Free Energy for the Future:
One of the most crucial problems of the world today is the energy
problem. It's not that we lack energy - in reality we have more than plenty of it - but we
tend to use much of that which we have unwisely, especially we spend much more of the
fossil fuels than nature is able to rebuild for us, causing both massive smog and
pollution, and through emission of carbon dioxide also creating the so-called
"green-house effect". This is all very well known to the scientific community
and educated people in general, but the concept of "Free Energy" is still
somewhat a novelty.
What is free energy?
If you look at some of the newer theories within quantum physics (here taken from
a presentation by John S. Hagelin, an American theoretical physicist and president
candidate of the US National Law Party), the material world is described as composed
simply of quantum fields, which form the different elementary particles that are the
building stones of atoms and molecules etc. etc. A quantum field in itself simply
represents an infinite amount of energy, which is present in the "vacuum" and
then manifests as a particle or a number of particles, and obviously, if we could tap
directly into the energy of the quantum field, we would then have an inexhaustible source
of energy, much as the particles themselves (quarks, photons, electrons, mesons etc. etc.)
are formed out of pure energy on the basis of the well known formula E=m*c^2
The trick is to tap into this inexhaustible energy source, and so far it seems our
scientists haven't managed it, or if they have, we haven't been told. But much research is
being done, and I am in no doubt that we will pretty soon learn how to do it.
Practical and political implications of "free
If we look at the physical and political aspects of it - the influence it would have on
our civilisation if we had a free and unlimited source of energy - we can see many things
Firstly, coal, oil and uranium would become virtually worthless, and the political power
games around who can own the fossil fuels and sell them would become obsolete. Countries
which have based their income on selling these products would have to look for other means
of income (herein lies also a clue as to who might be interested in suppressing findings
and research in "free energy").
There would be enormous positive results in society: Energy from fossil fuels are
involved in the production of almost all industrial goods, and the price of their
manufacture would drop as the cost of energy for production falls away. Heating your house
and supplying it with electricity would become free, and the people of poor countries who
suffer from lack of energy (for instance lack of fire-wood in the Sahel region in Africa
and in other areas where people depend on fire-wood) would suddenly be a lot better off.
In the temperate regions, we would be able to grow and harvest much more plants in
green-houses; transportation would be almost free etc. etc. etc. - energy plays such a
crucial role in the life of our civilisation and it's such an important factor that the
availability of a source of plentiful, free energy would create enormous changes - I'll
just let my readers continue the thought experiment and see what it would mean,
Remembering that energy is something that flows, just as money - the expression of
physical energy and work force - flows - and that many groups in society with vested
interests seek to monopolize the ownership of energy to serve their desire for control.
The view of spiritual science upon "free energy"
Now if we go to spiritual science, the existence of "free energy" has
often been mentioned. C. W: Leadbeater writes somewhere in his extensive works that
"when humanity becomes more responsible and can be given the knowledge without the
risk of misuse.....we will learn how to access and use the energy of the etheric realms,
and this will mean the end of humanity's energy problems". It is well worth to
compare the description of spiritual science of the etheric plane and its energies and
forces with the description of quantum mechanics of the quantum fields, for there are many
similarities. Spiritual science explains how the universe is divided into different planes
(see the picture below, from A. A. Bailey: Letters on Occult Meditation)

where each plane as we ascend upwards, contains subtler and lighter
particles and more and more powerful forces, the more we go upwards towards the planes of
pure consciousness. On the picture, the 7th, the physical plane, is seen to be divided
into 7 sub-planes - the three lowest being the three planes we are familiar with through
our physical senses: Solid, liquid and gaseous matter - and the four higher being the four
ethers, of which our etheric body is composed and to which most of the elementary
"particles" which physical science has discovered through the use of particle
accelerators belong.
