writers' Block:
More ways to overcome writers' block
This is a good place to find some ideas to get started on writing
Ten Do's and Don'ts for Beginning writersCan't think of anything to write. Try the Monthly Word Challenge of the Flin Flon Writers Guild and see what you can write.
So, you're out of the pit, but you've decided you need some structure to keep you going. Here are some places where you can take some good writing courses.
Now that you've written something, it's time to examine your manuscript. This process is called critiquing or blue pencilling. Here are some Net sources for critiquing:
Self-editing of writing is also very important. Try these Web sources:
Writing of poetry is an art. A poem should appeal to the eye, the ear and the imagination. A poem is essentially the crystallization of an image, a sound, a feeling or an experience. These are some sources for the beginning poet
One of the best ways to help strengthen your resolve to be a writer is to find an organization where others have similar goals. The focus of these groups are organizations for Canadian writers.
You've decided that you want to write for children. This is one of the best places to start.
You've decided that you're interested in become a romance writer. This is a good place to begin:
Romance Writers of AmericaYou solve all those mysteries on the tube and you're always finding the answers to those two minutes mysteries in magazines. You've decided to try your hand at mystery writing. Try a crime writers association:
Crime Writers of CanadaOne of the best ways to get started on your writing is to keep a journal. Try these sources for some help on journal writing:
There are hundreds of sources for writers on the web. These are some of my favourites.
Keep a blog or a journal on line is a tool that many writer's may find useful. Here are some tips for blogging:
If you are thinking about entering a literary contest, be sure to read all the rules and fine print very carefully. There are many legitimate contests, but there are many that are scams and the "Sponsors" are interested in parting you from your money. Many literary magazines are small and sponsor contests as a way of surviving, but these will usually pay in copies of the magazine if your poetry is published. Beware of any contests that require you to pay for a copy of the book that your poem is published in. Check out magazines such as Writer's Digest, The Writer, or Poets and Writers. Research the contest thorougly.
Here are some links that you might consider checking out:
Literary and Poetry Scams
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