
This is one of those generic, well almost generic, looking pages that says "HI, I am currently under construction."

As time goes by there will be more here, but for the time being, this is all there is to see.

Mathematics Papers/Links
Variety Links
Platonic Solids and Regular Polyhedra - Abstract Algebra Paper TSoS - The Sea of Storms, a text based, online RPG (MUD) I administrate/play in my spare time.
Linear Polarization of Photons - Freshman Linear Algebra Paper 8-bit Theatre - Most excellent web-comic
Topology and Nonlinear Dynamics - Paper for Topology L.J. - Blog?
Gaussian Curvature with Mathematica - Paper combining Mathematica and the concept of Gaussian Curvature Strong Bad's Email - A section of HomeStarRunner.com
Math Search - Great search engine for finding advanced topics in Mathematics. Ninjai - Incredible little animation project, go Ninjai!
Ask Dr. Math - Great site answering questions ranging from Elementary School, to Graduate Level Mathematics. Beloit Physics - Physics Department
Mandelbrot Explorer - Explore the Mandelbrot Set SLG Publishing - Great Comics: JTHM, etc.
Chaos Pro - Great Fractal Generator Bibliomania - Classic books online
Square One Clips - Who didn't love Square One? Zombocom - There can be no explanation
American Mathematical Society - The AMS is a professional Mathematics Society Encyclopedia WoT - No WoT junkie should be without this link.
Mathematical Association of America - Association of Mathematics Teachers Acts of Gord - Thing that happen to a video game store owner in Canada.
Beloit Math - Math/CS Dept. Lotus In the Sun - A non-profit religious organization dedicated to World Peace and the relief of suffering.