Ph.D, Vanderbilt University (Religion) 1991
Ph.D, Southern Illinois University (Rhetoric and Philosophy of Communication) 1997
Co-Director: The BodyWorks Consultation, 1996-present
(Consulting Services for the Body You Live)
Visiting Scholar in the Women's Studies Program since 1997.
Brock University. St. Catharines, Ontario.
Courses for 1999-2000 (forthcoming)
Courses for 1998-99
Women, Men, and the Body (Winter)
The Bible and the Body (Spring Evening)
On-site Health and Disability Communication Consultant for the Movement Education Camp for Autistic Children. Co-sponsored by the Brock University Departments of Physical Education, and Athletics and Services, and the Niagara Training and Employment Agency. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. (Summer dates TBA) 1998; 18-29 August 1997.
Metaphors of Social Control in a Pentecostal Sect (with junior author, Anson Shupe).
Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1983.>
"Your Body Tells ME Stories: Living Pain, Flirting Madness, Transforming Care" (co-authored with Maureen Connolly). To appear in Narratives of Professional Helping (Disability and Diversity). Thomas Bucaro, ed. University Press: California State University. 1999.
"Implementing a Least Restrictive Environment in a Movement Education Camp for Children and Youth with Autism / PDD" (co-authored with Maureen Connolly). To appear in Bridging the Divide: Disability in the New Millennium. Disability Studies Quarterly. Dona Avery, ed. Fall 1999.
"Personal Training and Disability: A Developing Relationship." (Co-authored with Maureen Connolly). Coaching One-on-One. Newsletter of the Canadian Personal Trainers Network. Vol. 6, No. 4, 1-2. Summer 1999.
"Liminal Bodies, Medical Codes." In Semiotics 1997. Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the Semiotics Society of America. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. 1998.
"Medicalization of the Body, Feminization of Disease, Developing Regimes of Silence" (co-authored with Maureen Connolly). In Semiotics 1996. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Semiotics Society of America. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. 1997.
"Living Between the Bedrock of Disability and the Hard Place of Social Identity." To appear in The American Journal of Semiotics. Volume 15, No. 2 ("The Body as Sign"). Summer 1998 (Projected).
"Communication and Chronic Disabling Conditions." To appear in the 1996 Proceedings of the Society for Disability Studies. Lewiston, Maine: The Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Southern Maine, forthcoming.
"Health and Wholeness in Christian Traditions." In Challenge: Christian Perspectives on Social Issues. Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House. Spring, 1994.
"Bibliography of the Writings of Walter Harrelson." In Justice and the Holy: Essays in Honor of Walter Harrelson. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.
Phenomenology, Semiotics, Feminism
Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Phenomenology of Perception
_____. The Visible and the Invisible.
Julia Kristeva. New Maladies of the Soul.
Patty Lather. Getting Smart. Feminist Research and Pedagogy With/In the Postmodern.
Biblical Studies
The Bible and Culture Collective. The Postmodern Bible.
Carol Newsom and Sharon Ringe, editors. The Women's Bible
Meta-Medical Journalism
Hillary Johnson. Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic.