Welcome To Matikas Magic Gest Book

barbara - 10/07/00 14:20:47
My Email:antbb
good pagelot of cool stuff keep it up antbb

Jen - 09/28/00 05:49:17
My Email:jenny0110@aol.com
Your homepage is great, mom.... I love and miss you lots.....will visit this site a lot.:):)

colm - 04/16/00 15:48:51
My URL:http:// allen @buyandsell.com
cool very different

Ben & Lisa Young - 11/03/99 14:49:16
My Email:WILLIE_PATSEY@webtv.net
A real cool looking site. When I figger out our computer we'll have banners,lnks,etc. Good job !!!

Ben & Lisa - 10/10/99 17:51:15
My Email:WILLIE_PATSEY@webtv.net
Great site! When we get a real computer we'll have to build a neat site also. E-mail us with some neat suggestions and help. I'm a real com- puter dummy ha ha.

Flying Dutchman - 09/26/99 07:13:35
My Email:dutch111@hotmail.com
hey babe! Keep looking hot! Love ya!

qpdoll - 06/23/99 09:19:52
My Email:qpdoll4554@yahoo.com
Checked out your page. Loved it. It is really nice. You put a lot of work into it. We'll start your diet tomorrow, OK?

Leslie Hope - 01/24/99 20:58:23
My Email:lahope@jps.net
Beautiful! And thanks for yr suggestion on helpful links. Lesli

Forrest - 01/10/99 17:56:55
My URL:/Heartland/flats/8841
My Email:wal98@yahoo.com
Matika, I was very impressed with your hove page ans also your writings! You are very talented! we meet playing yahoo spades and I hope we can play again soon. I really enjoyed your web site it is awesome! ! !

Edward A. Black, Sr. - 12/28/98 14:43:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com.Heartland/Bluffs/9952/
My Email:w6uyf@earthlink.net
Nice site...I like it.

Chris - 12/13/98 07:49:29
My URL:/Athens/Olympus/4471
My Email:cmjohnson19@hotmail.com
Hey Matika! what's up? haven't talked to you in a while, this is Jass' bro Burny...thougth I would drop in and see what your doing on your page..lata ~Chris~

Chris - 12/13/98 07:45:13
My URL:/Athens/Olympus/4471
My Email:cmjohnson19@hotmail.com
Hey Matika! what's up? haven't talked to you in a while, this is Jass' bro Burny...thougth I would drop in and see what your doing on your page..lata ~Chris~

10/26/98 11:20:43
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Debra Voelkel - 10/14/98 00:51:51
My Email:Voelkel@sginet.com
I browsed through your pictures of cats and eagles and thought they were beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to show your work. I found your address in my husband's shirt pocket. Hope you both have a good night at work. Fred will see you tomorrow.

Cindy - 09/25/98 08:53:54
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

bingleF - 09/06/98 13:37:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Pointe/5561
My Email:ms.bingle@philonline.com
hi Matika... I'm not sure if you do remember me *S* I know we have already met in HL but never had the chance really to know each other. I got your link from Willem's page and i thought of paying a visit coz Willem told me about you being his net sis *S* ice page... i like your stress diet recipe, but more appplicable to Willem i guess bec. i am maintaining my figure LOL. hope you would visit our site too. Mahal kita! *S*

kurt - 08/13/98 15:12:57
My Email:kejohn@cvtv.net
This poetry is far too good for Room 11.

GAT - 08/10/98 07:05:50
you've improved your page babe .... looks great

cari scribner - 08/05/98 00:18:59
My Email:scribners@kca.net
very cool web page matika from cari and tom

cari scribner - 08/05/98 00:16:44
My Email:scribners@kca.net
very cool web page makita from cari and tom

Samuel Banaga - 07/19/98 13:13:38
My URL:http://dmtc.com/
My Email:obanaga1@san.rr.com
I just wanted to say 'Mahal Kita' angel.. Philippine language Tagalog means 'I Love You' I would love it if you add it to your web page.. A gift from realquite... spades partner.. keep in touch... Mahal..

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 09:03:31
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

debby_39 - 07/03/98 05:37:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/7849
My Email:dhucks@usa.net
nice page

deedee - 06/28/98 03:14:26
My Email:j17@ici.net
cute see you in work

Leonski - 05/25/98 04:03:09
My Email:leonski@aol.com
Hi, I'll bet you never expected me to find this page did ya. Love ya leon

Burny - 05/09/98 02:34:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4471
My Email:burny4chris@geocities.com
what's up girl? I am still waiting for you to submit one of your poems to my page, I am in need of good literature.

Willem - 04/22/98 14:35:22
My URL:http://home.pi.net/~wvuyk
My Email:willem62@hotmail.com
SIS!!! I know, I know... I come regurlary on you page to see if you changed something... and always forget to sign the guestbook! I love your pages!! And you know that! We met on a poetry remember? *S* Ik hou heel veel van je zusje!! Kusje van Willem

GAT - 04/20/98 02:31:30
My Email:weber@altinet.net
Babe......I miss you so much........ ((((((((((((((((((Matika)))))))))))))))))))))) crying.....thank you for sending me your addy again on ICQ.......my computer has been down .......it's screwed up big time babe.......but I think I've got it fixxed.........bye Babe ...I still Love you and care for you alot Matika .........and if your sti l mad at me .....I will understand ........I guess..........I would like too talk too you again babe " PLEASE"........

Jasmine - 04/15/98 18:41:04
My URL:http://too cute
My Email:u know it
auntie i loved the page it was soooo correct hahahaha i am totally ur neice always solving ur problems hahahaha lov ya auntie Jasmine

Free Spirit - 03/28/98 10:53:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7412
My Email:freedomspirit@geocities.com
Nice pages!! Found your site from visiting Willems! Come and see mine and sign my book! Love the writings!! Keep up the fantastic works!

Bertie - 03/06/98 18:17:46
My URL:http://www.powernet-int.co.uk/theship
My Email:michael@theship.powernet-int.co.uk
Nice page by a nice lady

Dev/Ray - 03/04/98 21:41:53
My Email:tron.trohn@mailcity.com
WOW, Matbrat! I haven't visited your page for a long time -- it's really changed quite a bit. I like it!! *s* Very touching poetry, bebbe! Very nice! You take care and keep up the great work, Matika -- I will visit more often -- PROMISE *S* Keep well, Mat -- I'll catchya online. *hugs*

Medic - 02/22/98 03:34:23
My Email:ehubbard@rocketmail.com
I'm touched..... to be mentioned on one of your web pages..... I'm all warm inside... *s* I like your website! Just thought I'd tell you that....

Allison - 02/22/98 00:40:55
My Email:Cadajh@aol.com/
I was here didn't look at it all but know that I know how to get here I'll be badk later. (;-P```

HB a.k.. Chris - 02/07/98 15:12:50
My Email:chriss@plex.nl
Major cool pages...love you...

Ski Bum - 01/29/98 05:57:40
Very nice page. Liked it alot.

The Fox aka Deep Forest Tunes - 01/22/98 19:55:53
My Email:walidfb@cyberia.net.lb
Matika...you have a very nice H/P...You never told me you do poetry...I'm really impressed.. Keep up the good work...Hey...is there any place better than the hen house???LOL..

crissy - 01/14/98 00:18:21
My Email:cdecosta@catawba.edu
i found my way here from chris's web page...it's way cool. i'll come and visit more often now that i know how to get here...

Jamiroquai - 01/09/98 23:12:55
My Email:josephong@xtra.co.nz
Nice page Matika =) keep on the good job.

Angel_Dust - 12/30/97 12:11:21
My Email:angel_dust@mail.com
Matika......tart! hehehehe Great page! I love your poems especially "Together Still" and "Magical Flight". You've got class, lady! "Letter from a friend" stikes a chord in my heart...thank you for sharing it with us. P/S Multiple personality, huh? heheheheheh... *HUGS*

BIG SISTER- Linda - 12/24/97 14:38:09
My Email:lsgrne@infowest.com
Sis, I am very honored and thankful I have such a great sister as you...Even though in years we are far apart,TO ME, You stand alot taller in everything you do and I LOOK UP TO YOU...Love you lots...Thanks for JUST BEING MY SIS....Everyday I will be bles ed by you...

Tony - 12/21/97 15:18:24
My Email:tontrish@tik.com.au
oops sorry Luv,nearly forgot ~big hug~...your page and sentiments expressed therein are Grrrreat!!..~smile~....LOVE IT.

Driver(Tony) & Trish - 12/21/97 15:12:25
My Email:tontrish@tik.com.au
Thanks for being a part of our lives Luv,its special people like yourself that make living in this cyber-world so much easier to take.........

Dutch-Mark - 12/21/97 04:05:02
My Email:725425@ican.net
Well done Matika! I am sure I am in love everyday!!!!

Chris - 12/20/97 06:53:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4471
My Email:cjmo@pheonix.net
You do good work on your page? Is this your first one? signed Burny

Rags - 12/19/97 19:44:17
*hands clapping...in suprise, praise...and awe* *grin*

James F Waller ( Salty Dog ) - 12/19/97 17:59:35
My Email:jameswal@planttel.net
Very good Girl-- I Enjoyed your Home Page very much. Your Friend Always. Salty Dog

Shelly - 12/19/97 15:47:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9173
My Email:tjamz@rconnect.com
Love your page and thank you for thinking of me and the great things you said. WOW!! I feel so honored. Since my little helper has gone astray, I will be doing my own page please be patient as many changes will be made and will be adding you soon. Tha ks for your understanding and help and the listening ear when I needed it. Lord knows with him I needed it!!! LOL!!!

Big Bro - 12/16/97 19:53:54
My URL:http://www.infowest.com/b/bgrange
My Email:bgraqnge@infowest.com
Your Pages are looking Great. Come and visit my Home Page

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