Light work and Earth Healing.

Light work means spreading frequencies of light, love, beauty and wisdom on the Earth and into all kingdoms of nature.

The whole of our universe consists of energies vibrating at different frequencies, densities and wavelengths, and the higher the frequency of the energy, the more powerful and "spiritual" it is.

The planet Earth has long been veiled in darkness, and many crimes against the laws of life have taken place here, but now this cycle of darkness and suffering is about to end, and the planet and its inhabitants will become enlightened, literally bathed in and permeated with spiritual light, coming from cosmic sources.

In the longer run, humanity as a kingdom has a position on the planet as the Earth's throat centre (sometimes also, humanity is said to be the brain, individuals the brain cells, of the Earth), and therefore humanity does on a planetary level that which the throat centre does on the human level, i.e. we invoke light from above, from the higher worlds, and manifest it on the physical plane, in the outer worlds.

Humanity's function on the planet is to respond to the higher creative and cosmic impulses which are sent to us, and to transform them into action to sanctify and beautify the physical plane and create a "Garden of Eden" on the physical level.

The magnificent work of great artists, musicians, architects, engineers etc. amongst humanity clearly shows this potential within humanity, but the New Age, and ages to come, will show more fully humanity's divine potential, for as we know, we more from lesser to higher degrees of perfection, year by year, incarnation by incarnation and cycle by cycle, driven by the cosmic forces of evolution.

As described in Asger Lorentsen's books and by many other initiates and teachers, the Earth is now becoming illumined by the inflow of solar fire, the love energy of the Solar Logos who is the spiritual consciousness of the physical sun in this solar system. Study of the Egyptian mystery religion and the mystery tradition of the Rosicrucians and the Gospel of St. John will show that these different sources all knew that the sun is a living being. The sun is the creative heart of our solar system - the source of life, both physically through the sun's rays and spiritually via the other frequencies of light and energy that it radiates out into the solar system.

From the heart of the sun, vast love energy pours out entering into the middle of the Earth and activating the planetary kundalini and heart centre as it begins to permeate and sanctify the planet. Simultaneously, energies and beings from many other universes and planetary civilisations are present here on the Earth, watching and assisting Earth and humanity with the awakening and transformation of civilisation. Some refer to this as the "Cosmic birth" and/or the initiation of planet Earth.

As light beings incarnate, we have the option to co-operate in this work. Helping to speed up the process by which light and love, brotherhood and justice is established and strengthened on the Earth. All we need to do is to open up, receive the guidance which is offered us from the inner levels, and begin to co-operate.

In the following, I let Asger Lorentsen describe the possibilities which have now opened up for group work with Earth Healing and light services to lift the vibration of the Earth, and mention some of the methods of light work which he has helped to develop:

Methods and possibilities in light work and group work.

By joining together in groups and form a receiving group grail, we participate in the growing network within humanity which will merge with the light beings who help us from the inner planes. Our hearts and inner bodies will then be transformed into living cells within the consciousness of humanity which help to heal, illuminate and sanctify humanity from within.

Christ is closer to humanity than he has ever been before. The angel kingdom is closer to people's hearts than ever, and the interplanetary light beings who help us are far closer to our world and are far more numerous than ever. Therefore, the possibilities for divine help are excellent. The beings in the inner worlds are just waiting for a certain group within humanity to co-operate with them Through this conscious co-operation with opening up for the light, invoking it and transmitting the light, humanity can be transformed surprisingly quickly from within. This will re-orientate humanity's thoughts, feelings and actions towards new values, and immeasurable sufferings can be avoided.

New forms of inner group work are being created which are adapted to those people who wish to connect with our helpers on the inner levels around the Earth and with the Heart of the Universe on the basis of the possibilities which come because of the new openings to the Solar Logos and the planets of light of other solar systems.

The inner desire within those of us who will gradually make up the network of light transmitters is: "God, transform me from within so that I can become a living grail through which you can work in the world." The deeper we go into this attitude of life and this prayer, the more attention we will receive from the deity on transforming us so that we can become living grails amongst the many other grails through which the redeeming Christ energy can create the core of the brother- and sisterhood of the Hearts on the Earth. The deeper our inner connection is, the more effective will be our inner service for the Earth.

