Natural science tells us that matter and energy is equivalent, and
occult science further tells us that all matter is energy manifest at different levels of
vibration, hence, matter is a state of vibration, physical matter being of lower and
coarser vibrations, and the higher worlds - etheric, astral, mental, buddhic and so on
being of increasingly higher vibration and rarefied matter.
This is shown on the following illustration of the seven planes of
our solar system from Alice Bailey's writings:

The higher we go upwards, the more rarefied the matter, and the
stronger the currents of spiritual energy flowing - in fact, above the level of the
concrete mental plane, the experience of "form" disappear to human beings, in
only "life" and "energy" remains.
While great beauty can be seen on the physical plane, the higher
worlds are even more beautiful, at least in the regions which are dominated by light,
different artists have portrayed the beauty of these worlds in their paintings.
For instance, look at these pictures by the French painter, Annie

It is mainly the devas who build the forms, both in the physical
world, and in the inner worlds, and they do this under guidance from the divine mind.
We read in Alice A. Bailey's "Letters on Occult Meditation
(p. 51-52):
1. All that exists is based on sound or on the Word
2. Differentiation is the result of sound.
3. On each plane, the Word has a different effect.
4. According to the note of the Word, or the vibration of the
sound, will the work of building or casting our be accomplished.
5. The one three-fold Word has seven keys, and these seven keys
have their own sub tones.
And Geoffrey Hodson writes in "The Kingdom of the
(regarding the creation of minerals and their crystal structures):
"...this implies the emission of a formative or shape-producing electro-spiritual
energy of the order or quality of sound, a soniferous creative force or Word - a creative
chord. In terms of frequency of oscillation, the notes of this chord are expressive of the
component ideas of an archetype pre-conceived and held in the major Creative Mind
throughout Manvantara. This archetypical idea partly serves as a dynamic model in the
super-physical worlds for the shaping of etheric and physical matter into the conceived
patterns. This is the source of the impulse which cause inorganic and organic substance to
assume geometrically governed forms and of the organising, pattern-assuming characteristic
of proto-plasm. My own observations suggest that the shape-producing process is aided by
the actions of Hierarchies of Creative Intelligences - Archangels and their angel hosts -
who, as embodiments of Universal Intelligence, know the design or archetypes and, by
allying themselves with the Word-force, enhance or amplify its formative capacity. These
beings live in the super-physical worlds and act perpetually as form-molding agencies,
according to the word. It should be understood that the terms spiritual and super-physical
do not imply spatial separation from the physical universe. Matter of every degree of
density co-exists spatially, the finer interpenetrating the denser. The laboratory of
Nature and its "engineers", "artists" and "chemists" are
within physical matter, somewhat as Herzian waves are transmitted through the air and an
electrical current along a wire. Both protyle and protoplasm are "charged" from
within by an indwelling, immanent, thought-directed, creative, formative Life-force. At the
etheric-physical level, the Hierarchies of Creative Intelligences are represented by the
inner builders of forms, the nature spirits, who operate instinctively, largely by playing
along the lines of force - stimulating to them - which form the geometrical patterns set
up in the all-pervasive ether by the emitted and vibrating Thought Word-Force......The
creative energies of which all forms are the product first emitted as sound by the
utterance of the "Word", may be thought of as arising from a central, spiritual
Source, represented physically by the Sun. At their source, these energies have tremendous
potency. The whole race of the Gods from the Solar Archangels to the planetary angels
serve somewhat as electrical transformers. They receive into themselves the primordial
creative power, as if by resistance to its flow reduce the "voltage". From
the Solar Gods it passes through their lesser brethren, rank upon rank, until it reaches
the physical worlds. There, with the assistance of the nature spirits, it throws matter
into shape conceived by the Creative Mind."
Ghandarvas - the Angels of Music:
There is a special groups of Devas who work with the energy of music
in the inner worlds, and who inspire composers and musicians in their work. These are
called Ghandarvas, and in ancient Greece, they were referred to as "muses"
(Remember the beginning of Homer's Iliad?).
Here are some pictures of the music angels, from Geoffrey
Hodson's and Eskild Tjalve's books:
A Music Deva merging with a flutist
during a concert:

A Ghandarva:

Music creates forms in the inner worlds
We know from occult research (C. W. Leadbeater: Thought forms and other works) that
thoughts are formed in mental matter, with colour, structure and shape according to their
nature and quality, and with a clarity which depends of the strength and training of the
thinker. Similarly, clairvoyant investigation has shown how music creates forms in the
inner worlds when it is played, and we have here one of the keys to the effects of music
on human beings, not only are we influenced in a beneficial or detrimental way by the
sound waves, depending on the music, but we are also touched by the energy forms which the
music creates in the inner worlds by the power of sound. This is an important key to the
understanding of the power of music, for if sound is used consciously for the purpose
healing and beautifying society and the planet, it will have great effects, while the
opposite is also the case.
We already know of the effects of music and sound from the ordinary,
worldly perspective: The power of sound is used within politics and debate when forming
slogans to make an impact in the collective consciousness, in this case to create a strong
thought form on the mental and astral levels which will influence many people. This is
everyday life experience, one by the medias mostly, and many thought forms may become
dominant in the collective consciousness this way, without necessarily being correct.
Physically, the power of sound is illustrated by the fact that sound
waves, when high enough, can crack glass, kill people or even cut through concrete walls.
There are also laboratory tests made to use sound as an energizer for cold fusion. The
effect of speech is clear when we look at how people influence and support or try to
dominate each other by the power of speech and sound, and the effects of music in society
is illustrated, both by the detrimental effects of aggressive rock concerts or the healing
and uplifting effects of beautiful music played in public.
Cyril Scott writes in his book Music - its hidden influence
throughout centuries that apart from the occult and Theosophical movements, and the
different political movements supported by the Hierarchy, one of the major ways in which
the Hierarchy has sought to influence humanity for the good, is though classical music,
which portrays the life, the energies and the beauty of the inner worlds and speaks
directly to the heart and soul through the power of sound and vibrations.
A Music form:
The Master D. K. writes in Letters on Occult Meditation about the
Word and the power of sound and vibrations that:" The of such profundity
and of such vital moment that your shrinking from even considering it is exceedingly
natural. No matter what we may say upon the matter, we can but touch the fringe of it, and
the depths of what will be left unsaid may seem so great, that the data communicated may
assume too small proportions."
Well, I feel somewhat the same way, and I'm not a Master in the
Hierarchy, so how could I do better ? :-) But I hope what I've written above will serve
for inspiration and further study, it's certainly a vast and interesting subject.
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