Welcome to page 3 of my guestbook entries begun on April 10, 1998. It was beginning to take a while to load, so check out the other pages. To see who's been here before.
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carrotbabe - 08/04/00 15:39:49
My Email:wonderbra@cybergal.com
Where are you from?: Philadelphia
Favorite Book: Wifey
Favorite Author: Judy Blume
Movie you think everyone should see: 9 1/2 weeks
Favorite quote from a movie: I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way.
Personal Quote: :)

Found you on the official guestbook surfer list. Nice place :)
Carrots Family Free Stuff Carrot's Naughty Free Stuff

Tracie - 04/12/00 16:11:58
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/tracie68
My Email:sweetness9597@aol.com
Where are you from?: PA
Favorite Book: Flowers in the attic
Favorite Author: King
Movie you think everyone should see: Dance with wolves
Favorite quote from a movie: Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Personal Quote: Sh** Happens!

Nice page

neysa(aka)kyusha - 02/15/00 14:13:17
My URL:/Heartland/Forest/9846/index.html
My Email:neysa@webtv.net
Where are you from?: TN
Favorite Book: To many to mention
Favorite Author: several one being.."king"
Movie you think everyone should see: War of the Worlds
Favorite quote from a movie: none
Personal Quote: "There are no important or unimportant people,only people, all of some interst and 'each' some worth"

Astrid..love your homepage..and your poetry.. I especially liked the one "he sits with his woman beneath a garden of roses" beautiful.. and the meet you page..love the wizard..great work..read your comments on your page at Pencil Stubs..great site..Keep up the good work..you know "I'll be back.."

Sarah (B-Girl) - 08/10/99 02:13:16
My URL:http://boozers.fortunecity.com/ferret/690/index.html
My Email:lady_jasmine_lj@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Morrisville, Vermont
Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Movie you think everyone should see: Flowers in the Attic
Favorite quote from a movie: Too many to list..
Personal Quote: Been there, done that, and got the t-shirt..

I like the page.. Especially the pages for your parents.. Its sweet to remember through poetry.. Hope to see you when I visit again.. It would be awesome.. Keep up the great work on the page.. Love, Sarah Ann (B-Girl)

Melissa - 07/23/99 02:39:10
My Email:mberda@gateway.net
Where are you from?: Burlington, Vermont
Favorite Book: Flowers in the Attic
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Movie you think everyone should see: Sliding Doors
Favorite quote from a movie: Do I make you horny baby?

Hello darling! Just surfing! I'll talk to you later.

Melissa - 07/23/99 02:36:51
My Email:mberda@gateway.net
Where are you from?: Burlington, Vermont
Favorite Book: Flowers in the Attic


Kristen - 07/10/99 15:49:42
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/ScullyX911/KristensTinyXFiles
My Email:ScullyX911@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Mass
Favorite Book: Carrie
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Movie you think everyone should see: Psycho
Favorite quote from a movie: "If I quit now, they win"
Personal Quote: I have no life!!!

Cool Web page!!!!!

helios - 04/28/99 00:42:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/9736
My Email:jtaylor_15@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Dallas, Tx
Favorite Book: High in America by Patrick Anderson
Favorite Author: Clive Barker
Movie you think everyone should see: Taxi Driver
Favorite quote from a movie: "hold on to your seats, or whatever you can!" from Speed

Hey, what's happening over here, well you just take it easy and come visit me sometime. oh, yeah, love the page. laters, Helios

Ed - 12/21/98 18:09:53
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/hosskop/
My Email:hosskop@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: TN (now) MA (before)
Favorite Book: TRAVELER
Favorite Author: Joseph Wambaugh
Movie you think everyone should see: Horse Whisperer
Favorite quote from a movie: Make my day
Personal Quote: none

Really great page. Enjoyed the visit and will be back. If you check out my page, you'll see my wife's name is ASTRID.

Jenn - 11/16/98 01:16:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/4846/
My Email:ferbear16@hotmail.com
Movie you think everyone should see: The Crow

I found your page to be truely enjoyable!

