A little about myself:
Picture below of me to the right sitting with a bottle of ginger beer. You can
look across Somerset (southern England) in the background, as I am sitting on the top of
Glastonbury Tor. The big guy in black to the left is an English
friend named Vivek. He suffers from a compulsive, and apparently incurable obsession with
"mitochondria", little strange things that you can find within all cells, plant,
animal or human, but you can read more about this on his home page: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/9077/

Update, september 2005:
After finishing training at the teacher's college and having worked 4 years as a
teacher in public school, I now study at university.
During the past 8 years I've been through a deep process of healing and
spiritual transformation, focusing primarily on healing
of past life traumas (of which I had many, deep and violent ones). It has been a
tremendously difficult process, but also an endlessly rewarding one, and I hope
later to be able to share some of the rewards with others, starting here with a
new section
on healing and spiritual growth. I also hope to find the time to add more
information about Martinus' Cosmology, as this cosmo-
logy is unique in its scope and breath - and largely unknown in the world,
despite its revolutionary insights.
I've always been very interested in understanding things, in finding the truth about things, and this gradually led me to
spiritual science, which has been the only thing that could satisfy my thirst for knowledge on a level which was
deep enough. The universe is full of questions, and humanity has always sought to answer
those questions, as we can see from the history of science. History is also rich in
mistakes and errors of one kind or another, world pictures which have changed, theories which have been overthrown, and schools of thought and power
centres which have been abandoned, as evolution moved further - yet behind all this
remains the search for truth, for realisation, as one of the strongest driving forces for
While I went to high school, I was very depressed with the
scientific and social
establishment in our country (Denmark), which I felt lacked a real understanding of life
of cosmos and was immersed in illusions and self-deceit. I found that even the scientific
establishment in the West, with all its skills, knowledge and resources, made many
and was clinging to ideas which I could see were erroneous, most importantly, and most
the idea that the physical universe is all there is, and that human beings have only one
life - in short -
materialism. Gradually I realised within, that we have several lives, and that we evolve
from life to life, that there is a plan with our lives, and that we are connected with a
spiritual world from which we are continually inspired and supported. These, and other
realisations led me to study spiritual science, and here I found books written by people
who knew, not people who thought they knew, but people
who knew because of their inner
connection with the source of wisdom. In Theosophy, I found a description of the laws of
evolution, of reincarnation and of karma, and of the Inner Government of the Planet, which
inspires, guides and helps humanity on its way. It also made me realise, that people are
vastly different levels of development, and from then on it has been easy to find the
in different matters - for though Truth lives in every human being - in every part of the
universe - it is expressed most clearly by those who have come the farthest in
and have developed an outstanding intelligence combined with deep love, compassion.
and wisdom through countless lives, and who can therefore act as teachers for their less
brothers and sisters. These are the initiates and the people who have founded spiritual
science in its many branches, and from them it is easy to learn to see things in a higher
perspective, to learn to see things with the eyes of God or of the Higher Self, as I seek.
Also, the world situation In the late 80's made me very depressed. First of all, there was
the nuclear threat, which hung like a dark cloud over the planet during the Cold War, and
secondly there were all the other global problems: Pollution, over-population (or
exploitation?), wars and aggression. Yet in the years which have come since then, I have won a much lighter outlook on life. First of all, some of the global
problems, for instance with the nuclear weapons, have really lessened, we are not any
longer facing a conflict between two power-hungry and aggressive super-powers, led by
mad-men, and in Europe, at least, both the governments and the population are very aware
of the environmental problems, and seek to do something effective about them, perhaps not
as fast as one could desire, but they are at least trying, and that is what is important!
Also, I have become aware of the cosmic picture in which the Earth is involved - the fact that the
Earth itself is moving towards higher consciousness, and that humanity, as the brain cells
of the Earth, is moving with it, towards an age of light. The forerunners of the new
civilisation which will come can be seen in all the good and loving things, all the wisdom
and beauty which is already being created on the planet, and we can be certain that that
which is ugly or suppressive of man's spirit will not survive into this age - for the
universal evolutiion is not the result of blind chance, but works on the basis of intelligent planning and of
cosmic laws, and all life forms follow these laws, the results of which are inevitable. Lately, the energies which have come to the planet seem to accelerate spiritual
development tremendously, and an overwhelming flow of information about spiritual things
(more or less accurate and truthful) is flooding the planet through our information
systems, which we have now developed to such a degree that it functions as a reflection of
the inner telepathic network which exists between all human souls on the
In order to discern what is useful
and what is not in this flow, I am happy to have both Theosophy, Anthroposophy and
Martinus' Cosmology as my background, as well as a good knowledge of psychology,
sociology, history and natural science. I often come to think of the ideals of the
Rosicrucians when I read pseudo-spiritual literature, for their ideals, the rock upon
which they built their house, was "the true, the good and the beautiful", and to
me there is no better guidance when faced with surprising theories, than to ask:
"Does this serve the true, the good and the beautiful?" You can be certain that all which comes from the light does exactly these three things! Theosophy
teaches its students to evaluate before they speak, whether what they are about to say is
"truthful, helpful and beneficial", and otherwise remain silent, and this is
another good clue to discrimination - the trees are judged by their fruits, and often the
highest wisdom is expressed in silence.
I am glad that I can put some pictures of our blue
Earth at the end of this home page, to show how marvelously beautiful this wonder of a
planet actually is.
On my home page, I have collected various pictures of beautiful and
inspiring things, but we must remember, that they have all been found on our home here in
the universe- the spaceship Earth, which is now on a fast journey towards enlightenment -
and we are the passengers - those of us who decide to cooperate with the energies of
light and love may remain, while those who still wish to experiment with misuse
of power, war,
suppression and other forms of distortion of divine energies will be transferred to other planets in the
centuries to come. This will mean the establishment of peace on our planet - "the peace
which transcends all understanding", or that which is referred to in the Bible as
"the New Jerusalem", for the Jewish prophets knew thousands of years in advance
what was to come to this planet, as have many indigenous people around the planet,
evidence of which is now coming to the light of day. And there is more to come! As the New Age progresses, the
wisdom which lies hidden in ancient monuments, below the Earth, in crystal skulls and
hidden archives, in the universal mind and in the mind of the initiates and Masters of
Wisdom, and amongst the space people, will be given to humanity, when the danger of misuse
is gone, and humanity is ready to use with wisdom what is have been given with love.
Let me end this with an experience I had during a healing session in 1990: I had
sought a spiritual healer because of the heavy depression I was suffering from,
and was taken to the room dedicated to healing at that particular spiritual
centre. During the healing session, as I spoke of my sorrow over the situation
of the planet,
I was suddenly lifted out of the body, and out into the universe, as it were.
There, in my mental body, I experienced a vast, universal golden light, and saw
how the Earth faded in comparison to a tiny speck of dust in the grand scale of
the universe. I felt how the Earth could be drowned many times over - and
endless number of times - in the vastness of this golden light, and yet the
ressources of this light would have barely been tapped. It was a wonderful
experience, for it showed to be the relativeness of the problems on the Earth.
The Earth might perish, and the universal light would still persist. What is
going on on the Earth at present is just a small cycle of darkness (on the
universal scale) coming to an end now, as the light floods the planet again.

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