judy jones - 09/08/99 12:30:06 | Comments: |
judy jones - 08/05/99 13:09:41 | Comments: |
Walker Biggs - 04/09/99 20:41:04 | Comments: The new design looks great. Thank you for your dedication and time. Keep up the good work. Walker |
David J. Pate - 04/08/99 18:39:45 My Email:PateD@UNCW.EDU | Comments: Sherri- The web site looks great; truly a model for others to follow! |
doug,lisa snd nichole - 02/04/99 18:09:32 | Comments: Hey guys how are you? Good job sherri,,,,,,, doug,lisa and nichole |
judy jones - 12/14/98 20:43:27 | Comments: Liked the first page. My first time here. Hope i find something interesting. Thanks so much for such a good job. judy |
Ray Kling - 12/03/98 21:38:44 My Email:rkling@nhes.state.nh.us | Comments: I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends and their family's in the great state of North Carolina a very Happy Holiday Season, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Look forward to seeing many of you in Providence in June of 99. I also w uld appreciate your support and your vote to be your next IAPES International Vice-President Ray Kling |
Alice - 11/30/98 13:14:24 My Email:im4gg@aol.com | Comments: Season Greetings to you too - great midi and love the deer - and made a copy of him - you have made my online card a bit easier - An online friend of the Neville's (keep up the good work kiddos! {{{}}}}'s Alice |
Bob Babcock - 11/20/98 22:25:01 My Email:Robert1628@aol.com | Comments: Hi, What a pleasant surprise when I plugged into your web site. I enjoyed the Christmas music and the content of your page. Linda tell me more about your "VA Hospital book drive." Bob Babcock, Chapter Historian |
Alfreda Williamson - 06/10/98 13:10:00 | Comments: It's nice. |
MOM & DAD - 06/05/98 23:59:55 My Email:larannreed@worldnet.att.net | Comments: Great job Sherri. The fireworks were super. |
Saverio Hagood - 04/11/98 15:10:06 My Email:sxhagood@aol.com | Comments: Great looking site guys. Visit the sciapes homepage, also on GEOCITIES. We are just getting started. Keep up the good work. If possible visit us at the SC Annual Institute in beautiful North Charleston at the Hilton. Email me if you would like additional info. Saverio Hagood Chapter Pres. SC |
Sherry Cash - 04/02/98 13:10:01 My Email:stcash@hotmail.com | Comments: Well done,as usual! Thanks for being part of my "team" this year. |
Judy Garcia - 03/30/98 15:40:37 My Email:jgarcia@allwest.net | Comments: Just checking out your site. Utah Chapter is working on developing a web site and I wanted to see what other chapters were doing. Looks good! |