10/26/98 11:22:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Anatha - 10/19/98 23:02:09
My URL:http://www.geocities/Athens/styx/5286
My Email:spancoast@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Dover, Delaware (USA)
Favorite Book: Book of Mormon; Lydia Bailey; Lord of the Rings; The Silver Chair; A Swiftly Tilting Planet; The Chronicles of Pern; etc.
Favorite Author: Tennyson, Emily Dickenson, etc. (poets) Nesbit, Tolken, Lloyd Alexander, Anne McAffrey, etc. (authors)
Movie you think everyone should see: The Secret of Roan Innish; The Sound of Music; Star Wars; The Dark Crystal
Favorite quote from a movie: ummm . . . "how can you keep a wave upon the sand"
Personal Quote: "So the wind will wish, and so will wish I, not for roses or for gold, but for the color of the sky"

(I tried to do your form, but every time I sent I got a message to try again!, sorry) Real cool page. Mine's a real mess right now: (1) I just moved in (2) I don't know what I'm doing. I really liked your first poems especially - never heard of magnetic poetry kit, sounds intersting, I've always worked from scratch, but sometimes use a vaguely similar technique to get going. Keep it up, love what you're doing, (and a page for your cat that's awesome). Thanks for hosting this page - it's an awsome realm. I'll visit again later - Anatha/SLP

Chris - 10/17/98 06:04:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Busybox/index.html
My Email:busybox@email.com
Where are you from?: Spring Tx, right now...
Favorite Book: IT
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Movie you think everyone should see: Armaggedon
Favorite quote from a movie: I didnt know her age...
Personal Quote: You Suck...

Page is good come check out my page.. Busybox/banner

Reinier - 10/12/98 19:45:11
My URL:http://www.BIGFOOT.com/~boum
My Email:boum@BIGFOOT.com
Where are you from?: Holland
Favorite Book: The Parfume
Favorite Author: Patrick Suskind
Movie you think everyone should see: Shawshank Redemtion
Personal Quote: Always be yourself

Really love your page! Feel free to visit mine at any time... take care, Reinier

Cindy - 09/25/98 08:58:40
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Caran - 09/18/98 18:02:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/8665
My Email:caran_r@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings/ Pride and Prejudice
Favorite Author: Tolkien or Austen
Movie you think everyone should see: Apocolypse Now
Favorite quote from a movie: 'I love the smell of Napalm in the morning...'
Personal Quote: Everyone in this world is worthwhile, so take time to find out why!

Henry Rollins is, WITHOUT A DOUBT, the way sexiest man in Rock 'n Roll today and ever!!! I like the pic and I will come back daily just to get my Rollins fix ;) Take care!

blakdophin - 08/08/98 20:48:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/2225
My Email:blakdophin@juno.com
Where are you from?: richmond, VA
Favorite Book: A Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Favorite Author: Dorothy Parker
Movie you think everyone should see: The Crow
Favorite quote from a movie: "Zed's dead, baby."
Personal Quote: 'May otherworld begin.'

thoroughly intriguing. i emailed you. please respond in some form. thx.

hexen - 07/31/98 03:23:30
My URL:http://pagewstuff.cjb.net
My Email:hexen12345@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: CANADA
Favorite Book: many
Favorite Author: not sure
Movie you think everyone should see: not sure
Favorite quote from a movie: not sure
Personal Quote: none

COMMENTS: Very good site you have here! I like the content,layout and graphics. Keep up the very good work you are at!

The Page With Stuff!!!

Shane - 07/22/98 09:41:13
My URL:http://shane.cjb.net
Where are you from?: Vancouver
Favorite Book: IT
Favorite Author: Stepthan King
Movie you think everyone should see: Saving Pri Ryan
Favorite quote from a movie: NONE
Personal Quote: NONE

Hi there, i was surfing around the web and stumbled upon your page and i wanted to write a little something in your guestbook. I like your page and i hope you keep up the good work your doing!! Shane's page

Go to my web site please it is really cool!!!!

Link to me!!!!

Neafie - 07/09/98 21:16:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/1513
My Email:Neafie@Hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Washington
Favorite Book: The Dune Series or The Age of Reason
Favorite Author: Don't have a certain one yet
Movie you think everyone should see: Holy Grail!
Favorite quote from a movie: You're going to eat her? Well um yeah. I don't know if I can do that. Well we'll eat her and if you feel bad about it later we'll dig a hole and you can throw up in it. Ok
Personal Quote: Life is Good When Your Underwear Fits

Great page I like the poetry a lot, I also write poetry and have a poetry forum on my page if you would like to submit or comment on any one of them I would be honored. I love the Holy Grail midi

Tobi~Dawne (*Lily* aka TheCryingRain) - 07/01/98 19:54:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/8745/
My Email:tort@mindless.com
Where are you from?: Toontown, Saskatchewan, CANADA
Favorite Book: Either Cat Magic or Cry to Heaven
Favorite Author: I enjoy many authors, Anne Rice is well written.
Movie you think everyone should see: The Last Unicorn
Favorite quote from a movie: "It would be the last who would come to Molly Grue" (Said to the unicorn who finally came to her, years after she was young and beautiful)
Personal Quote: Live each day only to make others smile.

