October 1999

I am a parent, tennis player and teacher, a weight lifter and personal trainer, a life-partner of a woman and soulmate whom I have known for almost 4 years and all of my life.

I have lived with a chronic joint and brain disease for over a decade. For the last several years, I have focused my energy and skills on developing ways the body in pain can move meaningfully through the world across the varying activities and contexts of daily living.

A Psychologist friend has told me that my educational endeavors border on "self-abusive behavior." What can I say? I'm curious. My professional work crosses the borders of disability advocacy, the philosophy of communication, and what I call affectionately, "unhealthy" biblical interpretation. For the last two and a half years, I have been teaching quietly and demurely as a part-time instructor in the Women's Studies Program at Brock University in Southern Ontario. Don't ask me about dog-sleds in Canada, however. I am a transplanted Californian who is still only just learning to speak Canadian.

Academic Website Link

(W)Riting the Body in the Wild

Email: Aporia@thesquare.com