Hermer's Homepage
R. Kipling

" He that traveleth into a country
before he hath some entrance into the language,

goeth to school , not to travel. "
Francis Bacon
French language training

Topics/links to French resources and France or French related subjects :
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As you can see I am interested in languages.

No wonder! I run a small - but exclusive - language school for Top people in Nice , the beautiful and cosmopolitan capital of the French Riviera .

We specialize in
intensive French language training for adults

with high demands on standards and efficiency.

Do you want to know more about our LANGUAGE STUDIO ? In English ? In German ?

I am also an interpreter, translator and consultant for international communication and business relations and work often as a commissioned negotiator or liaison for third parties in Europe and overseas.
I enjoy different cultures, people, languages, new horizons, traveling and much more and consider Internet/WWW as a most interesting and fascinating tool for living some of my hobbies. By the way, I am a not too bad chess player and always looking for a Cyber partner.

French language training

And you too are interested in languages, especially in the French language! Over and above that, we must have a lot of things in common! Our tastes and inclinations can not differ very much! Otherwise I wouldn't have the pleasure to welcome you on my site. It flatters me! Thank you!

You must be a great travel companion too. Curious, open-minded, intelligent and a bit adventurous!
How do I know? ...
I told you. The things we have in common - besides our modesty!

But we lose time. Let's take off to our virtual journey. Together we will explore the Net and learn about France, the French people, the French language. We will speak about history, philosophy, linguistics (applied!) and ... French cooking, French wine and French cheese!
And ...? Yes! Too! Sometimes - a bit - when it's necessary - in the context!
We will discover Provence and the French Riviera, will go to quiet places, hidden marvels and will also get stuck on some "race tracks" for tourists.
(Why not. Can be quite amusing - sometimes!)
We can also speak about business. Yours and mine. But only if you want so! And only "the French Way" - ŕ table!
My business links are easy to find (you will not miss them, believe me!!) and rather quick loading (at least I hope so!!). Some other links could take us to very slow loading sites, but we won't lose patience (Isn't it one of our common virtues!). Other sites will be quite erudite, some only beautiful and others again useful, instructive, impressive or simply touching.
And some are ......! But I did not include them, though they are very interesting. But, as I don't know you ...... . Yet!
" Quoique..... ! " ....for French studies only! Shure! We believe it! You don't think any longer that Crazy Horse is only an Indian warrior's name! Do you?...
Where have you been? I thought, that I hadalready lost your company!

But you are right! The Web is fascinating (*) and one gets easily lost in its endless meanders, jumping around the world.
Therefore: Don't forget your browser's "back" button, to see me again . I do not want to lose too rapidly your agreeable company !

* In French this kind of statement is called "une vérite de La Palice" or " une lapalissade", but you can also use "truisme" -when you pronounce it correctly, and ... its masculine, but that's evident ! Isn't it?

Now, thank you again for being my guest! Let's take off and follow the links! And ...
don't get caught in the Web!

Site Navigation Map

Französisch lernen

Learn & practice French on the Net : Free lessons- Grammar - Vocabulary - Exercices -Tests and Quizzes - "Practice" your French! - Listen to French! - Read French! -Learn French! - Dictionaries - French resources - L inks/sites
About the French language and foreign language learning in general. (More or less serious!)
About the French language and its history
Going places : France - Provence - French Riviera - Nice. Hints and Tips
" ŕ table! " : French Cuisine - French Wines - French Cheese - Receipts - "Do's & Don'ts" - Hints and Tips
Hermer's French Page
English ˇ Deutsch

My "French Conncetion Collection - How to be obnoxious in French

Französisch lernen

Gerd F. Hermer
3, rue Galléan

Tel.: +(33) 0493 13 90 47
Fax: +(33) 0493 62 99 82

e-mail : hermer@teleriviera.fr

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