Anthroposophy - spiritualisation of
Western culture and thought
The Anthroposophical movement was founded by the Austrian
philosopher and spiritual scientist, Rudolf Steiner in the 1920's as a movement for
spiritualisation of Western culture and thought. Steiner had earlier been the General
Secretary of the German section of the Theosophical Society, but he felt that it was too
much influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism. He felt a need to develop a spiritual way for
the West, and doing this became his life's work.
Rudolf Steiner:
During the course of his life, Steiner wrote about 20 books and held
a massive amount of lectures, so that his collected works, including the transcribed
lectures, make up about 360 volumes. He has given major inspirations to the following
areas of culture and human endeavor:
Spiritual science and cosmology
In fact I think it is fair to say that there is almost no area of
human life that he hasn't touched with his insight and inspiration.
Steiner was active for many years of his life as a teacher both for adults and
children, and had a deep insight into education. In the 1920's, the director of the
Waldorf-Astoria cigar factories, who had become interested in Steiner's ideas about
education and transformation of society, invited Steiner to help him with establishing a
school for the children of the employees at his factories. Steiner accepted this offer,
and this is the reason why the schools which work on the basis of Steiner's inspirations
are called "Waldorf Schools". Most European and Commonwealth countries, as well
as the United States, has Waldorf Schools which work on the basis of Steiner's
inspirations. Waldorf schools work on the basis of a spiritual understanding of the child
as a spiritual being which goes through certain stages in life. For instance, the first 7
years of life deals with the unfolding of the physical body. The next 7 years is the
period for the unfolding of the etheric or vital body, and the next 7 years again the
period for the unfolding of the emotional body, which also carries with it our sexual
identity and nature, and our emotional individuality. This is why teenagers have
"behaviour problems" when they reach that age. They begin to feel their
sexuality and their own individuality, which was latent until then. Finally, the years
from age 21 to 28 deal with the unfolding of the mental body, or the I, so that the
person is fully grown at the age of 28, after which the unfolding of the
"consciousness soul" begins. Waldorf education is planned on the basis of these
insights - a spiritual framework for the understanding of human growth and development -
and it seeks to aid and stimulate those aspects of the human being which are unfolding at
a given time, and to make the child or the pupil conscious of his/her interaction with the
spiritual world, and of humanity's spiritual heritage.
If the child is brought into contact with its spiritual roots and nature in this way early
in life, and goes through a harmonious development where the different spiritual bodies
unfold and are aligned, it will become a strong adult, conscious of his/her spiritual
identity and mission in that specific life - as one amongst many lives.
With his
inspirations for improving agricultural methods, Steiner introduced the ecological
perspective into agriculture, and he also provided an understanding of how the cosmic
energies and cycles interact with the soil, the plants and the animals, so that the farmer
can co-operate with them. The agricultural method which was inspired by Steiner is
called bio-dynamic agriculture - biological means working with the plants and animals in a
natural, ecological way, and dynamical refers to the co-operation with the cosmic forces
of life that interact with the physical world. The bio-dynamical agriculture works with
the soil, plants and animals, not only from a purely physical/scientific perspective, but
on the basis of an understanding of the spiritual aspects of
agriculture. For instance, the farmer takes care that the plants have lots of etheric
energy, which makes them better suited for food, and he sees to it that their contents of
minerals and nutritional elements match the needs of the people and animals who will eat
them. He takes care to fertilize the soil using natural methods, and
cooperates with the etheric beings who work with the soil and plants. Some of these are
portrayed on the first three pictures by Eskild Tjalve under the section
about devas.
With his
architectural impulse, Steiner sought to spiritualise and vitalise architecture. One of
the ideas of Anthroposophical architecture is that the buildings should appear in harmony
with the landscape into which they are built in, both with regards to form and material.
Their form should reflect their function, and at the same time, they should be both
practical and artistic. Steiner wanted the architecture to express the living processes of
the etheric realm, where the archetypes exist which mould the physical forms. For
instance, the human body is built on the basis of the etheric body, which is the form
after which the child is built in the womb of the mother - similar to the way we human
beings create a house by first visualising it mentally and then drawing it, before it is
manifested in the physical. Human creating reflect the cosmic creative processes.
