A Virtual Home for the Body You Live
dancing diversity

What would it take for human beings to accept and embrace
all the neuromuscular

v a r i a t i o n s
our experience?


Aporetic puzzle #1: To whom does the bell of "our experience" toll?

atomAre you ready to rumble beyond your own severely able-bodied ideals? atom

Need a little aporetic support when facing too many moving parts all at the same time?
Hint #1: While there are radical and critical differences between us, all human experience
includes a variety of abilities, disabilities, and sensory dys/integrations.
Most of us learn to turn away from the actual bodies we live.
Some of us learn to live through them and embrace (within) the abyss of uncertainty.

My interests:
Rich descriptions of actual experience and semiotic codes of the body--particularly as they relate to health and disability constructions, gender attributions, life-writing in the wild, and critical explorations of the embodied speaking subject (what a mouthful--no wonder my brain is sore). These themes are driven by one curiously resistant problematic--the question at the top of this web page I have been asking myself with, as yet, no satisfactory answer. Along the way, however, I have discovered that all of us live with a variety of intersecting rhythms. I am learning to share my own bodily resonance with others in the world.
How are you (ontologically speaking)?

By the way, have you seen my mother?

  Copyright: Tom Craig, Ph.D
The BodyWorks Consultation


Last revised: 15 November 1999.

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