Light work in the New Age

Update September 2005: I haven't worked on this page for some 4 years, but when I get the necessary time, I will
add more information to the section about Martinus' Cosmology. I am grateful for comments to my website, the email
now listed here is my current one: Comments to: (remove 'remove_' first!)

As we enter into The New Age, the planetary culture is rapidly changing. On this home page I have collected material of interest for light workers and those interested in spiritual science, on the basis of many years of study of spiritual science.  Click on the links to the right to read more about the subject described to the left.

Theosophy - a synthesis of science, religion and philosophy


Anthroposophy - spiritualisation of Western culture and thought:      


Martinus’ Cosmology - a world picture for the future:              


Spiritual economy - how to create a better world:  


Devas, nature spirits and angels - the builders of all forms in the created worlds:

     Introduction about devas: 
     Geoffrey Hodson's pictures:
     Eskild Tjalve's research:
     Eskild Tjalve's pictures:
     Excerpt from Eskild'
s book:
Geoffrey Campbell's site:

Light work and Earth Healing Services - spreading light on the Earth:

    Light Work

Music - a healing force -
the power of vibrations:


Free Energy for the future:

    Free Energy

My translations - some of Denmark’s contributions to spiritual science:      


Text collection - about            reincarnation and other things:      


Literature list in English -
lots of inspiration:

    Literature List

Links section - spiritual
resources on the Internet:


A little about me, the
author of this home page:


Tantra Yoga - Sacred Sexuality  Intro  Tantra 1 Tantra 2

A picture of our planet, Spaceship Earth. Remember, we are the crew, so we have to take care!

    The Blue Earth 

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