Steiner worked a lot with metamorphosis and the changes of forms within nature. There is
always a metamorphosis going on in nature - between the different seasons, as plant grows
or an animal or human being grows, and this physical reality reflects the unseen life
forces that are at work. Steiner sought to make them visible to people who did not possess
the same psychic abilities as he did, and one way he could illustrate them was in his
sculpturing and architecture. Seen from an Anthroposophical viewpoint (and for that matter
with the eyes of spiritual science as such), all physical forms are reflections of forces
which operate on higher levels - firstly the etheric, or "form-force field" as
Steiner sometimes called it, and secondary the higher spiritual worlds where the creative
hierarchies exist and work with the creative processes of the universe. Materialism, or
the idea that physical matter and energy is all there is, and there are no vital or
intelligent spiritual forces behind physical creation, was one of the ideas which Steiner
sought to counteract, because he knew it is deadening to the human soul. One way to do
this was to open people's eyes to the beauty and life of the spiritual worlds through art
and architecture. Steiner's whole world view was an organic one, where the world and is
seen as a vast living, spiritual entity. The different physical forms - galaxies, stars,
planets, landscapes, animals, plants etc. are created and influenced by different
spiritual beings of many grades, orders and characters. The ancient creation myths
of this planet all reflect this, as Steiner pointed out, and his architectural impulse was
and is an attempt to do in architecture what Anthroposophy always seeks: To bring man and
his culture into harmony and alignment with cosmos and its living, spiritual forces.
Some examples of Anthroposophical architecture:
The 1st Goetheanum
Pictures of the first Goetheanum, built in Dornach, Switzerland during the two first
decades of the 20th century. It was built entirely in wood on a foundation of concrete and
was a massive artwork, but tragically it was put on fire and burned down at New Year's Eve
View from the north: The 2nd Goetheanum is built at the same spot as the
Entrance portal: Notice the ram head on the top of the windows - there
were such heads on top of all
windows, each in a metamorphosed form. The building burnt to the ground, so only the
concrete foundation
was left.

The Glass House
This house, which can be seen on
the picture of the 1st Goetheanum in the lower left corner, survived the fire and still
exists as an example of the organic, living architecture of Rudolf Steiner. It was used as
a workshop for the crafting of the glass windows for the 1st Goetheanum, which is how it
got its name.
The 2nd Goetheanum
This concrete building was modeled in clay by Steiner, who said after the fire of the 1st
Geotheanum, that culture had evolved so that a new structure was also needed as the frame
for Anthroposophical activities. It reflects the landscape of the Jura Mountains in
Switzerland and is built in steel and concrete. The construction started in 1924, and
there are still interior sections which haven't been finished yet. Currently, the great
scene is being re-built, and the outer concrete cover is being removed, a new steel frame
inserted and concrete put on top of it - an arduous process, but even Steiner hadn't
foreseen the acid rain of the later part of our century.

Follow the link below to see more pictures of the 2nd Goetheanum
(Swiss site) click on the address and then click on their link to Goetheanum in the upper,
left corner.
The Anthroposophical Centre in Järna, Sweden:
Here, the style of the architecture is in accordance with Scandinavian tradition, and the
buildings are given names which correspond with Norse mythology, about which Steiner
lectured a lot, seeking to show how cosmic truths are interwoven with the stories and
Spiritual science and cosmology
Steiner's cosmology is presented in his many books and lectures and is a
fascinating and illuminating study, enough for a decade or more. I will try to give a brief
outline here, and perhaps add more when I have time.
In Steiner's cosmology, the universe is viewed as a vast, living being, inhabited by hosts
of spiritual beings at different stages of development. Steiner describes these creative
hierarchies, each of which is one Earth period further in development than the other, with
the following names:
Human beings
Each of these group of beings is one planetary period ahead
of the others, meaning that they have perfected qualities which those who are lower in the
hierarchy are still working to develop. As an example, human beings are working on
perfecting the ability to think, while the angels (for instance the solar
angels, which work directly with the human evolution to assist us) have already perfected
this ability, giving them the ability to understand the connection between past, present
and future and the lines of cause and effect at lightning speed. Higher beings, such as
the archangels, express themselves through an entire nation (the spirits of a
nation), and the youth, blooming and decay of a nation or an empire actually follows the
growth of these angelic beings. The soul of a nation comes into incarnation and creates
the life of a nation, its birth, childhood, teenage years, adulthood and old age by
attracting to it the souls which matches its qualities or who need to learn something by
incarnating in that specific period and area. The present nations in the world vary a lot
in their development. For instance, Japan is one of the oldest nations and has a very
structured energy, and most of the European nations too are quite old and beginning to
reach into adulthood. Europe as a continent is going into old age, and spiritual science
explains that the archai which vitalises this area will come again and
embody the civilisation of Atlantis, which will gradually rise from the ocean bed.
