Do you have photos shoved in albums, envelopes and shoeboxes? Do you have every humiliating, embarrassing and degrading moment of your family and friends caught on film? Do you have stacks of overly sentimental photos of the same people over and over and over or stacks of photos with people you can't even identify anymore? I did and I did something about it! I started The Carter Family Photo Album? Yes, here is where I post egotistical photos of myself, overly cute photos of my baby boy, embarrassing photos of anyone else I know and a few mystery photos thrown in. If you can help identify any of the people listed as unknown, Email me. If you have photos you don't want the world to see.....pray I don't find them first. Of course, any photos posted here can be removed for a small "contribution" to my personal well being. (Contributions must be in unmarked US Dollars of small denominations.)



Colfax Crowd: Here's an old photo of several people standing in front of the 3rd school building in Colfax. I've only been able to identify a couple of the people in the photo but I can tell you that the school builidng was built in 1905 and by 1955 it was being used as the junior high and grade school classes.

PaulC1.jpg: Paul Carter, my cousin who died in 1974. I was only 4 then and I don't even remember him.

NetaJ1.jpg: Neta Fern (Johnson) Wagoner holding an unidentified baby.

Hoover.JPG: Lionel and Irma's 1997 Hoover ad which was placed on the back cover of a few national magazines, including Bride.

LnL.JPG: Leslie Albert Burk & Leona Wagoner at his 83rd Birthday (1-6-95).

cart.JPG: This is the photo I use on my index page. The back of this photo simply says "Vince" or "Vinie, with no hint about who he is or where it was taken.

5885.JPG: An old photo of Irene Carter holding an unidentified baby. This photo dosen't have much historical value but I'm putting it here just because it's such a well done photo.

HomerC.jpg: Here's a photo of Homer, Irene, Helen and George Carter in an old family photo. Lionel Carter gave me this photo in 2000 and it was the 1st time I ever remember seeing a photo of my Grandfather Homer Carter. I was later told that this photo of the Carter family hung in my own house when I was a kid but I sure don't remember it.

Lionel.JPG: Here's a photo of Lionel Carter in his WWII uniform (112th Cavalry). This photo was taken at the 1998 4th of July Parade in Evanston, IL. Lionel's unit won 1st place for best marching unit for the 5th time in 7 years.

Pohot 1: L-R Helen (Carter) Andreae, Irene (Wagoner) Carter, Lionel Carter and David D. Carter.

Pohot 2: George L. Carter and Lionel's wife Irma (Matthes) Carter. Notice Irma's Evanston shirt. Her and Lionel have lived in Evanston as long as I can remember. I think this year they wore matching shirts to the reunion.

Pohot 3: A rather fuzzy photo of Lionel and Irma (Matthes) Carter. This is one of several images taken from Polaroid photos.

Pohot 4:

Pohot 5:

Pohot 6:

Pohot 7:

Pohot 8:

Pohot 9: L-R Lisa Carter, Irene (Wagoner) Carter, George L. Carter, Becky Carter, Vicki Carter. The person bent over in front of George and the person cut off on the far right side aren't identified.

Pohot 10: Another fuzzy Polaroid. I think this is Lionel trying to hide behind this camera but I won't swear to it.

Pohot 11:

Pohot 12: L-R Judy (Wheeler) Carter, Shirley (Cozad) Carter, Irene (Wagoner) Carter is standing beside George L. Carter, you can just see the top of Duane Carter's head and on the far right is Helen (Carter) Andreae.

Pohot 13:

Pohot 14:

Pohot 15:

Pohot 17:

Pohot 18:

Pohot 19:

Pohot 20:

Pohot 21:

Pohot 22:

Pohot 23: L-R Judy (Wheeler) Carter is just visible on the far left, then Duane R. Carter and his sister Helen (Carter) Andreae.

Pohot 24:

Pohot 25:

Pohot 26:

Pohot 27:

Pohot 28:

Pohot 29:

Pohot 30:

Pohot 31:

Last updated 8-21-01
Created by Mark Carter