The Open File

If anyone would like to post a formal or informal message about anything on this website, I'll do the homework and add it to this page. I wish it could be easier, but that's what I've got.
November 9, 2004
If you'd like something a little different, you can go to My Online Journal.
June 3, 2003
My years at the University of Texas at Tyler are coming to an end. My family and I are relocating to Norman, Oklahoma.
At the University of Oklahoma I will finally graduate with a double major in English and German! Maybe one day I'll get a job and pay off my student loans. Then again, I might just put it off by going to grad school...
A new place, a new life. To finally be away from the parental nest. Entirely responsible. Self-reliance. It's delicious.
Mashael, you are a fantastic leader. You're the best manager I have ever worked for. You've always taken care of my family. Thank you Landry. You were not afraid to lead. You taught me something about being assertive and strong, even when I felt small inside. And Barry, thank you for 6.16.03. You and Landry made me feel so great that night. So loved. I never expected it. Thank you Randall and Rhonda. You two made me laugh so much. Our Dallas trip was so much fun! Thanks for going to Kuby's with me! Thank you Robin, especially for the German Christmas gifts. I can't tell you how much that meant to me. Hope you had a great time in Augsburg! Thank you Laura. You're a great worker. You've had to grow up much too fast. I believe you'll see better times. I hope that when those times come, you will be able to relax and enjoy them. Thank you for letting me get to know you. Chris, creating music with you is like nothing else. You have been a sweet gift to me. While this time of song melts away so quickly, know that our time together strengthens me, widens me, opens me up.
Because of the past year or so, because of all of you, I will never be the same.
Thanks also to the rest of the #6471 gang: Joe, Amber, Deanda, Danny, Kelly, Glenda and Lynn. And most of all, thank you Elizabeth, you who are now my success story in New York City, living out your dreams. I will never forget you.
August 5, 2002
I'm enjoying the last two weeks of a summer without classes. I needed that break. What a wonderful time I've had. I'm currently working at Starbucks Coffee and I get all the coffee I want for free!!!!
Big news: My best friend just graduated with a Bachelor's in Biology and I am so proud of her.
Kari Horn! I love you!!
My family is safe and healthy. Shaelynn is a marvelous and sensitive girl. Trinity is a pouty-face during her twosies stage but is wonderfully affectionate. And Benjamin is still, still my soul-mate and sweet companion.
I hope to work a little more on's been a long time, but I love this site. I hope others have found it useful. Please continue to email me with questions or comments- I'd love to do what I can to help you with your studies on Russian history or literature. Thanks for your support and ideas!
July 27, 2001
Summer has been busy. I'm in the last half of American Realism, and loving every minute of it. I had a great time in my writing class in June, and I had a terrific professor for that course, as well as the one I'm currently in. This fall I'm signed up for a class on the History of Russia!!! I will also be taking an elementary German language course, Western Political Theory (since the Enlightenment), and an American history class on the age of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson. I'm psyched.
I recently received an email from someone looking for an author named Zaborov who wrote a short story entitled "The Dreamer". Although I hadn't heard of the author before I advised the individual to look up the Interlibrary Loan service at ther local library. This is a great service which public libraries in America provide for free to those who possess library card. If you're looking for a book and can't find it, or you're not sure if you want to buy it because you don't know if you'll like it- your local library will help you obtain a copy that you can borrow. This service is nationwide. I used Interlibrary loan to find a copy of Mikhail Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, and I'm soon going to use it again because my husband needs to look at a certain philosophy book. If there is a copy in any library anywhere in the Continental US, they can get it for you.
May 31, 2001
I finished my Russian Literature class in May. It was a festival of words! I really enjoyed reading those NINE books in three months. Right now I'm attempting to write book reviews on them all and get them up on the site. This summer I'm taking Advanced Composition and American Realism and I hope to enjoy both of them. The writing class will probably help improve this website! Ah, but this fall.....I'm taking a class on the history of Russia.
I've really enjoyed making this site, and greatly appreciate all those who have stopped and sent me some feedback about it. Most of all, the ideas for improvements have been welcomed. I am attempting to do more research this summer. All in all, it's been a great two years. Tell a friend!

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