Planetary periods:
With his clairvoyant vision, Steiner described the evolution of this
planet in seven stages
which he saw intuitively:
1. Saturn
2. Sun
3. Moon
4. Earth
5. Jupiter
6. Venus
7. Vulcan
We are presently in the Earth period - our physical body was
developed in the Saturn period, the etheric body during the Sun period; the astral during
the Moon period and the mental body, or "I", as Steiner calls it, is under
development in this Earth period. This shows us from the scheme, that when the Earth
reaches the "Mercury" period, the human beings will have evolved to the same
stage as the present angels. On Venus we will be like the Archangels, and on Vulcan like
the Archai. The Hierarchies both above us and below us will have progressed in the same
Steiner, who had been clairvoyant from a very
early age, sought to spiritualise philosophy and bring spiritual understanding into
philosophy, to enable his contemporaries and his culture to see the spiritual aspects of
the world, and the history of human thinking as the result of influences from higher,
spiritual beings who are leading humanity from step to step on the ladder of evolution.
For instance, Steiner said that the materialist philosophy of his own age (continuing into
our own age) was the result of strong influences from the "Ahrimanic" beings,
whose influence show, for instance, as the crystallizing powers in minerals. He has written
several books about philosophy, amongst them "The Riddle of Philosophy" (Rätsel
der Philosophie) and "The Philosophy of Freedom" (Philosophie der Freiheit),
which was his Ph. D. thesis at the University of Rostock. According to Steiner's own
information, based on his clairvoyant visions, his latest earlier incarnations had been as
Thomas of Aquinas (1225-1274), famous scholastic philosopher and theologian, and as
Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher and one of the "fathers" of natural
science. If we look at him on the basis of this information, it gives a wonderful picture
of a soul's development. Aristotle rejected Plato's mysticism and went on to explore the
physical world through the mind and the senses, thus laying the foundation of the natural
sciences through his works, and Thomas of Aquinas who developed a vast religious, moral
and theological system on the basis of the Christian faith. Seen in this perspective, his
incarnation at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century can be seen as a
combination of the two branches of his thinking - the rational and scientific, and the
mystical and religious, represented by Aristotle and Thomas of Aquinas, and this is
exactly the work that Steiner undertook in that incarnation, namely of uniting science and
religion through the medium of rational and intuitive thought.
(Added January 2001):
For those of the readers who are very interested in Steiner, I'm adding here
that a good friend of mine thinks
that Steiner reincarnated as Ralph Nader (1934-), a well-known American lawyer
and reformist, who also
candidated at the recent and very debated 2000 presidential election. The whole
of his adult life, Nader has
worked for reforming American society in a more humane and, if I may say it,
intelligent way, and in doing so
one might say he's carrying on the work of his previous incarnation, although
this time he does not appear as
a "practical mystic" (for Steiner certainly was this), but as a
practical politician. Another argument in favour of this idea is the physical
likeness between Steiner and Nader, for people tend to have the same looks
incarnation after incarnation, just like they bring with them the thoughts and
emotions created in past lives. More about this, and a link to more information
about Nader when I get it.
While they were working on the 1st
Goetheanum, many famous artists from that period came to Switzerland to assist in the
work, amongst them skillful sculptors. Steiner worked together with an English sculptor on
the great wooden statue, "The Human Representative", which is now standing in a
room of its own in the 2nd Goetheanum. It's approx. 7 metres high and weights about 20
tons. I'll add a picture when I find one :)) One of the ideas of Anthroposophical
sculpturing is to portray the life forces, the etheric or higher forces in things, as it
is seen on Steiner's great sculpture, which expresses the different forces which
influence the human being, or symbolic sculptures of the different seasons, which seek to
portray the spiritual forces active in that season.
In painting, again, the Anthroposophical painters seek to express the higher forces and
the spiritual life in things, using various techniques that I know too little about.
However, I will add a collection of Anthroposophical
paintings when I get one, and then my readers can see if with their own eyes :))
Personal comments about Anthroposophy: The most
important, and yet maybe also the most difficult thing to convey in this section about
Anthroposophy, is the Spirit of Anthroposophy. Anthroposophy is
a spiritual, living and organic thing, and the organisation, when people work in it with
the right spirit, is vivified by high spiritual beings who support the groups and their
activities, since the aim of Anthroposophy is to make the spiritual world active and
visible on the physical level. In Steiner's cosmology, the conflict in the human being
between the forces of Ahriman and Lucifer (Ahriman=materialism, crystallization, cold
intellectualism; Lucifer=escapism, mysticism and superstition....the words actually denote
groups of spiritual beings who work in the inner worlds and influence humanity, hence they
are spiritual forces active in our own psyche), and those of Michael and Christ, is seen
as central for understanding of the human culture, and the mission of Anthroposophy is
mainly to lead people to the Christ spirit and the positive spiritual forces in Cosmos. This
is done through right understanding of both the physical and the spiritual
world, and consequently a wise use of the forces in them both. The ideal, thus, is a human
being in contact with the life forces in cosmos who has conquered the negative forces
which seek to seduce or ensnare humanity (so prevalent in Steiner's own time period and
area, even if he died before its culmination in the 2nd World War), and has become a
Christed illustrated in Steiner's beautiful wooden statue.
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