Patrick Lange's Website

What's New: Best and Worst Films Of 2003!

Best Movies Of 2003:

I haven't seen many films this year that deserve to be the best film of this year, but this was the only best one I've seen this year. It had great special effects, acting, and battle scenes. I thought the first Lord Of The Rings were good, but this was the best one in the series. Better than most garbage that came out this year. I can't wait for the Return Of The King Expanded Edition.

Worst Movies Of 2003

I know what you're thinking, but I didn't spend any money on this god awful movie. I take the easy way out and download this crappy movie on the internet. I wish I never did. It was a big waste of  700MB worth of hard drive space, but thank goodness I have a very fast internet connection to download it. Now let's begin... 

This was the most god awful piece of f#@!ing s&#@ movie I've ever seen!  What the fuck up with Justin? Is he a little queer or what?  Ohhhh... THE MUSIC. IT F$%ING SUCKS!!!!! That's the way I like it?!?! I don't give a f$#! what you like. Stop stinking up hollywood with crappy movies like this. Now that's the way uhh uhhh I LIKE IT! Who the hell is this gay Sideshow Bob Clone? Man HE SUCKS!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE WORST PIECE OF CRAP OF 2003. Stay Away From This Garbage at all costs!!!!!

Ashton Kutcher can't act enough said! This movie was even worse than Just Married. I thought Ashton couldn't make a movie worse than that, but he proved me wrong.

I will update this site later in 2004 (Maybe). I'm kinda getting sick of this stupid website. Goodbye for now.

Movie Archive

Last updated: 1/19/04