The simplest way in which we can connect with the golden network is to open up our hearts as grails for the energy which comes from the Heart of the Universe. And the most effective way is to connect with others and create group grails through which permanent light streams can be built up as pillars of light. A group grail is a circle of hearts which open up to God together, becomes filled with God's love and then lets it flow out into humanity and to the Earth. The group grail is formed every time a light service for the Earth is performed.

The most beautiful thing about light services for the Earth is that through such services we co-operate with God about coming into the middle of humanity's darkness and transforming it from within. When a group of light workers acknowledge the fact that it represents humanity and that it shares humanity's sufferings, longing for light and hope that love will be victorious, and its prayer for help, then a part of God's being becomes present from within as the Holy Spirit. When a group of people make themselves sensitive to humanity's longing for light, brother-sisterhood and inner peace, then God's love appears as the holy breath into the centre of all human suffering and begins an inner transformation of this suffering. Through this heart opening, a group of the world servers of the heart can help to make some of the being of God felt on the Earth.

One day, people will become so influenced by the waves of suffering on the Earth that they turn towards the Heavens in the hope that peace, fullness, meaning, hope and live can be found in spite of chaos, fear and suffering around them. At that time, millions of people will seek the specially trained initiates and light groups which have been transformed so that God can let his holy breath live amongst humanity through their hearts. Then, more and more people will discover that they can enter into the groups which have already been transformed, and that within these groups they can feel some of the peace and the love which they have been longing for. Then they will discover, that they have been looking for love, joy and happiness at the wrong places. Then they will realize, that love, joy and happiness is a vibration which is a part of God's nature. And they will realize that this vibration can be contacted when they open their hearts in silence, in fellowship with the others in the group as a grail and invokes God's light and love through the joint heart of the group as a help for humanity. Thus, the group grail is like an open door between the Kingdom of God and humanity.


The deepest form of service consist in invoking and co-operating with the great impulse of the fiery solar spirit which flows through The Cosmic Christ and Christ-Maitreya into the Earth. With this kind of service, a group of trained light transmitters co-operate with the solar impulse which is now about to manifest as a golden fire in the middle of the Earth. Thus, the service furthers the creation of a golden sun within the heart of the Earth which will redeem and resurrect the Earth and humanity from within. This golden light will gradually transform the veil between humanity and God and lead humanity through an awakening of the hearts, a rebirth and an elevation into a new life within the vibration of Christ-Maitreya. This deep form of light service helps to break down the veil of darkness which is still keeping humanity a prisoner of the negative principle. During such a Christ service we co-operate especially with Christ-Maitreya as the golden sun.

Within the same impulse we can co-operate with the Holy Spirit as the life-giving light, the transforming light and the sanctifying light. By doing light services as Services for the Holy Spirit we can help to build in the light streams as light particles which transform darkness from within, which heal our bodies and which create new vitality within our physical-etheric bodies. The Service for the Holy Spirit help to build God's life and beauty into humanity's world. Through services for the Holy Spirit, we pray for divine beings of light to vitalise nature and especially the waters, so that humanity may again inhale and exhale God's holy breath when they are in physical incarnation. Thus, services for the Holy Spirit help humanity to come into alignment with nature again and to live with gentleness and respect for nature.

Light transmission can also take place in co-operation about opening up to the gentle and silent work of the Mother Deity within humanity's hearts. This co-operation can take place during a Mary Service for instance, where we pray for the World Mother Mary to be present within our hearts as the Mother of Compassion and to embrace us in her gentle love. During a Mary Service, we make ourselves silent and receptive to God's being as gentleness, tenderness, healing light and embracing love. In these services, we identify ourselves with the great wish which more and more people have on the Earth, that God may reveal himself as peace and as new life in the middle of the terror of the wars and the emptiness of loneliness. In this form of service, we pray that the divine fullness may vitalise all kingdoms of nature, and that gentle love and peace may spread in the world through the caring angels of the World Mother. This service is a service of prayer for help to all the weak ones on the Earth. It helps making us silent and sensitive to Mary's gentle love.

A healing service for the Earth and for humanity could also focus on the presence of light within humanity. In such a service, people may gather to work for the light without relating to the light through personal names or religious formulas. During such a light service, the most important thing is the good will to co-operate about furthering light and peace on the Earth. The participants in a light service share the wish of wanting more light in their consciousness, and of wishing a closer co-operation between humanity and the worlds of light. During a light service we share the knowledge that humanity cannot transform the world alone and on its own, and we share the desire to be responsible as a group for invoking light and transmitting light to humanity and to nature.

Some of us feel strongly connected to civilisations of light on other planets, to the star cities around the Earth, to the Interplanetary Council and perhaps to a special group of star ships. In the co-operation with these intelligences, we can use interplanetary services. Interplanetary services have the purpose of expanding the star way between the Earth and the holy planets, so that the light streams from here may flow ever more freely into humanity. Through interplanetary services, the co-operation between us and the star people become more dynamic and responsible, more doors between the two worlds are opened, and our inner universal identity as star people or angel people is stimulated.

Following is a description of various methods for this co-operation gathered from my own experience. Please bear in mind that everybody who lives a life from the heart and in love is a light worker who helps to spread light here. Co-operation in groups has a greater effect, for the effect is the square rather than the sum of the number of participants. The combined energy field

allows higher and stronger energies and inspiration to be given. As the dynamic of group co-operation is released, the people who meet strengthen and inspire each other, striking the key note of the Aquarian age, group work. This allows powerful new energies to flow in and prepare the new civilisation.

Methods for light work:

One of the better known methods is the use of The Great Invocation, a prayer which was given by Christ to humanity right after World War II. This prayer invokes the energy of light, love and will/power into the planetary evolution as well as invokes help to stop the negative forces on the planet.

Let's have a look at it:

THE GREAT INVOCATION                                                                       

From the point of light within the mind of God      light is invoked from the divine mind
Let light stream forth and into the minds of men  called into humanity's mind
Let light descend on Earth                                         and into the planetary life                                                             

From the point of love within the heart of God      love is invoked from the universal Heart
Let love stream forth and into the hearts of men  called into humanity's hearts; the Reappearance of Christ
May Christ return to Earth                                        as planetary teacher and light-bringer is invoked 
From the Centre where the will of God is known      from Shamballa, the planetary crown centre,                        
Let Purpose guide the little wills of men                    guidance is invoked, the understanding of the                     
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve    Plan according to which the Hierarchy works                             

Let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth  prayer for the restoration of the divine Plan                  
And may it seal the door where evil dwells                      on the Earth and for stopping the action of the 
                                                                                                 negative forces through light, love and power

Amen                                            Amen                                                Amen

This invocation can be used individually or in groups and said within, mentally, or aloud, the effects appear as a response from the higher worlds and the inflow of more light, love and guidance to humanity, thus lifting the planetary consciousness and assisting the Hierarchy in its work.

Group work and Earth Healing services:

Other forms of light work are specifically designed for groups.

Geoffrey Hodson wrote about co-operation with the devic kingdom in his groups, where music, ritual and colour should be used to invoke the energy of the devas, and throughout history, the initiates and priests have used music, colour, rhythm and ritual in their co-operation with the inner worlds.

The 7th ray of order and ceremonial magic which is now beginning to become the key note of planetary civilisation, gives great possibilities for light work and magical work in groups, and this opportunity is greatly increased by the presence of immensely powerful light impulses which are steadily seeking to enter humanity's consciousness and the planetary consciousness. It is we who have to open the door, and a very good way of doing this is in conscious co-operation with the light beings and energies of the inner worlds.

Group work, guided through ceremony, does this most effectively, below are described some possible methods.

These techniques were originally taught in Denmark by Ananda Tara Shan who later went to Australia to found "Theosophical Fellowship" there as a spiritual, educational institution working for the illumination of humanity.

Earth Healing Services:

Light Service:

To further light and peace on the Earth.

A table with a circle of burning candles is put in the middle of the group. Relaxing music is played, and the leader asks the participants to relax and visualise their hearts connecting to each other.

Introduction music

The same piece of music is used every time, to make the participants relax and to open up to the inner worlds. The leader asks the participants to visualise themselves in an inner world of light and to open up for this light.


Leader: We ask for the protection of the cosmic light

Prayer for the presence of light within the group

Leader: We pray that the universal light may strengthen the light in our hearts.

Everybody looks at the lights in the middle and visualises the light in the heart. The participants may also each take their light from the table and hold it in front of the heart.

Leader: This is the light which we light within our hearts, the flame which must be kept alive forever.

Repeat after me:

Heart of the Universe, I open up to you      Repeated by all
Unite with me                                              Repeated by all

If people have held the candles before their hearts, they now put them back again in a circle on the table.


Leader: We hold each other's hands (the group does this). See the lights symbolising the unity of the group and the brother-sisterhood of humanity. See the group connected with a golden network of peace groups around the Earth.

Watch the lights in silence for 1-3 minutes and then let go of each other's hands.

Prayer for the world

White silent music is played, participants think of the sufferings of humanity.

Leader: Universal light and love. We connect with you.

Repeat the following four sentences after me:

Come into our hearts                                                 Repeated by all                                                                              
Let us feel your presence
                                           Repeated by all                                                                              
Let the peace of the hearts spread amongst people
  Repeated by all                                                                               
Let love be victorious on the Earth                           Repeated by all                                                                     

Leader: Worlds of light, from the midst of humanity we open up to you.

Repeat the following four sentences after me:                                                                                                                  

Guide our wills                                             Repeated by all                                                                                   
Enlighten our thoughts
                               Repeated by all                                                                                           
Heal our emotions
                                      Repeated by all                                                                                            
Help us to connect our hearts
                     Repeated by all

Healing of the Earth and of humanity

Leader: During the music we think of the suffering which affects the Earth and humanity

(music begins).

We see ourselves forming a circle of golden light around the Earth.                                                                                We visualise the light flowing through the middle of the group and through our hearts and hands, to let us create new life through the light everywhere where we find suffering and decay.

We see peace established in the middle of humanity's conflicts and desires.

During beautiful music for 10-20 minutes, the attention of the participants is directed towards one or several areas or groups of suffering or conflict on the Earth. These may be mentioned one by one. While the group opens up to the Heart of the Universe, the whole of the Earth is healed in the end.

Vitalisation of the participants through the golden light

Leader: We open up to the presence of the golden light. We pray the golden light to enter into us and into all the kingdoms of the Earth. Let the fullness of life heal us.

Gentle and vitalising music continues for 2-5 minutes.

The following sentences in the next section are said during the next 5-10 minutes while the gentle, vitalising music continues.

Leader: See the light flowing on into humanity and transforming humanity's darkness every time you exhale. See The New Life vibrant within everybody. Pray for humanity to be reborn.

See a kingdom of golden light being born from within on the Earth. See golden rings of people spread around the Earth. See a civilisation of light grow up everywhere on the Earth and open up to the universal life. See the Earth permeated by light. Repeat after me: "The Earth shines" - Repeated by all.

Individual healing

Here, participants may wish to pray within for healing and open up to receive.

If the group wants it, it can be arranged so that everybody who needs a special healing can sit down in the middle of the group. If the group works with distant healing, it can be arranged so that one of the participants is thinking of the person who needs healing, or that notes with the names of those to be healed are placed on the table at this time. The leader may ask the participants to send healing energy to those who need it.

Gentle music for 5-10 min.


Consciousness is directed towards the outer world. Mentally or verbally, participants thank the light for the help which has been received.

The service may be performed by individuals (30-45 min.) or by groups (45-75 min.)                                                        There may be several leaders during the service so that two different participants can guide the service.

NB: A short pause is held after each of the sentences which are repeated.

Mary Service (will be added later)

Service for the Holy Spirit - 
transformation into new life.

Relaxing music.

Introductory music.

Same music each time which softens and opens up to the light within the inner universe.

Prayer for divine presence within the group.

Leader: Father-Mother-God! On behalf of humanity we seek You. We open ourselves up to You as The Light of the Universe, as the Love of the Universe and as the Inner Life of the Universe.

We pray:

Come into our world                    (repeated by all)
Create a path of light for us           (repeated by all)
Connect us with your light            (repeated by all)
Help us in this service                   (repeated by all)


Leader: We hold each other's hands. See the group as a flower within humanity. See the flower opening its leaves towards God. Feel the longing for God's light, fullness, love and peace to renew humanity's life from within.

See the group connected with the golden network of the light transmitters around the Earth.

Prayer for the world:

(On behalf of humanity this prayer is said while music is played quietly).

Leader: Father-Mother God, humanity's suffers. Come back into our world. Let your Will dissolve darkness on Earth.             

We pray:

Let Your light guide us                                    (repeated by all)
Let Your love fill us                                        (repeated by all)
Let Christ be born as the new life within us     (repeated by all)
Let Light be victorious on the Earth                (repeated by all)

Leader: Give us a new life in Your Light. Give us understanding of the presence of Light on the world. Give us the vision of the new world which you are about to create on the Earth.

Music for 1-5 minutes.

Light transmission:

Leader: Father-Mother God, send Your holy angels everywhere where there is suffering on Earth. Let Your Light be strengthened in the areas where we are now praying for Your help. Let your Light stream through our midst and our bodies be protected.

During beautiful music, the attention is directed towards an area (or group) of suffering or conflict on the Earth. The leader may mention these areas or groups one by one. Afterwards, the whole of the Earth is healed from the heart.

Music 5 - 15 minutes.

Leader: See God letting His loving angels embrace all who open up to the Light. See the whole of humanity and the Earth surrounded by God's Light and Love. Repeat after me:

"The Earth is radiant with light" (repeated by all)

Healing through the Holy Spirit.

Leader: Father-Mother God, we pray for the Holy Spirit to enter into us and into all kingdoms on the Earth. Let the Fullness of Life go into matter. Let the waters be purified and become alive again.

We pray:

Embrace us in tenderness and gentleness     (repeated by all)
Let us feel the fullness of Life                        (repeated by all)
Vitalise us with your Holy Breath                  (repeated by all)
Let The New Life be born within us              (repeated by all)

Gentle and vitalising music.

Leader: Breathe in God's Breath - and breathe out God's Breath into all cells. Feel the Life, the Light and the fullness in God's Holy Breath. Allow yourself to breathe in the Life. Picture how the life force transforms darkness and renews all cells. See all your cells glowing with light.

2 - 5 minutes.

See God's Holy Breath flow on into humanity with each breath and transform the darkness of humanity. See the New Life vibrate within everybody. Pray that humanity may be reborn again.

2 - 5 minutes.

See God's Kingdom being born from within on the Earth. See a civilisation of Light grow up everywhere on Earth and open up for the universal life.

2 - 5 minutes.

Life elixir.

Bless the spring water with God's life stream flowing through the hands.

Leader: Holy Spirit, unite us with You....(repeated by all)

Everybody drinks from the blessed life elixir.


All: Father-Mother God, we thank you for the new life which You let vibrate on the Earth.


All: Father-Mother God, we thank you for the new life which You let vibrate on the Earth.


Uplifting or relaxing music which integrates the light within the cells of the body and turns consciousness towards the outer world again.

The service can be done by individuals (30-45 min) or in a group (45-90 min)

Cosmic World Service (will be added later)

Small Earth Healing Service (will be added later)

Arranging a light service:

The following description contains many ideas to add depth and meaning to the light service. Yet all these many recommendations don't need to be followed from the start, but can be used gradually as the participants are ready to use the deeper possibilities of the service. You just do your best on the basis of the recommendations you can use without becoming too distracted by what could be done to make things even better.

Inner attitude before and during the service

Before the service, the participants seek to understand themselves as a group within humanity which is engaged in the sufferings amongst humanity and on the earth, and who wish to serve the light.

Relaxing music

The relaxing music before the service is used to help the participants to become silent, create peace in their minds and emotions and slowly to prepare for the service. It is good to choose music which will touch their hearts so that the participants are helped to go within.

Also, it is fine if the leader gives a simple guidance where the participants are asked to open their hearts so all hearts are connected, and to open the heart of the group for the Heart of the Universe.

Introduction music

The introduction music should preferably be the same every time, or perhaps two or three different pieces can be chosen which changes with each service. The music should be quiet and touch the heart. Classical music reaches most deeply.


The group calls for protection to help creating a field of light in which the service can be held.

Prayer for the presence of the light within the group

The group may choose to light the candles before the service and to let then stay on the table, or the

lit candles can be held up before the hearts for 1-3 min. before they are put into a circle. What is most important during the prayer for the presence of light within the group is that everybody becomes aware that there is a universal light which they desire to strengthen within themselves and on the Earth.