Now remember that the quantum fields are pure, potential energy, manifesting as particles
(Hagelin's model), and then compare it with the notion of spiritual science that explains
that every physical cell has an etheric counterpart which is the one that vitalises the
physical cell and keeps it alive. When the etheric body withdraws from the physical, death
occurs, for the cells do no longer receive the necessary vital energy from cosmos through
the etheric web of life which permeates the whole of the physical universe in this higher
(It seems that the distribution of vital force to the physical cell goes through the
so-called mitochondria, the cell's "power house", which in this sense seem to
perform the same function as the spleen chakra in the human being). Thus, the etheric
plane is a force field which sustains and forms the physical as a counterpart of replica
of itself, and it is from this plane we must tap the inexhaustible life energy of the
universe. Of course, there are millions of other forms of force in the universe which
could be used by humanity (see Arthur E. Powell's "The etheric body"), but it
seems that there is a law governing this which says that only when humanity reaches Christ
Consciousness, or at least a certain degree of harmlessness - non-violence and respect for
all life - will these secrets be opened up for humanity.
This corresponds well with our knowledge about ET civilisations, for it is apparent that
most of the ET races which are visiting and helping the Earth now are both higher
developed technologically and morally - more in tune with the universal love vibration of
the universe (and good so for humanity), and therefore able to tap into the universal
knowledge of how to gain and use free energy.
Prerequisites for "free energy"
This line of thought naturally leads to the question: "If the knowledge of
free energy is available in the divine mind and known and used by the civilisations which
are visiting humanity from elsewhere in the universe, why is humanity not given this
knowledge, looking at the disasters our use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy creates on
the planet?".
As far as I can judge, the answers are as follows:
a) At present, humanity cannot be given this knowledge because we are still too
irresponsible. We still have large stockpiles of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons,
and esp. the nuclear power - which does tap into the etheric forces, but in a destructive
way - is already being used in dangerous and irresponsible ways and without full
understanding of its implications. If humanity was given knowledge of even more powerful
sources of energy, the risk would be that this knowledge be used for warfare and
destruction, and there has already been more than enough of this on our planet. Therefore
the knowledge is being withheld until humanity has made enough experience with misuse of
energy, power games and suffering to be ready to use divine knowledge in a responsible way
and for the benefit of all life.
b) The scientific establishment on the Earth is a bit narrow-minded, if not dogmatic, on
many issues, and less energy seems to be devoted to solving humanity's pressing energy
needs than for instance to the development of better and more effective weapons of
destruction. Free energy is well possible within the frame work of James C. Maxwell's
field equations, for instance, but this is not taught at the universities (quoting Tom
Bearden here, and with reference to John Drumvalo Melchizedek also who has said similar
things about Maxwell), but it is not considered "acceptable" to do research in
this field in academic physics. One wonders why, given the obvious benefits - whom within
the academic establishment has an interest in preventing us from making advances in this
c) Seen on a large scale, every planetary civilisation goes through a scale of
development, where its technical and technological abilities is a mirror of the
development of consciousness of its inhabitants. This is so very evident with the Earth,
for if we look at the history of the last 2000 years, we can see a steady progression in
technical knowledge, and - apart from the dark consciousness which has also shown itself
clearly in the many wars of this period - a growing Christ Consciousness - intelligence,
compassion, love and wisdom - amongst reincarnating humanity. When a critical mass has
been reached - when enough people have Christ Consciousness and universal love, wisdom and
responsibility will be the guide for how to use our resources -when a sufficient number
of people are intelligent and wise enough - then and only then will humanity be given the
knowledge of the use of free energy.
So how do we work towards "free energy"?
If the above points are accepted, it also becomes clear how we can work towards the
development of free energy. Disarmament - abolishment of research into more weapons of
destruction - channeling of the world's economic and scientific resources into
sustainable development, ecological balance, peace and co-operation instead of strife and
competition - an opening towards higher values than egotism and power - a more universal
outlook and understanding of life.....All these factors will contribute to our attainment
of free energy, and each of them will also benefit humanity enormously on so many other
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