Greetings and welcome to my home page! I am Baron Master Oswald von dem Grunwald in the Society for Creative Anachronism - a group dedicated to the study and re-creation of all things Medieval, broadly ranging in period between approximately 500AD to 1600AD.

Some Helpful SCA Pages

Kingdom of the Eastt - the Kingdom I live in.

The Barony of Settmour Swamp - the Barony I call home in the East Kingdom.

The Gilded Pearl - a guild within the SCA dedicated to the study of the broadest scope of the Renaissance.

The War Puppies - the Household I belong to.

SCA Arts & Sciences Home Page - tons of wonderful links and information!

SCA Online Armorial - look up SCA Heraldry online!

Visit Some Talented Friends and Interesting Places

A Medieval Pavilion Building Project - check out the King Rene styles!!

Cariadoc's Miscellany - many wonderful articles by Duke Cariadoc of the Bow

Traditional Book Arts

Kingdomality - a fun, interesting and revealing personality profile test!

Baron Master Oswald von dem Grunwald

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