I tried to fill out your form, it's not working. I got an error message from geocities. Just thought I'd let you know. Hope you get it fixed. Anyway, what I had wrote in the comment section of your form was this. . .
"Because I am a lovely person, and it makes me happy to know I can help you. **smile** So, since I did this for you, will you do something for me? It's not much, but I helped my brother and sister each put up a page. Could you visit them and sign their guestbooks? You can get to their pages through mine. It would make them very happy I'm sure. Thanks, and many blessigs."
I really do hope you get it fixed. **smile**

Kristie - 06/23/98 01:28:08
My URL:http://www.pekinonline.com/kristie
My Email:liazzi@ntslink.net
Where are you from?: Illinois

Great page hun! Thank you for signing my guestbook and leaving your url for me to check out. Take Care, Kristie

Eliot - 06/21/98 12:59:59
My URL:http://membets.home.net/eliot/
My Email:eliot@home.com
Where are you from?: Columbia, MD
Favorite Book: none
Favorite Author: none
Movie you think everyone should see: none
Favorite quote from a movie: YEA SON
Personal Quote: none


Great site!! I enjoyed my stay here!!

Eliot's Website

Why not return the visit sometime?

Jason Molin - 06/11/98 04:58:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jammer427/index.html
My Email:JAMMER427@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Columbus, Ohio, USA
Favorite Book: "Out of Sight" by Elmore Leonard (Currently Reading)
Favorite Author: David J. Howe
Movie you think everyone should see: "Chasing Amy"
Favorite quote from a movie: I cannot repeat here.
Personal Quote: "This requires some thought, now who could I get to do that?" from a poster I once saw.

Hey, there! I have finally stopped by to sign your guestbook! (Angels sing.) I'll be back for more. Be sure of that.

Deane P. Goodwin - 05/22/98 16:43:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/1466/
My Email:rdphcarter@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania,USA
Favorite Book: Jordan's Wheel of Time series
Favorite Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Movie you think everyone should see: Citizen Kane
Favorite quote from a movie: What do you think we are gutless?...Army of Darkness
Personal Quote: See you later. Be well.

Loved the magnetic poetry...gotta get me one of those!!! Keep sticking 'em up.

Jerri - 05/11/98 17:01:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2099
Where are you from?: WA State
Favorite Book: Wuthering Heights
Favorite Author: Too Many!
Movie you think everyone should see:: Gone With the Wind
Personal Quote: Where you are at is where you are!

Great Site. I started with the internet and HTML in Feb; I'm doing OK, but there's lots to learn! P.S. I like your picture (non-picture) of the adult you!

Vine - 05/02/98 17:52:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/2162/
My Email:iamvine@geocities.com
Where are you from?: England
Favorite Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Movie you think everyone should see:: Awakenings
Personal Quote: Infinity is where all the rules break down

Lovely to see someone else with magnetic poetry on their page!

Mickey - 04/20/98 18:05:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/9521
My Email:admiral@advi.net
Where are you from?: Pinnacle, North Carolina
Favorite Book: Anything Star Trek
Favorite Author: Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle
Movie you think everyone should see: Titanic
Favorite quote from a movie: I'll be back!!!
Personal Quote: We're Lost . . . But We're Making Good Time!

Nice Webpage!!!!

keisha - 04/12/98 03:31:11
My URL:http://www.lx.net/angelus/
My Email:sillyseamonkey@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: a small conservative town in the middle of texas
Favorite Book: a clockwork orange
Favorite Author: irvine welsh
Movie you think everyone should see:: one flew over the cuckoo's nest
Personal Quote: "Time is all the luck you need."

great page... nice poetry. how did you get people to sign your guestbook??? no one ever signs mine.

Bijou - 04/11/98 03:59:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Bijou42/index.html
My Email:Bijoukitty@webtv.net
Where are you from?: duh..
Favorite Book: The Cat in the Hat
Favorite Author: Lillian Jackson Braun
Movie you think everyone should see: Fly Away Home
Favorite quote from a movie: Cats rule, Dogs drool
Personal Quote: MEROWL!

meow..meow.. purr, meow meow. Meow meow reowl merowl meow meow meow. Food.

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