The Spaceship Earth:
Handle with care!
This is just to show you how beautiful our planet is when
seen from space......Are we treating her with the love and respect which we owe her for
nurturing us and providing us with the material we need for our life? The Earth gives us
freely what we need, and in abundance, but it is left to our wisdom to use it and share it
with wisdom!
Many cultures have lived in harmony with themselves and with
the universe around them, and it seems that the global situation is forcing us to learn to
live with the same harmony, or cease to exist as a race.
As Chief Seattle, head of the Squamish tribe, said in 1854:
"This we know: The Earth does not
belong to man.
Man belongs to the Earth.
All things are connected, like the blood which unites one family.
Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the Earth, he does to himself".
Are we listening to, and understanding this? Are we beginning to see the global and
universal picture that the universe wants us to? The one life which unites all living
beings, and of which we are all parts? We must learn to.
Click below to go to a site where you can see more pictures of
our Earth, and of the universe.
Pictures of our Blue