Essential Books for Writers
There are some books that all writers should have on their shelves. Of
course, basic grammar, style, and editing books are a "must have"
along with reference books for manuscript formats. If any writers plans on
publishing his/her work, the Writers Market is a necessity, and a literary agent
guide is a good investment if you want to use an agent. Don't forget to
look at a couple of "good vs. bad writing" books to make sure that you
are on the right track. A legal guide for writers will help you with those
contract and copyright issues. You'll need more than references, though,
if you want to make your masterpiece.
The best way to learn how to write is to read what other people have
written. It is crucial that you see what other writers in your genre have
written to assess the market and your competition. Use the search box
above to look up your genre or specific titles in which you are
interested. If you have a favorite author in your genre, pay special
attention to his/her writing style and techniques when you read his/her
work. If he/she is your favorite published author and seems to be getting
on the best seller list, there is a chance that he/she is doing something right,
so learn from him/her. Don't forget to read other genres. Sometimes
it is possible to mix genres to increase the depth of your story and reach a
wider audience.
The Elements of Grammar
Margaret D. Shertzer |
Elements of Style
William Strunk, E. B. White |
The Elements of Editing : A Modern Guide for Editors and
Arthur Plotnick |
2001 Writer's Market
: 8,000 Editors Who Buy What You Write (Writer's Market 2000)
Kirsten Holm (Editor), Donya Dickerson (Editor) |
Literary Agents : The Essential Guide for Writers
Debby Mayer, Adam Literary Agents Begley, Poets, Inc Writers |
Novel & Short Story Writer's Market...
by Barbara Kurfoff (Editor) |
Writer's & Illustrator's
Market by Alice Pope (Editor)
How to Write Attention-Grabbing Query & Cover Letters
John Wood |
Every Page Perfect : A Full-Size Writer's Manual for Manuscript Format and Submission Protocol
by Mary Lynn |
How to Write a Selling Screenplay
by Christopher Keane, Julius Epstein |
100 Ways to Improve Your Writing
by Gary Provost, Gray Provost |
100 Things Every Writer Needs to Know
by Scott Edelstein (Introduction) |
The Writer's Legal Companion : The Complete Handbook for the Working Writer
by Brad Bunnin, Peter Beren |