The Heart of the Universe, is an expression which refers to a higher centre of light in the universe. To more religious people it may refer to the heart energy of the Solar Logos or to Christ. The Heart of the Universe is a universal expression corresponding to the vibration of divine love everywhere in the universe.


The visualisation serves the purpose of strengthening the participants' awareness about the light within themselves and the light which comes through more and more light groups on the Earth which will help humanity through the difficulties of this transitional period. By watching the lights in silence, the awareness of the importance of light in our own life and for humanity is increased.

Prayer for the world

Before the prayer, the leader may ask the participants to identify with the suffering part of humanity and to go into their own wish for help to relieve the suffering on the Earth. The best music here is deeper heart music. It is best if the participants can identity so much with the groups who suffer that they can say the prayers almost as if they themselves were in the middle of an area with war, famine or disease. This makes the prayers more genuine, and they are said on behalf of the whole of humanity.

Each sentence is said with a small pause before the next. I recommend that the prayers are said by everybody instead of being read aloud by all so that the participants can remain with their eyes closed and better in tune without using their consciousness on reading and speaking in one voice.

Healing of the Earth and of humanity

The sentences are said with a longer pause before "we see ourselves forming..." and before "we visualise the light...." and before "we see peace...." It is a good idea to visualise the group sitting in a circle around the Earth so that the hearts and the awareness can constantly be turned to the situation of the Earth and of humanity.

The group may choose to call for help to selected areas on the Earth, perhaps a specific war or a specific form of suffering which it seeks to alleviate, or it the group can be visualised as present amidst the problems, forming a circle around that area or group. The group can also picture itself forming a circle together with a group of healing angels.

Vitalisation of the participants through the golden light

All sentences are said with a certain interval between, and preferably so that the leader himself is in tune with what is being said. This part of the light service is designed especially for healing of the group and to create more awareness about the possibilities of healing and vitalisation through the golden light, which flows from the Heart of the Universe. Vitalisation through the golden light creates light within the aura, in the chakras and within the cells of the body.

Individual healing

The purpose of this section is to relax the participants and become healed after the light transmission, and at allowing individual members to pray God for help (mentally) for special difficulties. If the group wants to extend the healing, they may put some chairs in the middle. Those who wish to receive individual healing are then asked to sit down in a chair for 2-5 min. each. If there are trained healers present, they can go to the chairs and help with the healing. This continues until all who wish have been healed. All the other participants try to stay focused in their hearts with an inner attitude of prayer for those who want to receive healing.


If the participants wish to give a thanks, the leader may say loud at this time: "We thank for the help which has been given", or "Father-Mother-God, we thank for the help which has been given". He may also say: "In our mind we thank for the help which has been given". This leaves the form of thanks-giving to the individual religious beliefs of the participants.

Clairvoyant descriptions of Earth Healing Services.

When the method for Earth Healing services in groups was first introduced in Denmark, Ananda Tara Shan, who was instructed to do so by the Hierarchy, was quite curious as to whether they would really have the effects they were intended for. Her clairvoyant sight assured her that immensely powerful light forces were being invoked and channeled, and that the participants were being lifted, healed and purified, making them more powerful instruments for the light.

On several occasions when I have attended Earth Healing Services, I have felt the energy so powerfully that is was like standing under a huge waterfall, only this was a waterfall of golden light and love, coming from an endless and inexhaustible ocean.

Through I have been very lucky to meet these groups who were working with light in this way in Denmark, I will add that this experience is not reserved for me, or for special people -- on the contrary, those who seek it will find it, and if a group of people form and begin to work according to the guidelines above, they will be helped and guided from the inner planes in their work, what matters is the right motive - service and the wish for transformation, and for co-operating with the light worlds.

To bring this more alive in your consciousness, I have added some clairvoyant descriptions of Earth Healing Service, taken from Asger Lorentsen's "Divine Co-operation":

Also, take a look at Eskild Tjalve's pictures, which show angels who attend Earth Healing Services and help to sustain and manifest the energies. The angels love this work where they are given the opportunity to help the Earth and humanity with the light they experience within and live in, and they welcome any opportunity to co-operate with humanity about sanctifying the planet.

From Theosophy, we know that the 4th ray of harmony through conflict, the energy which is especially connected with the devic kingdom, will come into incarnation on the Earth in the year of 2025. This is the beginning of the powerful co-operation between humanity and the angel/deva kingdom which will launch from then on is being prepared now, with research such as Geoffrey Hodson's in his books about the devic kingdom and Eskild Tjalve's (see literature list on the home page, the section about devas, and the section about my translations on the work of Geoffrey Hodson and Eskild Tjalve in exploring the deva world).

Example by Birgit Tjalve: Spiritual vision during a special Christmas service for the Earth 12.25.96                                          in the main focus of The Golden Circle.

Since I experienced a lot of things during the service, I have tried to describe those parts I remember best.

During the introduction music I experience four big angels with flaming swords who place themselves in each corner of the room. I am told that these angels have been sent by the flame lords as protectors during the whole service. There is a golden light in the room, and a big, translucent crystal pyramid is lowered down to the altar, with flames in its middle. Within the flames I see a jewel which radiates a kaleidoscopic light of a great, almost indescribable beauty.

As the service begins, I see a large rose in our midst, and in the middle of this, a radiant, golden light going all the way up and deep down into the Earth. Humanity's heart is like a warm, vibrant part of humanity, and I merge with this heart and remember that through the cells of my body, light and love flows out into the Earth. We are one.

I am told, and I also see, that the archangel Gabriel is present, and that the rose is vitalised by Gabriel who also sends down a stream of pink roses. These roses make the way for a large, golden rose, which is then lowered down into the heart of humanity by Christ. Eskild told me later that he also saw the great archangel Michael - the symbol of the will power, and the destroyer of old thought forms - and also the archangel Raphael as the bringer of new life who opens up to humanity's heart. I see that Michael's protective angels are present during the whole of the service, and that their presence was intensified by the invocation.

I experience how a temple is being constructed through the energy. I experience it like crystal energy, and I know that I help to manifest this through inner harmonies. The temple becomes very big, and within it there is a giant, vibrant heart, which transforms into a glass mosaic like the big, twelve-bladed mosaic in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The room keeps being flooded with different colours, but I mostly experience turquoise, rose and golden. All of us are embraced in a holy light.

When we reach the culmination of the service, the golden light becomes like liquid gold, which spreads around to everybody in the room and further out to the Earth, which I see in our midst.

While Wagner's music plays, we are led into a state of pure being, and Jesus appears with compassion and blessings. This blessing spreads around in the room and deep into the Earth. Our inner being merges with all living beings.

At one time I see that Quan Yin helps to heal people's hearts and release "rings of iron" around the heart so the energy of mercy is present as a very strong energy of love. Our redemption sends the energy of redemption into humanity. Quan Yin shows herself to me as Gaia, and a rose in her hand becomes a lily, which transforms into a lotus: The merging of the energies of the East and of the West.

The peace and the energy becomes very intense, and an opening is created into the heavens, I can see it as skies upon skies with blue and white-golden edges - layer after layer - and for a short moment I see all of us like gods, like shining suns.

While we bless the different countries I see a whitish, shining stream of energy flowing across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, further on to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, northern Germany and parts of Russia. In Denmark, it becomes a very tender energy of love, which I see as a rose.

As we work with sending energy to places of suffering, I see that symbols of light are lowered down into the different countries. Mostly, I see the six-pointed star, which spreads mildness and protection. I help to manifest these symbols.

During the blessing of Mary, Mary is present. Combined with the energy of Gabriel, I experience their gentleness, which flows as an energy into the room. There are always many angels present in the room, and several archangels. I mostly experience the energy of Gabriel and Mary - with the rose scent.

As a couple is being blessed, several angels are standing around the couple, and I see the cross above my head. The fine turquoise, rose and yellow-golden colour permeates the couple. Mary and Gabriel send them energy all the time, and also to all of us who are present. The energies of blessing are filled with great angels entering in and out of them. Above us all shines the five-pointed star.

During the whole service I experience being a channel for these energies, and sometimes to merge with high beings who use me as a channel for the energy of love. I am everywhere in the room with my consciousness, and also above it. I am present in my angel consciousness and experience the angel consciousness of several of the participants, and see that together with the angels we help to build up the energy on the spiritual levels and to transform it within the group.


