My name is Nancy Campbell and I am Earl and Grace Tidd's daughter. I am 42 years old and have two sons. Over the years I have heard a lot about you from Mom. You know my Dad, he doesn't talk too much about when he was a boy growing up. Mom sent me the pictures you gave her, it is so hard to imagine Dad as a young man. The pictures you sent her were the first ones I have ever seen of my Great Grand parents. Thank you so much. If you have a picture of my Grand parents or know who has one I would really appreciate it.
Here are some pictures of myself and of Earl. He has changed a little since you have seen him last. But he is the best Dad anyone could have. I am trying to talk Dad into going back to Ill. and show me where he lived but he can be kind of stubborn. The only side of the family on Dad's side that I have met was his half sister Marge.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and hope fully all is going well with you.
Thank you again for the pictures and hope to one day be able to meet you.