Andrew Glasgow's Bookmarks

This page is a highly organized, structured look into my eclectic and rather chaotic interests online. In my religion, that's a form of blasphemy (the organization, that is), but then, a little harmless blasphemy is what keeps life interesting. This is, very nearly, an exact reproduction of my bookmarks file, so IT'S THE REAL DEAL, BABY!!! Please bear in mind (or lion in mind, or tiger in mind) that I do not necessarily check these bookmarks regularly, nor are these URLs necessarily up-to-date.
|Miscellaneous|Searchers|Newspapers|Bourgoise Capitalist Running Dog Lackeys|Newsgroups|ADD sites|
|Escape Velocity|Reference sites|KALLISTI|Education|Humor|Microsuck|Software|



Fortune City
Yahoo! Chat
IRC-like chat through the web
HoTMaiL - The World's FREE Web-Based Email
My hotmail email account is


The one, the only, YAHOO!
Yahoo! Finance
Stock quotes and profile management from YAHOO!
OneLook Dictionaries, The Faster Finder
Much as the name would suggest, it's a Dictionary.
Another Search engine.
Northern Light Search
This is a new one. Seems to be a bit easier to use than most.
Big Search engine. VERY loose matches.
Web and Usenet Search engine.
Boolean Search engine.
Infoseek Guide
Another Search engine.
Another Search engine.
Another Search engine.
SHAREWARE.COM -- the way to find shareware on the Internet
Search engine for shareware programs.
Deja News
Searcher for Usenet


The New York Times on the Web
What more do you need to know?
the ONION | America's Finest News Source
Finest? Maybe not, but certainly funniest!
A local arts and culture newspaper.
INTELLICAST: Buffalo Weather
This place'll tell you whether I'm freezing, wet, too hot, etc.

Bourgois Capitalist Running-Dog Lackey Sites

THE WEB Magazine Online
I like this magazine.
Virtual Florist
No money? Then send your virtual date a virtual rose!
Expedia Travel Agent
Online Travel
Comedy Central Online
Ha HA hee giggle chuckle snort Cough! -- Whoo!
Official Star Wars Web Site: Home
Luke, I am your website. . .
Apple Computers
Defie Microsoft!
Yahoo! Finance
Where virtual capitalists make virtual money.
Ambrosia Software's home page
Macintosh shareware programs that are very cool. Books! Earth's Biggest Bookstore.
Books are cool, and this place has plenty!


Deja News

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) sites

Dave's World
A homepage of a person with ADD
Wierd name, good site.
50 Tips On The Management Of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Next: 50 tips on the management of Adult Diapers! ;-)
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity is a cool game for the Mac from Ambrosia Software.
Escape Velocity (official)
This is the REAL DEAL!
Nova's WWW Board
Nova is a game similar to EV, but networked. Too bad it's not done yet.
Bounty Plus -- an Escape Velocity Plugin
MY plugin for Escape Velocity!

Reference sites |Computers|Literature|Biology|Politics|

U.B. Libraries Home Page
University at Buffalo Libraries
Computers and Internet
Computer Virus Myths home page
Goodtimes doesn't exist. Email CANNOT be used to spread viruses. And other vital facts.
Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems
Utterly invaluable.
Composing Good HTML
Creating Net Sites
Literature and Language
The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges
"By this art you may contemplate the variations of the 23 letters..."
This is a gopher index of various books and documents whose full texts are available there.
Robert A. Heinlein Home Page
By general agreement, the greatest SF author who ever lived.
Life & Times: Isaac Asimov
A NYT tribute to the Good Doctor.
Biology and Paleontology
Burgess Shale fossils
Wierd Wonders of a forgotten age. . .
Vendian Animals
Even wierder wonders of an even more forgotten age.
Take the Lucy Test!
Is australopithecus aferensis an ape or a human?
Segmentation and Vertebrate Origins
Oxygen and metazoan evolution
Whassamatter? No real journal would accept your article? Oh, POOR BABY! ;-) j/k
Yahoo! - Science:Biology:Evolution
In case you haven't figured it out, I am an evolutionist.
University of California Museum of Paleontology
This site is very useful, especially the lists of taxa and geologic periods
If you're a dino and you know it clap your hands. . .
Language Research Center
These apes sure are smart! Looks like Homo sap. has some competition. . . well, maybe not.
Politics, History and Current Events
Summary of Environmental Law in North America
Grumble, grumble. . . bleeding heart tree-huggers! ;-)
The ACLU online.
Would the Real First Amendment Please Stand Up?
A libertarian (probably), conservative (possibly), crypto-fascist (just kidding) look at the true (?) nature of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Index of the Constitution
Step right up, get your constitution right here!
Free Burma Home (frame)
Myanmar News & Politics
Did you know that Burma (Myanmar) is, like many other countries, suffering under a dictatorship?
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Home Page
Power to the people, and ban the f--king bomb.

The Yugoslav Labyrinth by E. A. Hammel
The Avalon Project : Notes on the Debates in the Federal Convention



HyperDiscordia, Confusion for a New Generation
The ultimate page of Holey Chaos.
The Principia Discordia
The Epic Holey Book of the Paratheo-anametamistikhood Of Eris Esoteric (Discordianism).
Impropaganda: Zenarchy (Kerry Thornley)
ZEN is meditation. ARCHY is social order.

ZENARCHY is the social order which springs from meditation.
The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges
"By this art you may contemplate the variations of the 23 letters..."
The Library of Babble
The Total Library exists! And you thought it was just a story. . .
Discordianism, Dragonic sect
Another Page dedicated to Goddess.
Unincorporated Society of Plastic Sheep
"What the f--k" was my reaction as well.


City Honors School Homepage
My School
International Baccalaureate Organisation
My HS has it, does yours?
Cornell University Home Page
Where I'm going next year!


Application Center Menu
fastWEB Mailbox!
ExPAN Scholarship Search
SNAP CollegeEdge Scholarship
Princeton Review: College Rankings
How to find out how much your Alma Mater sucks. ;-)


Comedy Central Online
Save World Sanity!
Bill Gates is the Devil
Don't lie to yourself -- you know it's true!
Punch Bill Gates
Punch Him! PUNCH HIM!
Bill Gate$ Jokepage
How many Bill Gateses does it take to change a lightbulb? None, Microsoft just changes the industry standard to darkness.
Young Technologies - COMEDY SITE
More silly stuff.
JOKES -- warning R rated!
WARNING! These jokes are mostly about sex and may offend some readers.


Microsuck Windoze, Microsuck Wierd, Microsuck Ex-lax, Microsuck Offense, Microsuck Front Phage, Microsuck Doesn't Works, Microsuck Internet Exploder...
The MSBC Superlist of Anti-Microsoft Web Sites
Bill Gates is the Devil
As above.
Bill Gate$ Jokepage
As Above.
Punch Bill Gates
As Above.


SHAREWARE.COM -- the way to find shareware on the Internet
Search engine for shareware programs.
GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Let no man buy or sell that which is not his to own.
More funny looking typefaces than you know what to do with.
The Iconfactory: Quality Freeware Icons for Your Mac
Get of that old-fashioned hard drive icon!
POV-Ray - the Persistence of Vision Raytracer
The Ultimate rendering tool -- a bit hard to learn, though.

This work is (K) Kopyleft all rites reversed 6164 (1998) by Andrew Glasgow. For more info, go here.