Loyal Orange
Lodge #3272
Port Perry is a small Town on the shores of Lake
Scugog approximately 45 minutes north-east of Toronto, Ontario. It is a town
rich in history and culture dating back to the early 1800's of the settlement
in the new land by British subjects. The land was rich for farming and quickly
became an agricultural centre for Southern Ontario.
Canadian Orange Order was founded by British Soldiers during the War of 1812.
Port Perry received its first charter on January 29th, 1850 as
signed by Orrin M. Hayard. This lodge, LOL 223, remained active up until the
1940's when membership came to an all time low as a result of the war effort.
Most of the brethren were over seas enlisted in The Royal Canadian Armed Forces
in fighting for our rights and freedoms which is the basis of the Order and the
Canadian people. It was recommended by Right Worshipful Les Saunders that the
lodge be dissolved and that the few members left be transferred to Blackstock
Ontario LOL. This occurred in 1947. On September 15th, 1967, a
meeting was held in Oshawa Coronation Temple for the purpose of instituting a
lodge in Port Perry to be known as Centennial Loyal Orange Lodge #3272. The
name was so appropriate being this the 100th anniversary of our
country Canada. The officers which were then chosen being W.M. C.B. Hoult, D.M.
J. Foote, Chaplain E. Prentice, Rec. Sec. Barry Prentice, Treasurer A. Bailey,
Marshall W. McCartney, 1st Lecturer R. Prentice and 2nd
Lecturer W. Prentice. The presentation of the rituals, instructions,
dispensation and other lodge properties was made by the Right Worshipful
Brother Dominic DiStasi.
the LOL 3272 stands proud and strong with its membership and its involvement in
the community of Port Perry. 1997 marks the 30th anniversary of the
lodge. It lends to a great character and history in the Orange Order of Canada.
Centennial Loyal Orange Lodge Crest shows our support for the Crown, our
country Canada, the Centennial emblem honouring Canada and its 12 Provinces in
its 100th birthday in 1967 along with the formation of LOL 3272, and
King William the 3rd who fought for Civil and Religious Liberties.
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