By Yvonne Wassini from the New Year's Eve service 12.31.96.

When we work with services for the Earth, there are never two services alike. The person who guides the service always meditates on what we will be working with in the service. We do this a while before the service is held, and then choose the appropriate music. Sometimes it is the World Mother Mary and her healing angels, we co-operate with. At other times it is the purifying devas we call for and co-operate with in order to purify the Earth from darkness or to purify the waters of the Earth.

The service at New Year's Eve was to be a very special service. We felt that the Earth was asking us for help now. It is beginning to lose vitality and has drawn much of its consciousness inwards (think of the Rio Conference where we were supposed to minimize the emission of carbon-dioxide and pollution, and it showed up that there was no will to or understanding of this, and therefore, pollution just continues).

At the service on New Year's Eve, the Shamballa energy would go into the Earth and help and strengthen the Earth from within. The energy of the Will of God will go down into the Earth and

interfere with humanity's free will. We human beings have now been experimenting long enough with the Earth and with nature. Humanity's desires have grown too strong. Our self-centeredness and lack of care and the resulting destruction of the Earth is too alarming. Now a fire energy will go into the middle of the Earth which will regulate humanity's management of the Earth. The Earth is alive, it can't take more, and we human beings have to understand this. Thus, what I'm describing is my experience of the great drama, which took place on New Year's Eve 1996-1997 between light and darkness on the planet.

A vast, blue-white fire energy came down. In the middle, the white fire formed a shining sword (the sword of the Archangel Michael cuts all connections with the negative forces and protects during the energy work). In this service, the sword was also the symbol of the fact that the Deity must interfere now using a special fire energy to stop humanity which does not understand that the Earth is alive. The Earth will shake off some of those people, and there will be flood waves as a result of these tremors.

Then I saw a cleansing, white-golden fire around the Earth. The sword formed an opening up into the universe, and fire was flowing down. There were myriads of beings within the fire. It was as if the Earth had been placed within a giant oven. The fire wasn't flames, it was more the kind of fire which resembles the combustion process in the cells, or the fire of resurrection which accelerates the frequency of the cells. The fire consumed some of that energy within us which is destroying the Earth.

Then, above the Earth I saw a town, sparkling with fire, Shamballa, lowering down towards the Earth. It was radiant and shining with an inner fiery energy. Great cherubim intensified the fire and made it more burning, it was as if it was God's heart, which drew closer to the Earth and embraced it.

During the music from Bruckner's 9th symphony, I saw a white-golden fireball. It was like looking into the sun itself. Then it descended slowly, as if in slow-motion and merged with the Earth which had opened up, and a way of fire was built between the glowing heart of the Earth and this ball of solar fire. These two heart centres merged within the Earth in a meeting of burning love. It was incredibly solemn and majestic, like the merging during a cosmic intercourse. Then an explosion took place within all the layers of the Earth, and afterwards, the Earth had a higher vibration. There were high beings present. Great Cherubim had been preparing this merging. In the beginning I saw that also the Prince of Darkness was present. He was not threatening, it was rather like it was a royal meeting, there was respect around him and a solemn atmosphere. He had done his work, and we had learnt and evolved through it. Now the light was to do a great job, and a great event was to take place.

I felt a speech to humanity forming within me. It was about the incredible lack of respect we human beings show towards the eons of time it has taken the creative forces to create the diversity of species and life forms on the Earth. We are destroying this creation with poison, through lack of respect and through greed. Now the Deity is forced to interfere with this and shake humanity to make it wake up. Our destruction is not tolerated any more by the higher worlds.

In the end it was hard for me to sit in this fire energy. The whole service took 90 minutes, was fire and fire and fire. It was truly an unusually epoch-making service.

Pictures from Earth Healing Services:

During Earth Healing Services and light work, the angels and devas who work with channeling divine frequencies of light appear to co-operate with those human beings who seek to serve the light on the Earth. Eskild Tjalve has painted some wonderful pictures of this which I would like to share with you, who is my guest on this page.

A group of angels channeling energy during a group intensive for spiritual development:

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Angels working with a group of people during two days of group intensive, and the progression of energy forms in the group on the inner levels:

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Two angels assisting at Healing Service in the Liberal Catholic Church in Copenhagen:

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